Media coverage of Trump's McCain war-service Neutron Bomb

How anyone can continue to support Trump is puzzling

I think Trump is the manifestation of the White Male Electorate who watches their economic situation continue to decline. Trump gives them someone to blame.

Yes, these statements SHOULD be the end of him, but they probably won't be. No one is particularly invested in John McCain at this point. He might as well have insulted Wendell Wilkie
It will all be old news by the middle of the week. Sad thing McCain was a hero, then he became a politician, kind of tarnished that sterling image.
Trump will be old news by the middle of the week

He should be. That's for sure. But he knows how to stay front and center in the news and will keep right on saying ridiculous things to stay there.

Trump believes that just because he was born with a silver buttplug up his ass he has a right to insult anyone he feels like disrespecting.

The rift has opened and if it continues the GOP might have to deal with a 3rd party contender in 2016 because telling Donald T Rump to shut up isn't going to end well.
A myth?

I'll take this mans word over yours on that subject.

I find it amusing that they score this film with "Fanfare for the Common Man", written by Aaron Copland, who was blacklisted as a communist in the 1950's...

But never mind.

Spitting on soldiers didn't happen. It's why the newspapers in the 1970's weren't filled with "Hippie in critical condition in local hospital" stories.
Probably won't effect Trump's standing, because most of the Mouth Breathers in the GOP base have never forgiven McCain for 1) Challenging Bush, 2) Proposing Amnesty and 3) Losing to Obama.


The rabid rightwankers hated McCain so they will probably continue to support Donald T Rump. He will probably lose his frontrunner status but I don't see him being eliminated before the 1st debate.

I'm sorry....but if I was a Republican candidate, I would refuse to be on the same stage as Trump regardless of his polling

They need to make it clear Trump has no place in their party

That would take political courage.

How many of them do you think have the kind of balls it takes to pass on a national stage for the primary purely on a matter of principle?
Trump misspoke, you have to understand his remarks in context.

they know what he meant. Every week they have been trying to DESTROY HIM. I believe all they're doing is making him stronger in a lot the people eyes. they are SICK AND TIRED of these baseless attacks on everything he says

McCain needs to stop taking orders from Soros and the Progressives News Boston Globe Opinion Op-ed Debunking a spitting image

STORIES ABOUT spat-upon Vietnam veterans are like mercury: Smash one and six more appear. It's hard to say where they come from. For a book I wrote in 1998 I looked back to the time when the spit was supposedly flying, the late 1960s and early 1970s. I found nothing. No news reports or even claims that someone was being spat on.


What I did find is that around 1980, scores of Vietnam-generation men were saying they were greeted by spitters when they came home from Vietnam. There is an element of urban legend in the stories in that their point of origin in time and place is obscure, and, yet, they have very similar details. The story told by the man who spat on Jane Fonda at a book signing in Kansas City recently is typical. Michael Smith said he came back through Los Angeles airport where ''people were lined up to spit on us."

Like many stories of the spat-upon veteran genre, Smith's lacks credulity. GIs landed at military airbases, not civilian airports, and protesters could not have gotten onto the bases and anywhere near deplaning troops. There may have been exceptions, of course, but in those cases how would protesters have known in advance that a plane was being diverted to a civilian site? And even then, returnees would have been immediately bused to nearby military installations and processed for reassignment or discharge.
A myth?

I'll take this mans word over yours on that subject.

I find it amusing that they score this film with "Fanfare for the Common Man", written by Aaron Copland, who was blacklisted as a communist in the 1950's...

But never mind.

Spitting on soldiers didn't happen. It's why the newspapers in the 1970's weren't filled with "Hippie in critical condition in local hospital" stories.

The Medal of Honor says you're a liar.
Meanwhile the kenyan muslim in the white house lit it up like a faggot billboard, and the empire state buiding is lit up to honor muslims as they continue to gun down our own military on American soil, but the leftard outrage machine isn't worried about that trash, it's all in line with their radical America hating agenda.

I couldn't give a fuck less if Trump had a slip of the tongue. They all do at some point, no one is perfect, but I'm betting it doesn't hurt him, and that's REEEEEAAAAALLY going to piss off the progs and RINOs.
How anyone can continue to support Trump is puzzling

I think Trump is the manifestation of the White Male Electorate who watches their economic situation continue to decline. Trump gives them someone to blame.

Yes, these statements SHOULD be the end of him, but they probably won't be. No one is particularly invested in John McCain at this point. He might as well have insulted Wendell Wilkie

"2 Votes für Vendell Villkie!!!"

(for those who know their history...)
Yes, I agree with that.
What I find strange is that on this same board in different threads many on the left calls our soldiers murderers of Iraqis. Now, they call somebody a hero who was bombing targets in North Viet Nam presumably with civilian casualties. My remark is not a judgement. Civilian casualties are unfortunate and sometimes unavoidable. The point I am trying to make is the inconsistency on the left. Hero or murderer according to their political agenda. The same people on the left were spitting on soldiers returning from Viet Nam. It is puzzling, isn't it?

Uh, no one spat on soldiers returning from Vietnam. That was a myth.

And frankly, I don't see a lot of leftists calling our soldiers "murderers". We've called the policy of going to war over weapons that didn't exist against a country that wasn't our enemy kind of stupid, because it was.

A myth?

I'll take this mans word over yours on that subject.

Spit on and called a baby killer by anti war college students. What a shock.

Libs who try to lie and deny this behavior happened are disgusting.

It's their legacy... why so ashamed?
It will all be old news by the middle of the week. Sad thing McCain was a hero, then he became a politician, kind of tarnished that sterling image.
Trump will be old news by the middle of the week

He should be. That's for sure. But he knows how to stay front and center in the news and will keep right on saying ridiculous things to stay there.

Trump believes that just because he was born with a silver buttplug up his ass he has a right to insult anyone he feels like disrespecting.

The rift has opened and if it continues the GOP might have to deal with a 3rd party contender in 2016 because telling Donald T Rump to shut up isn't going to end well.

Trump does it because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth?

So... What's the liberals on this boards excuse then? News Boston Globe Opinion Op-ed Debunking a spitting image

STORIES ABOUT spat-upon Vietnam veterans are like mercury: Smash one and six more appear. It's hard to say where they come from. For a book I wrote in 1998 I looked back to the time when the spit was supposedly flying, the late 1960s and early 1970s. I found nothing. No news reports or even claims that someone was being spat on.


What I did find is that around 1980, scores of Vietnam-generation men were saying they were greeted by spitters when they came home from Vietnam. There is an element of urban legend in the stories in that their point of origin in time and place is obscure, and, yet, they have very similar details. The story told by the man who spat on Jane Fonda at a book signing in Kansas City recently is typical. Michael Smith said he came back through Los Angeles airport where ''people were lined up to spit on us."

Like many stories of the spat-upon veteran genre, Smith's lacks credulity. GIs landed at military airbases, not civilian airports, and protesters could not have gotten onto the bases and anywhere near deplaning troops. There may have been exceptions, of course, but in those cases how would protesters have known in advance that a plane was being diverted to a civilian site? And even then, returnees would have been immediately bused to nearby military installations and processed for reassignment or discharge.

Calling the vet in the video posted earlier about being spit on and called a baby killer while trying to go back to college a liar are you?
How anyone can continue to support Trump is puzzling

I think Trump is the manifestation of the White Male Electorate who watches their economic situation continue to decline. Trump gives them someone to blame.

Yes, these statements SHOULD be the end of him, but they probably won't be. No one is particularly invested in John McCain at this point. He might as well have insulted Wendell Wilkie

"2 Votes für Vendell Villkie!!!"

(for those who know their history...)

Wow, and I thought I was using an obscure reference!
Calling the vet in the video posted earlier about being spit on and called a baby killer while trying to go back to college a liar are you?

I don't know who that guy is, and if being a vet automatically immunizes you from criticism, then you really need stop contradicting me since i'm a vet. .

The fact is, a lot of people have researched it,and they haven't found any stories about "spitting on returning veterans' that holds up to scrutiny.

It's much like the "Stabbed in the Back" myth that was popular in Germany in the 1920's, the kind of thing that happens when a country loses a war and they look for scapegoats other than 'The war was a really stupid idea'.
Probably won't effect Trump's standing, because most of the Mouth Breathers in the GOP base have never forgiven McCain for 1) Challenging Bush, 2) Proposing Amnesty and 3) Losing to Obama.


The rabid rightwankers hated McCain so they will probably continue to support Donald T Rump. He will probably lose his frontrunner status but I don't see him being eliminated before the 1st debate.

I'm sorry....but if I was a Republican candidate, I would refuse to be on the same stage as Trump regardless of his polling

They need to make it clear Trump has no place in their party

That would take political courage.

How many of them do you think have the kind of balls it takes to pass on a national stage for the primary purely on a matter of principle?
If Fox wants to include Trump....let him stand alone

If I were Republican, I would not tolerate him standing for my party
Yup, he's calling a Medal of Honor recipient a liar, and taking the word of a man he doesn't know, because he wrote a book claiming it didn't happen.

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