McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange

Tucker Carlson

McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange…

Tucker Carlson — McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
19 Jan 2021 ~~
Mitch McConnell has sent word over the White House – If you pardon Julian Assange we are much more likely to convict you in an impeachment trial. Well, is it legal to hold that over a president’s head? We’re not lawyers, we don’t know. It’s certainly wrong. But more than that, it tells you everything about their priorities.”

Carlson is correct. Mitch is crapping his pants about Assange, so I think President Trump should tell Mitch to piss up a rope and move forward with a pardon for Assange.
I want Trump to have a full trial in the Senate. His side of the story needs to be heard. Due process is his right, just as it is for all Americans.
Once the person resigns, quits, departs or dies the office of the president impeachment is unnecessary and invalid.
However, I wouldn’t put anything past Nancy, her Progressive Marxist friends in Congress and the RINO "Turtle".
The "Turtle" is a back stabber and will more than likely impeach Trump in any case.
Declassified documents have shown that Steele admitted to the FBI that he leaked the Russian collusion story to help Clinton overcome her lingering email scandal:
First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele's 2017 confession to the FBI
There is absolutely still a point after he is out of office. It’s accountability. It’s recognition by both parties that Trump has been lying and his followers are misinformed. That needs to happen before these conspiracy nuts do more damage. Their megaphone has been to loud for too long. Time to move on and get back to business
Conviction would be a blessing for the Republican party. It would clear the field for a lot of people to run for the nomination. And because Trump wouldn't be able to tease a potential run for 3 years, it allows the Party to focus it's attention on rebuilding.
You dream. If Trump were prohibited from running Don Jr. Would slide right into position.
well...looks like Trump believes McConnell. Bet he still goes with impeachment though.
It's out of McConnell's hands soon. The Democrats are taking over the Senate and they will set the rules.
Tucker Carlson

McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange…

Tucker Carlson — McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
19 Jan 2021 ~~
Mitch McConnell has sent word over the White House – If you pardon Julian Assange we are much more likely to convict you in an impeachment trial. Well, is it legal to hold that over a president’s head? We’re not lawyers, we don’t know. It’s certainly wrong. But more than that, it tells you everything about their priorities.”

Carlson is correct. Mitch is crapping his pants about Assange, so I think President Trump should tell Mitch to piss up a rope and move forward with a pardon for Assange.
I want Trump to have a full trial in the Senate. His side of the story needs to be heard. Due process is his right, just as it is for all Americans.
Once the person resigns, quits, departs or dies the office of the president impeachment is unnecessary and invalid.
However, I wouldn’t put anything past Nancy, her Progressive Marxist friends in Congress and the RINO "Turtle".
The "Turtle" is a back stabber and will more than likely impeach Trump in any case.
Declassified documents have shown that Steele admitted to the FBI that he leaked the Russian collusion story to help Clinton overcome her lingering email scandal:
First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele's 2017 confession to the FBI
The Senate won't try Trump until he has already lost his pardon power. Trump has been moderating his behavior because he's afraid of pissing off more Republican senators.
So what? Any Republican Senator voting to impeach Trump won't be forgotten or forgiven.
I don't think Trump would run again, but he may become the king maker from here on. I hope that he picks Ted Cruz as the next guy to take up his cudgel to crush the Left....

Donald John Trump Sr. Will never pick Ted Cruz to lead Trump voting base because Cruz is weak and pathetic in his eyes...

As much as I dislike Trump the fact is Trump did prove that those like Cruz have no spine and will even let a man insult his ( Cruz ) wife and father, so it is very clear Trump would never pick that spineless coward.

My bet is it will be Ivanka, Donald Jr. or Eric Trump to carry on Donald Sr. if Donald does not run in 2024...

My bet on the Senate Trial is this and I am betting that Trump win the trial which will further destroy the GOP and make the Democrats win in 2022...
What does the impeachment have to do with Assange?

This is an attempt at blackmail and McConnell should be removed from office.
I'm wondering how many other senators he threatened if they did not vote to certify Biden with him.
It’s pretty clear the real “traitor” is McConnell, not Pence.
Could be both. They are sure showing that the truth does not matter and neither does the vote of the people.

Then you have these congress critters that with the likes of CNN lying their asses off trying to stamp out any dissenting voices.

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Tucker Carlson

McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange…

Tucker Carlson — McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
19 Jan 2021 ~~
Mitch McConnell has sent word over the White House – If you pardon Julian Assange we are much more likely to convict you in an impeachment trial. Well, is it legal to hold that over a president’s head? We’re not lawyers, we don’t know. It’s certainly wrong. But more than that, it tells you everything about their priorities.”

Carlson is correct. Mitch is crapping his pants about Assange, so I think President Trump should tell Mitch to piss up a rope and move forward with a pardon for Assange.
I want Trump to have a full trial in the Senate. His side of the story needs to be heard. Due process is his right, just as it is for all Americans.
Once the person resigns, quits, departs or dies the office of the president impeachment is unnecessary and invalid.
However, I wouldn’t put anything past Nancy, her Progressive Marxist friends in Congress and the RINO "Turtle".
The "Turtle" is a back stabber and will more than likely impeach Trump in any case.
Declassified documents have shown that Steele admitted to the FBI that he leaked the Russian collusion story to help Clinton overcome her lingering email scandal:
First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele's 2017 confession to the FBI
There is absolutely still a point after he is out of office. It’s accountability. It’s recognition by both parties that Trump has been lying and his followers are misinformed. That needs to happen before these conspiracy nuts do more damage. Their megaphone has been to loud for too long. Time to move on and get back to business
Conviction would be a blessing for the Republican party. It would clear the field for a lot of people to run for the nomination. And because Trump wouldn't be able to tease a potential run for 3 years, it allows the Party to focus it's attention on rebuilding.
You dream. If Trump were prohibited from running Don Jr. Would slide right into position.
Hahahahahahaha. Please run Don Jr. what an embarrassment. Ivanka is the only one in that family with a future in politics
Tucker Carlson

McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange…

Tucker Carlson — McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
19 Jan 2021 ~~
Mitch McConnell has sent word over the White House – If you pardon Julian Assange we are much more likely to convict you in an impeachment trial. Well, is it legal to hold that over a president’s head? We’re not lawyers, we don’t know. It’s certainly wrong. But more than that, it tells you everything about their priorities.”

Carlson is correct. Mitch is crapping his pants about Assange, so I think President Trump should tell Mitch to piss up a rope and move forward with a pardon for Assange.
I want Trump to have a full trial in the Senate. His side of the story needs to be heard. Due process is his right, just as it is for all Americans.
Once the person resigns, quits, departs or dies the office of the president impeachment is unnecessary and invalid.
However, I wouldn’t put anything past Nancy, her Progressive Marxist friends in Congress and the RINO "Turtle".
The "Turtle" is a back stabber and will more than likely impeach Trump in any case.
Declassified documents have shown that Steele admitted to the FBI that he leaked the Russian collusion story to help Clinton overcome her lingering email scandal:
First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele's 2017 confession to the FBI
Tucker Carlson

McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange…

Tucker Carlson — McConnell threatened to convict Trump if he pardons Julian Assange… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
19 Jan 2021 ~~
Mitch McConnell has sent word over the White House – If you pardon Julian Assange we are much more likely to convict you in an impeachment trial. Well, is it legal to hold that over a president’s head? We’re not lawyers, we don’t know. It’s certainly wrong. But more than that, it tells you everything about their priorities.”

Carlson is correct. Mitch is crapping his pants about Assange, so I think President Trump should tell Mitch to piss up a rope and move forward with a pardon for Assange.
I want Trump to have a full trial in the Senate. His side of the story needs to be heard. Due process is his right, just as it is for all Americans.
Once the person resigns, quits, departs or dies the office of the president impeachment is unnecessary and invalid.
However, I wouldn’t put anything past Nancy, her Progressive Marxist friends in Congress and the RINO "Turtle".
The "Turtle" is a back stabber and will more than likely impeach Trump in any case.
Declassified documents have shown that Steele admitted to the FBI that he leaked the Russian collusion story to help Clinton overcome her lingering email scandal:
First Trump declassified Russia document: Christopher Steele's 2017 confession to the FBI
Always so afraid of transptransparency. Wonder why !

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