Media Vignette: Krige-Valerian


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-culture society-vignette 'celebrity-culture' fan-fic inspired by the films Up Close and Personal and Bulworth.



Actress Alice Krige (Star Trek: First Contact) was interested in the marketing and media hyping of a movie-industry fan-fic of Valerian posted on USMB by user 'Abishai.' Krige liked how it captured a general social fascination with self-promoting pro-populism in modern Internet media//forums. Krige wanted to present the 'pedestrian-post' at a Yale University Literature Symposium on links between James Joyce and Ian Fleming. It was sort of a charity-event too, since user 'Abishai' turned out to be a drug-addict (in need of social help!).


What Krige did not realize was, the user 'Abishai' was a delusional crazy who believed he was the prophet of Abraham here to clean up the world with stick-figure low-brow homemade daydream art! Abishai wanted to use his comics, now popularized by Yale academics and crowds, to hype populism agendas for social revolution in this new age of 'TrumpUSA' madness --- hurricanes, North Korean nuclear missiles firing, the general 'fume' of corporate corruption, mismanagement by local governments. Ironically, Abishai's little 'deeds' ended up affecting the way people contemplated 'yellow journalism.'




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