Medicare for all would save $450 billion and 68,000 lives every year.

Common sense and most of all experience .

Not really.
Government does pretty good at transportation, schools, fire fighting, police, defense, and used to do well at health care before the insurance companies took over.
You seriously trying to invoke the military as an example of gubmint efficiency, cost effectiveness, and generally not fucking things up?!?

Damn, you liberoidals are dumb as a bag of hammers.
The land of the $500 hammer is their ideal.

Read this article this morning and did the simple math, as I am a simple kinda guy.
Marines are willing to pay $16,000 dollars per sniper rilfe...
But worse yet, the Army is going to pay almost 19k per rifle.
This is just a simple part of the problem. I'm betting a per piece price could be found for something that already exist, somewhere, yet here we are, as tax payers, paying this much for "R&D" yet we could find it somewhere else for far less.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the best equipment for our warfighters, but skydaddy damnit, whose in charge of procurement and how do they justify a $19,000 dollar price tag?
I could only imagine what they can do with the average Joe and Jane and their "health care."
Sniper rifles aren't ordinary rifles, so that price might not be out of line. However, many things in the military are grossly overpriced, like the F35 fighter - $115 million a copy.
Agreed, and that's the point.
Military hardware, in my humble opinion, is an example, a symptom, if you will, of the governments inability to control cost. I cannot see any way, shape, form nor fashion where a single payer, government run system would not be subject to the greed and corruption of the human animal. Rifles in the 16k to 19k range.... Physicals in the 4k to 5k range for "maintenance" of good health....
Nothing the government has their hands in has gone the way "they" said it would... Social Security, Medicare, hell, even the post office. I don't want nor need them any further into anything else regarding my life or those I love.
And Doctors will be paid minimum wage, ambulance chasers will vanish, college education will be free, taught by minimum wage professors, and everyone will live happily ever after. Nice fairy tail.
Common sense and most of all experience .

Not really.
Government does pretty good at transportation, schools, fire fighting, police, defense, and used to do well at health care before the insurance companies took over.
You seriously trying to invoke the military as an example of gubmint efficiency, cost effectiveness, and generally not fucking things up?!?

Damn, you liberoidals are dumb as a bag of hammers.
The land of the $500 hammer is their ideal.

Read this article this morning and did the simple math, as I am a simple kinda guy.
Marines are willing to pay $16,000 dollars per sniper rilfe...
But worse yet, the Army is going to pay almost 19k per rifle.
This is just a simple part of the problem. I'm betting a per piece price could be found for something that already exist, somewhere, yet here we are, as tax payers, paying this much for "R&D" yet we could find it somewhere else for far less.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the best equipment for our warfighters, but skydaddy damnit, whose in charge of procurement and how do they justify a $19,000 dollar price tag?
I could only imagine what they can do with the average Joe and Jane and their "health care."
Sniper rifles aren't ordinary rifles, so that price might not be out of line. However, many things in the military are grossly overpriced, like the F35 fighter - $115 million a copy.

To be that far out of the ordinary they'd have to be fully operational phasers from Star Trek, particle beam weapons or some silly shit.
It is evident without conducting studies that universal health care will save on administration costs and the savings are costed at up to $ 2 trillion in some studies.

^^^^ Winner of the Stupidest Statement of the Month. .. :thup: . :lol: :lol:

Are you relinquishing your title?
The CBO report said the ACA reduced the budget deficit by $143 billion between 2010 and 2019. In the 10 years after Obamacare compared to the 10 years before Obamacare, the average yearly increase in healthcare cost dropped form 6.5%/yr to 4.2%/yr. The increases in insurance cost was due to more services being preformed.
Who Really Pays for Obamacare?
See for Yourself If Obamacare Increased Health Care Costs
Not really.
Government does pretty good at transportation, schools, fire fighting, police, defense, and used to do well at health care before the insurance companies took over.
You seriously trying to invoke the military as an example of gubmint efficiency, cost effectiveness, and generally not fucking things up?!?

Damn, you liberoidals are dumb as a bag of hammers.
The land of the $500 hammer is their ideal.

Read this article this morning and did the simple math, as I am a simple kinda guy.
Marines are willing to pay $16,000 dollars per sniper rilfe...
But worse yet, the Army is going to pay almost 19k per rifle.
This is just a simple part of the problem. I'm betting a per piece price could be found for something that already exist, somewhere, yet here we are, as tax payers, paying this much for "R&D" yet we could find it somewhere else for far less.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the best equipment for our warfighters, but skydaddy damnit, whose in charge of procurement and how do they justify a $19,000 dollar price tag?
I could only imagine what they can do with the average Joe and Jane and their "health care."
Sniper rifles aren't ordinary rifles, so that price might not be out of line. However, many things in the military are grossly overpriced, like the F35 fighter - $115 million a copy.

To be that far out of the ordinary they'd have to be fully operational phasers from Star Trek, particle beam weapons or some silly shit.
No, not really. They are machined to much higher tolerances to make them accurate at long distances. However, they could probably be produced for half that price if it wasn't for the military procurement process. In addition, the number produced is quite small, and small production runs have a dramatic effect on costs.
It is evident without conducting studies that universal health care will save on administration costs and the savings are costed at up to $ 2 trillion in some studies.

^^^^ Winner of the Stupidest Statement of the Month. .. :thup: . :lol: :lol:

Are you relinquishing your title?
The CBO report said the ACA reduced the budget deficit by $143 billion between 2010 and 2019. In the 10 years after Obamacare compared to the 10 years before Obamacare, the average yearly increase in healthcare cost dropped form 6.5%/yr to 4.2%/yr. The increases in insurance cost was due to more services being preformed.
Who Really Pays for Obamacare?
See for Yourself If Obamacare Increased Health Care Costs
That's bullshit, of course. ACA increased the budget deficit.
How are they "vultures?"
If you believe the thread title, then they're indirectly responsible for
70,000 deaths a year, for one thing and they're getting rich off of people being sick.
How are the responsible for 70,000 deaths a year?
The overall cost of the system they perpetuate. Those are all insurance providers and if you look at each one, they're probably owned by much larger entities...even foreign entities and other countries like France , Saudi Arabia and China.
How are they "vultures?"
If you believe the thread title, then they're indirectly responsible for
70,000 deaths a year, for one thing and they're getting rich off of people being sick.
How are the responsible for 70,000 deaths a year?
The overall cost of the system they perpetuate. Those are all insurance providers and if you look at each one, they're probably owned by much larger entities...even foreign entities and other countries like France , Saudi Arabia and China.
You haven't shown the connection. The insurance companies aren't to blame for the cost of our "system." The government is.
You haven't shown the connection. The insurance companies aren't to blame for the cost of our "system." The government is.
The government is responsible BECAUSE the corrupt politicians are owned by them through a system of legal bribery. No it isn't solely the insurance companies---it's Big Pharm, the FDA, the AMA and the multi-conglomerate of publicly traded companies they're all connected to.
It's hard to agree with Bernie and the Democrats on many things these days, but universal healthcare and eliminating the health insurance racket has always been one I've been on board with.

Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan would save the country about $450 billion a year on total health care spending while preventing nearly 70,000 deaths, according to a study published over the weekend in The Lancet.

In the analysis, a team of epidemiologists led by Alison P. Galvani of the Yale School of Public Health applied the provisions of Sanders’ plan to real-world spending in the U.S. in 2017. They concluded that Medicare for All would have cost just over $3 trillion that year, or $458 billion less than the actual total. The analysis found that per capita costs would decline, resulting in lower costs overall, even with millions more people covered. And providing universal coverage would save 68,531 lives per year, the researchers.

Medicare for All Would Save $450 Billion and 68,000 Lives: Study

A voice of reason from the true friend Lee Camp.

You haven't shown the connection. The insurance companies aren't to blame for the cost of our "system." The government is.
The government is responsible BECAUSE the corrupt politicians are owned by them through a system of legal bribery. No it isn't solely the insurance companies---it's Big Pharm, the FDA, the AMA and the multi-conglomerate of publicly traded companies they're all connected to.
I agree that the FDA and the AMA share a lot of the blame. Even the insurance companies deserve a little of the blame. But most of the blame belongs to government programs and government regulations that drive up the cost of medical care.
they already do and they're telling us we don't have any rights to health care and if we do it's really expensive because lobbyists. My father was a doctor who was for socialized medicine since 1940. All the other doctors are staunch Republicans and greedy doctors... They will survive just fine and we'll all have any mountain of paperwork at all anymore.the whole thing is just horribly intelligent so it's hard for Republicans to understand LOL. Like Canada but with millions of MRI machines etc etc
You’re making more sense that franks with fries.
And the code is only known to me. It makes absolutely NO sense, but that's the point.......
Every other modern country has healthcare for all and they don't have mountains of insurance papers for doctors to fill out. That's why their healthcare is better than ours and costs 2/3 as much. Not because of brainwashed idiots like you
They also severely limit malpractice claims.
That is only 2% of health Care cost. And I would like to link to that.
The term "Medicare for All" is a partisan LIE.

The full Medicare system has a significant and key free market component in the form of Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage Plans and Prescription Drug Plans. And it's very popular.

This would not be allowed in Sanders' plan. He wants PURE SINGLE PAYER. So this is a partisan LIE.
You haven't shown the connection. The insurance companies aren't to blame for the cost of our "system." The government is.
The government is responsible BECAUSE the corrupt politicians are owned by them through a system of legal bribery. No it isn't solely the insurance companies---it's Big Pharm, the FDA, the AMA and the multi-conglomerate of publicly traded companies they're all connected to.
I agree that the FDA and the AMA share a lot of the blame. Even the insurance companies deserve a little of the blame. But most of the blame belongs to government programs and government regulations that drive up the cost of medical care.
Bologna. Insurance costs big pharma Hospital ridiculous costs doctor high costs- costs are the problem. Lack of regulation transparency competition and the chaos of the GOP scam system we're trying to reform....
You haven't shown the connection. The insurance companies aren't to blame for the cost of our "system." The government is.
The government is responsible BECAUSE the corrupt politicians are owned by them through a system of legal bribery. No it isn't solely the insurance companies---it's Big Pharm, the FDA, the AMA and the multi-conglomerate of publicly traded companies they're all connected to.
I agree that the FDA and the AMA share a lot of the blame. Even the insurance companies deserve a little of the blame. But most of the blame belongs to government programs and government regulations that drive up the cost of medical care.
Bologna. Insurance costs big pharma Hospital ridiculous costs doctor high costs- costs are the problem. Lack of regulation transparency competition and the chaos of the GOP scam system we're trying to reform....
And foreign wars. We wouldn't even need a VA anymore if we'd stopped going to war 70 years ago. The last remaining war veterans would have kicked the bucket by now.

You didn't get the memo that gubmint monopolies are totally cheap and deliver the bestest products and service evah?

As long as Donald Trump and his spawn are not shoveling taxpayer money into their pockets.
Still not an answer the original question.

  1. The military
  2. Police
  3. DOJ
  4. Firefighters
In actual fact, a government monopoly over health could foster competition among hospitals for customers which does not happen now.

In a monopolistic healthcare situation, the monopoly could divert patients to the lowest cost medical services providers and could evidently strongly influence the cost of drugs.
Medicare for all means all of Mexico. It saves money because care is rationed. Reasons are manufactured to deny medical care. Old, unhealthy life style. No medical care. Now medical care is used for social programming. No medical care for racists or those who aren't gay. Eventually medical care is reserved for party loyalists.

Worse though is the persecution and imprisonment of doctors. All doctors are government employees. What happens to a doctor that treats someone previously denied care and gets paid for it?

This is the march to communism.

Comrade Donald Trump is your Judas goat. Stop bleating and go quietly.
You haven't shown the connection. The insurance companies aren't to blame for the cost of our "system." The government is.
The government is responsible BECAUSE the corrupt politicians are owned by them through a system of legal bribery. No it isn't solely the insurance companies---it's Big Pharm, the FDA, the AMA and the multi-conglomerate of publicly traded companies they're all connected to.
I agree that the FDA and the AMA share a lot of the blame. Even the insurance companies deserve a little of the blame. But most of the blame belongs to government programs and government regulations that drive up the cost of medical care.
Bologna. Insurance costs big pharma Hospital ridiculous costs doctor high costs- costs are the problem. Lack of regulation transparency competition and the chaos of the GOP scam system we're trying to reform....
All those things cost a lot because the government makes them expensive.
You haven't shown the connection. The insurance companies aren't to blame for the cost of our "system." The government is.
The government is responsible BECAUSE the corrupt politicians are owned by them through a system of legal bribery. No it isn't solely the insurance companies---it's Big Pharm, the FDA, the AMA and the multi-conglomerate of publicly traded companies they're all connected to.
I agree that the FDA and the AMA share a lot of the blame. Even the insurance companies deserve a little of the blame. But most of the blame belongs to government programs and government regulations that drive up the cost of medical care.
Bologna. Insurance costs big pharma Hospital ridiculous costs doctor high costs- costs are the problem. Lack of regulation transparency competition and the chaos of the GOP scam system we're trying to reform....

All those things cost a lot because the government makes them expensive.

High prices in the medical industry are due to collusion where all the colluders increase their profits from rising prices.

There is no competition in medical services.

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