Media Sleeps On The Job Sometimes!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Sometimes the media misses on its job to see that the government in Washington is working in the best manner for the American people. In the media they have been playing it like a JAWS movie with the background music for a scene where the man-eating shark is about to attack a person on the issue of will the House pass the Bi-partisan Infrastructure bill that increases government spending by $550 billion on infrastructure which the country desperately needs. The Speaker of the House has drawn a line in the sand "no" vote in the House for the Infrastructure Bill until the Senate passes the $3.5 trillion Budget Blueprint Reconciliation bill this appears to be a big deal because centrist Democrats to their great credit are saying wait-up here this price tag is too expensive. The media is playing this like who will win this game of chicken Pelosi and the House Progressives or the large scale bi-partisan support for the infrastructure bill in the country. What gets me is why the media isn't asking the question why does the country have to fight World War III over passage of the infrastructure bill at the current time. By this I mean this $3.5 Budget Blueprint Reconciliation bill is exactly that a Budget Blueprint it doesn't appropriate one dime of money nor does it increase any individual or corporate taxes by one dime it is a budget plan like a corporate plan, corporations often come out with plans for investors that their capital expenditures over the next five year will be A,B,C,D,E for the respective year but that doesn't involve that the board of directors actually approved such capital expenditures, sometimes the actual expenditure is less based on the circumstances at the time of the voting on the budget. I don't know why the Democrat moderates don't side-step this fight by saying to the Progressives we will vote for your $3.5 trillion Budget Blueprint bill because we believe a lot in it is good public policy like the $3000 child tax credit, the childcare credit and the family leave provisions, etc., etc., etc. but a lot of what you planning to do is crazy extremists policies that we will have no part of but we will fight that out on another day when you have a firm bill that appropriates money and raises taxes so we can debate the ramifications of your specific provisions in your bill and formulate an actual bill that won't harm America and we can vote for!

Another thing I don't understand about the media is on this issue of certain states that have banned their school districts from requiring masks be worn in the schools. with the Delta strain of the corona virus America is currently experiencing a surge of Covid 19 cases, a hundred thousand new cases a day and three hundred to seven hundred deaths per day. America is still in a Coronavirus Pandemic "crisis" these state governments are total imbeciles in meaningful numbers of cases their policies are going to result in little Johnny and little Marie getting Covid 19 at school and bringing it back home and spreading it to Mom or Dad and resulting in Mom or Dad dying from this disease leaving these children with the lifelong burden of knowing they are responsible for killing Mom or Dad that is incredibly jerky for these elected officials to promulgate this irresponsible policy. What I don't understand is why the media isn't asking the question that in America Federal Law trumps State Law, it is stare decisis law in America, it is etched in stone; why isn't the CDC promulgating directives or the White House issuing executive orders trumping these stupid state laws and giving school districts in these irresponsible states the power to protect children with mask mandates.
The house can whine and cry all it wants. The Senate operates under different rules and they had to clear this off the books in order to move forward with whatever their next flight of fancy is going to be. A filibuster on 1 bill shuts down the entire Senate. It is why they take serious threats of one seriously.

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