Marjorie Taylor Greene says we should pull out of NATO

I can see her rationale, but let me drop a reality bomb here.

America right now, under our current leadership, is weak. If we pull out of NATO, JUST TO AVOID a war with Russia, that comes off as so weak, so terrified, that Russia can roll over us and leave us in the dust of history, while Russia surges forward as the new world superpower.

The only reason Russia hasn't done it yet, is because they are still afraid of us to the point that they won't make a war with us.

So yes, avoid a war with Russia, but no, do not pull out of NATO and look like a pussy.
The nations founding fathers expressly warned us not to get involved in foreign entanglements.
NATO is the worst kind of foreign entanglement, and does nothing but cost the taxpayer money, and gets us involved in European countries problems they need to solve themselves. ... :cool:

Those European problems can easily become American problems, if not kept in check.
Those European problems can easily become American problems, if not kept in check.
The wars and various problems between European countries has been going on for centuries, with no end in sight.
America got involved in their nonsense three times in the last century, ww1 and ww2 and Kosovo.
Now they are at each others throat again over Ukraine.
It's time to just say, "Your continent, you fix it", and withdraw our troops and shut down all the US military bases.
Those European problems can easily become American problems, if not kept in check.
Poootin's greatest objective is to weaken NATO. trump tried hard to do just that for four years. Now the other repub leg humpers are picking up the Poootin flag. Why is the repub party becoming so anti-American?
I can see her rationale, but let me drop a reality bomb here.

America right now, under our current leadership, is weak. If we pull out of NATO, JUST TO AVOID a war with Russia, that comes off as so weak, so terrified, that Russia can roll over us and leave us in the dust of history, while Russia surges forward as the new world superpower.

The only reason Russia hasn't done it yet, is because they are still afraid of us to the point that they won't make a war with us.

So yes, avoid a war with Russia, but no, do not pull out of NATO and look like a pussy.
If we pulled out of NATO, I beleive Putin would overrun Europe by threatening the nations with nuclear destruction. He might leave the UK and France alone as they have nukes.
The wars and various problems between European countries has been going on for centuries, with no end in sight.
America got involved in their nonsense three times in the last century, ww1 and ww2 and Kosovo.
Now they are at each others throat again over Ukraine.
It's time to just say, "Your continent, you fix it", and withdraw our troops and shut down all the US military bases.

It all sounds great, but let's face it, the U.S. and NATO is the only thing keeping Russia from pushing west, and accomplishing what they've wanted since 1917: A U.S.S.R. of all Europe.

Our economy depends on those European nations. Our foreign relations would be non-existent in a soviet Europe. A new U.S.S.R. Would put us in a constant state of "war at any moment", a new cold war. Nipping this shit in the bud is the only thing we can do.
It all sounds great, but let's face it, the U.S. and NATO is the only thing keeping Russia from pushing west, and accomplishing what they've wanted since 1917: A U.S.S.R. of all Europe.

Our economy depends on those European nations. Our foreign relations would be non-existent in a soviet Europe. A new U.S.S.R. Would put us in a constant state of "war at any moment", a new cold war. Nipping this shit in the bud is the only thing we can do.
Poootin has this sick goal of restoring the old USSR. But he will not stop there, if he is successful in the former Soviet satellite countries. He could make Hitler look like a Boy Scout if he is not stopped. I don't understand the people in the repub party who appear to be supporting MTG and Carlson.
It all sounds great, but let's face it, the U.S. and NATO is the only thing keeping Russia from pushing west, and accomplishing what they've wanted since 1917: A U.S.S.R. of all Europe. Our economy depends on those European nations. Our foreign relations would be non-existent in a soviet Europe. A new U.S.S.R. Would put us in a constant state of "war at any moment", a new cold war. Nipping this shit in the bud is the only thing we can do.
There isn't any USSR and Russia's citizens and government have totally rejected communism.
So your entire post is pure nonsense. .... :cuckoo:
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