Media Begins to Downplay the Wisconsin Massacre


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Black BLM supporters who hate Trump conducting mass murder of whites is very anti-narrative.

Meanwhile at the Washington Post, an SUV was responsible for the mass murdering. Look for calls of more SUV control if they can’t kill this story by next week.


Black BLM supporters who hate Trump conducting mass murder of whites is very anti-narrative.View attachment 568545
Meanwhile at the Washington Post, an SUV was responsible for the mass murdering. Look for calls of more SUV control if they can’t kill this story by next week.

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More people died in this attack than Jan 6th......but to the press it's a forgotten event. Yet they're still holding endless investigations on Jan 6th.
News flash....nobody would have died on Jan 6th if the Capital Police hadn't murdered them.
More people died in this attack than Jan 6th......but to the press it's a forgotten event. Yet they're still holding endless investigations on Jan 6th.
News flash....nobody would have died on Jan 6th if the Capital Police hadn't murdered them.
You mean the failed coup on the US Jan 6th. More died from mass shooting as well and by serial murderers.
The MSM is still pissed off about the Aubery defendants being found guilty and all their imaginary White supremacists accepting the verdict without violence or even question. Now the MSM trolls are trying to piss conservatives off by defending a BLM baby and granny killer. Our media and government education system are Marxists, trying their best to undermine everything American.
More people died in this attack than Jan 6th......but to the press it's a forgotten event. Yet they're still holding endless investigations on Jan 6th.
News flash....nobody would have died on Jan 6th if the Capital Police hadn't murdered them.
Does this include the fact that AOC thought she was dying? I mean, if Horseface thought she might die, isn't that the same as actually dying, in their world where things like words can actually kill?
You mean the failed coup on the US Jan 6th. More died from mass shooting as well and by serial murderers.
CNN hatched the lie that is was an insurrection.
But it wasn't a failed coup attempt. It was successful.
The Democrats and the FBI used ANTIFA and Capital Police to make it look like Trump Supporters were getting violent, when in fact Trump Supporters tried to prevent the violence. Capital Police started shooting teargas into the crowd to rile them up.

The goal was to blame Trump for all of they could stop his executive actions in their tracks.
The Lincoln Project helped with taking photos of a silly mini-gallows and posing actors holding "Hang Pence" signs.
Pelosi tipped all of this off when she said she would 'pull Trump out of the White House by his hair'.
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Did you see the pictures released of that "insurrection"???

Pretty wild, huh???

All that dastardly taking of selfies in the Capitol Building! Oh, the horror!

Oh, be sure and thank all those nice Capitol Police officers that let us in, Mildred!

Oh, and don't forget that they were so frightening that AOC almost died, and she was in a completely different building! That's SOME scary!
All that dastardly taking of selfies in the Capitol Building! Oh, the horror!

Oh, be sure and thank all those nice Capitol Police officers that let us in, Mildred!

Oh, and don't forget that they were so frightening that AOC almost died, and she was in a completely different building! That's SOME scary!

Remember AOC lying about fearing for her life???

Of course......there is a problem: she wasn't in the Capitol.

“Ocasio-Cortez said that the officer was “looking at me with all this anger and hostility. At first, in my brain and in my mind, I just came from this super intense experience just now, maybe I’m reading into this, right?

She compared this experience to “so many other communities in this country where you don’t know if you’re safe or not.” The officer told her where to go, and she said “we’re just so rattled in that moment, and the situation felt so volatile with the officer that I run over, I grab my bag, and we just start running over to that building.”

A person can access the Cannon Building via a tunnel. But no one made it past the Capitol.” AOC wasn't in the Capitol Building at the time of the Jan. 6 riot—she was in another building entirely

AOC Tale of Her Capitol Hill Riot Experience Turns Out to be Mostly Fake News

“In a heartbreaking Instagram live video, the congresswoman described how she came to terms with the fact that she would be killed during the Capitol riot.”

So much for “almost” being “murdered.”
As Fox News’s Sam Dorman reports, “The controversy erupted after the New York congresswoman posted a video in which she described a confrontation with Capitol Police at her office, which … is located in the Cannon building, which is accessible through underground tunnels connected to the Capitol as well as via a short stroll down a walkway and across the street. … In response to the incident, the congresswoman said: ‘I did not know if I was going to make it to the end of that day alive.’” AOC Doubles Down on Ditzy

Remember AOC lying about fearing for her life???

Of course......there is a problem: she wasn't in the Capitol.

“Ocasio-Cortez said that the officer was “looking at me with all this anger and hostility. At first, in my brain and in my mind, I just came from this super intense experience just now, maybe I’m reading into this, right?

She compared this experience to “so many other communities in this country where you don’t know if you’re safe or not.” The officer told her where to go, and she said “we’re just so rattled in that moment, and the situation felt so volatile with the officer that I run over, I grab my bag, and we just start running over to that building.”

A person can access the Cannon Building via a tunnel. But no one made it past the Capitol.” AOC wasn't in the Capitol Building at the time of the Jan. 6 riot—she was in another building entirely

AOC Tale of Her Capitol Hill Riot Experience Turns Out to be Mostly Fake News

“In a heartbreaking Instagram live video, the congresswoman described how she came to terms with the fact that she would be killed during the Capitol riot.”
What a fucking cardboard cutout of a human she is!
Remember AOC lying about fearing for her life???

Of course......there is a problem: she wasn't in the Capitol.

“Ocasio-Cortez said that the officer was “looking at me with all this anger and hostility. At first, in my brain and in my mind, I just came from this super intense experience just now, maybe I’m reading into this, right?

She compared this experience to “so many other communities in this country where you don’t know if you’re safe or not.” The officer told her where to go, and she said “we’re just so rattled in that moment, and the situation felt so volatile with the officer that I run over, I grab my bag, and we just start running over to that building.”

A person can access the Cannon Building via a tunnel. But no one made it past the Capitol.” AOC wasn't in the Capitol Building at the time of the Jan. 6 riot—she was in another building entirely

AOC Tale of Her Capitol Hill Riot Experience Turns Out to be Mostly Fake News

“In a heartbreaking Instagram live video, the congresswoman described how she came to terms with the fact that she would be killed during the Capitol riot.”

So much for “almost” being “murdered.”
As Fox News’s Sam Dorman reports, “The controversy erupted after the New York congresswoman posted a video in which she described a confrontation with Capitol Police at her office, which … is located in the Cannon building, which is accessible through underground tunnels connected to the Capitol as well as via a short stroll down a walkway and across the street. … In response to the incident, the congresswoman said: ‘I did not know if I was going to make it to the end of that day alive.’” AOC Doubles Down on Ditzy

View attachment 568602
I got to use those tunnels pre 9-11, catacomb of wide spacious tunnels that you can’t get trapped in.
Black BLM supporters who hate Trump conducting mass murder of whites is very anti-narrative.View attachment 568545
Meanwhile at the Washington Post, an SUV was responsible for the mass murdering. Look for calls of more SUV control if they can’t kill this story by next week.

View attachment 568548

6 people died of COVID complications.........
I got to use those tunnels pre 9-11, catacomb of wide spacious tunnels that you can’t get trapped in.


They were armed.

Another lie from the Left....the Democrats:

We have learned….from the state media….that none of the hundreds of Biden voter riots count…..the only one that matters is the ‘Armed Insurrection at the Capitol”!!!

When a Republican calls their lie, well…then PolitiFact calls him a liar…’Pants On Fire!’

“Says Jan. 6 Capitol riot “didn’t seem like an armed insurrection.”

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, still claims accounts of the day’s events are being exaggerated. He made his case Feb. 15, 2021, in an appearance on "The Jay Weber Show" on WISN radio.

"The fact of the matter is this didn’t seem like an armed insurrection to me. I mean armed, when you hear armed, don’t you think of firearms?" Johnson said. "Here’s the questions I would have liked to ask. How many firearms were confiscated? How many shots were fired? I’m only aware of one, and I’ll defend that law enforcement officer for taking that shot." PolitiFact - Yes, Jan. 6 Capitol assault was an “armed insurrection”

But….the FBI supported the Republican's contention:

“How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds that day?

To my knowledge we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point.

So nobody has been charged with any firearm weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds.


Update: FBI Counterterrorism Official Says She Has No Knowledge of Firearms Recovered During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


They lie about everything.


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