McConnell Proves Despite His Republican Party Status He is A Leftist Extremist Embracing Nation-Destroying Deficit Spending


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The United States is not 'BROKE'. The United States would have to pay off over $28 TRILLION in debt to be 'BROKE'.

Biden and the Democrats, as usual, have been spending money we don't have like drunken sailors on shore leave, packing every multi-trillion dollar Bill with self-enriching/benefitting PORK, such as trying to pass multi-Trillion dollar 'infrastructure' bills in which only approx. 10% actually goes towards funding actual infrastructure projects.

Every dollar spent is another step closer to the dollar being devalued to the point where the dollar is finally replaced as the world currency - replaced by the CCP currency, causing the US economy to collapse. Remember Venezuela? Remember how there was no food on store shelves - you could have a wheel barrow full of money and barely be able to buy a loaf of bread.

Conservatives believe in smaller government, and fiscally responsible monetary policies. the American people have to live daily within their means....but Congress have given themselves permission to live in Bizzaro World where they can spend trillions of deficit-dollars and not worry about how it will be paid back.

McConnell claims to be a Republican, but he is no different than the Democrats. He is refusing to take stand, to draw a line and say, "NO MORE!" No, Mitchie Rich is calling for the Debt Ceiling to be raised ... AGAIN"

The United States is not 'BROKE'. The United States would have to pay off over $28 TRILLION in debt to be 'BROKE'.

Biden and the Democrats, as usual, have been spending money we don't have like drunken sailors on shore leave, packing every multi-trillion dollar Bill with self-enriching/benefitting PORK, such as trying to pass multi-Trillion dollar 'infrastructure' bills in which only approx. 10% actually goes towards funding actual infrastructure projects.

Every dollar spent is another step closer to the dollar being devalued to the point where the dollar is finally replaced as the world currency - replaced by the CCP currency, causing the US economy to collapse. Remember Venezuela? Remember how there was no food on store shelves - you could have a wheel barrow full of money and barely be able to buy a loaf of bread.

Conservatives believe in smaller government, and fiscally responsible monetary policies. the American people have to live daily within their means....but Congress have given themselves permission to live in Bizzaro World where they can spend trillions of deficit-dollars and not worry about how it will be paid back.

McConnell claims to be a Republican, but he is no different than the Democrats. He is refusing to take stand, to draw a line and say, "NO MORE!" No, Mitchie Rich is calling for the Debt Ceiling to be raised ... AGAIN"

Didn't your orange fuhrer repeatedly try and fail to pass an infrastructure bill many times over the course of his presidency? This after loudly promising on the campaign trail that he would spend bigly on infrastructure? How is this different?
McConnell is a "leftist extremist" now.

The walls of the alternate universe just get thicker by the day.

The United States is BEYOND 'BROKE'. We are over $28 TRILLION dollars in debt, and the debt clock is running like a mouse on crack on a treadmill.

Continuing to add TRILLIONS in dew deficit spending is not only fiscally irresponsible it is criminal AND is a National Security Threat.

The fact that those who engage in such criminal and National Security endangering deficit spending, focused on the immediate moment and not the future, should be considered to be 'Left Wing Extremists' offends your delicate sense, snowflake is inconsequential.

Being $28+ TRILLION in debt, continuing to raise the deficit spending CAP, and then racing headlong to try to reach that new CAP by continuing to engage in more deficit spending is not only fiscally irresponsible and criminal, its insane.
Being $28+ TRILLION in debt, continuing to raise the deficit spending CAP, and then racing headlong to try to reach that new CAP by continuing to engage in more deficit spending is not only fiscally irresponsible and criminal, its insane.
Then you must be FURIOUS at Trump for the massive deficit spending that he signed for and literally applauded.

The notion that McConnell is a "leftist extremist" is comical in its absurdity and typical of Trumpism.
For anyone not against what these fiscal traitors are doing, embrace the practice and do it yourself. Max out your credit cards. Then get more credit cards. get 2nd and 3rd mortgages on your homes, spend, spend, spend....

Let me know how that works out for you in the end....because what works out for YOU in the end, how it ends for YOU, is exactly what will happen to this COUNTRY at the end of this insane Lemming-spring over the economic cliff.
Then you must be FURIOUS at Trump for the massive deficit spending that he signed for and literally applauded.

The notion that McConnell is a "leftist extremist" is comical in its absurdity and typical of Trumpism.
You are so f*ing eaten up with partisan bullshit that you can't see a massive problem created by BOTH parties. You are desperate to blame Trump / the other party...and you will be screaming how its THEIR fault as the 'car' you are in, driven by Democrats, does over the cliff.

I am not saying the fiscal hole we are in is 'the Democrats fault'. Good God, its both party's fault. You don't get $28 TRILLION+ in debt because of only 1 party.

Partisan? Me? Are you paying f*ing attention? I'm here tipping McConnell a new one for calling for the debt ceiling to be raised. I am ripping any and all politicians in both parties who continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome. IT HAS TO STOP!

You pissed about the term 'left-ism? I used it because generally the 'Right' are considered 'Conservatives; who are very much for Fiscal conservatism. The Republicans - ANY of them - like McConnell who claim he is a Conservative is full of shit and lying his ass off.

Scratch 'Leftist' - how about we call all of them, Democrat and Republicans who continue to drive the nation over the fiscal cliff 'EXTREMISTS'.....'FISCAL EXTREMISTS / TERRORISTS ? That make you feel better?

WHEN, not 'if, our economy, the dollar crashes because of the criminal fiscal continuous practices of the politicians in Washington happens, I hope the American people rise up and completely ransack every one of these politicians' mansions. Some has multiple homes - I hope citizens take them over and kick the politicians into the streets.

When someone is stealing from you, endangering your country / family, when they collapse the economy, what party they belong to doesn't matter a damn.
For anyone not against what these fiscal traitors are doing, embrace the practice and do it yourself. Max out your credit cards. Then get more credit cards. get 2nd and 3rd mortgages on your homes, spend, spend, spend....

Let me know how that works out for you in the end....because what works out for YOU in the end, how it ends for YOU, is exactly what will happen to this COUNTRY at the end of this insane Lemming-spring over the economic cliff.

Why don't you evaluate the debt of the United States the same as you would a household. Most families have a mortgage, and for the biggest part of the life of that mortgage, why the total owed easily exceeds the family's income. At 28 trillion we are at about 1.33 times GDP. Not really seeing the problem here. But it gets better. The cost to borrow for the United States is the rate on Treasury notes, talking about 1.277% on the 10 year, about 1.85% on the thirty. Now, what is the inflation rate? Hell, the Fed's target rate is at two percent. Even if that all inflation is, the dollars the government is getting will be paid back with cheaper dollars even counting the interest. I mean it is a nobrainer.

But now here is where it gets helluva stupid. Refuse to raise the debt ceiling and all bets are off on the interest rates for Treasuries. Defaulting on bonds which rates are the very foundation of the financial markets, the "risk-free rate of return" suddenly is no longer risk-free. All that caterwalling you moaned about in the OP, not being the world's reserve currency, exploding interest rates. Refuse to raise the debt ceiling and causes defaults on US Treasuries will make it happen. Well, at least you won't have to worry about when it is going to happen.

Fiscal (Iresponsible) Policy

Raising the Debt Ceiling Won’t Solve the Spending Problem

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen continues to urge Congress to raise the national debt limit, arguing that delays will harm the U.S. economy, destabilize global financial markets, and be costly to taxpayers. While there are serious implications from hitting the debt limit, the root cause of the problem is the bipartisan spending profligacy that’s occurred over the past two decades. And this excessive spending, indeed, harms the U.S. economy, contributes to global-capital-market distortions, and is costly to taxpayers.

Back in 2019, the federal government spent $4.4 trillion, which amounted to 21 percent of GDP. As Senator majority leader Chuck Schumer has rightly noted, a lot of this spending occurred under President Trump, whose administration oversaw a significant increase in the total federal debt. But this also occurred under President Obama, who increased the federal debt by $8.6 trillion.

Added to this spending was the $5 trillion that the federal government spent in response to COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021. As a result, total federal-government spending temporarily spiked to 31.2 percent of GDP in 2020 and will be an estimated 32.9 percent of GDP in 2021.

The accumulation of these deficits has caused the federal government’s total debt to be bigger than the entire U.S. economyover 125 percent for the first time ever during peacetime.

Our greedy-ass, fiscally irresponsible / criminal politicians on both sides of the aisle have proven again and again that raising the debt ceiling will NOT solve the problem of their massive, national security-endangering deficit spending.

Each time we get in this mess because of THEIR spending, each time they start to panic and beg and plead to raise the debt ceiling, each time they do so it's like they also wipe their memory of the whole thing and go back to adding massive amounts of new debt.

I swear that there is little difference between a republican and a democrat these days.
Just a few subtleties differentiate the two. No wonder the republicans hated Trump
nearly as much as the democrats. At least Trump showed some contrast.
These days? I don't think the republicrats have been much more than token opposition since the 1920's. For that matter the GOP did NOTHING about Wilson illegally imprisoning thousands of people for opposing our entrance into WW1. They did not try to stop the 16th Amendment from being ratified. They've allowed the democrook party to become increasingly treasonous and corrupt because they have enjoyed the same perks and enriched themselves with the same means.

The states that are dominated by those who oppose the left, which is 75% of the country as represented by land mass need to purge democrooks, and dissolve political ties with the hard left dominated regions like the NE and far west costal regions where treasonous globalists and imbeciles run amok. States like NY,PA, OR, WA, VA, WI, MI, ILL, TX as well as many others can depopulate the cities full of parasites that have a disproportionate negative impact on these state and force the bed wetters to relocate to the shithole regions or other countries where they will not be able to reduce the quality of life for everyone else.


Didn't your orange fuhrer repeatedly try and fail to pass an infrastructure bill many times over the course of his presidency?
Absolutely...but all he Democrats cared about and tried to bring about was the overthrow of the UYS govt by removing the President through continuous, on-stop coup attempts and failed Impeachments based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.

Oh NOES - Easy is breaking up with the Turtle who's lived up to his wildest dreams on everything else?
The debt ceiling was raised twice times under Donnie - Did you and the Turtle whine? Nah
We have to pay our bills.
But all of a sudden you need to make Turtle soup. :)

The debt ceiling increased two times under President Donald Trump, but the Trump administration also tinkered with the budget and the debt ceiling in other ways throughout its four years. When Trump was sworn into office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.9 trillion. By November 2020, the debt had increased to over $27 trillion.​
Under Trump the debt ceiling increased:​
  • by $1.7 trillion to $19.8 trillion (de facto) in March 2017,
  • by $2.2 trillion to $22 trillion in March 2019.
Trump suspended the debt ceiling in August 2019, through July 2021. At the time of the 2020 election, the national debt stood at over $27 trillion, the fastest rate of increase of the national debt of any modern president.​


Oh NOES - Easy is breaking up with the Turtle who's lived up to his wildest dreams on everything else?
I stopped reading your childish BS at this point, as you proved you are incapable of seriously discussing such an important topic.

Go back to the kids table and come back when you grow up and can sit with the adults.
You are so f*ing eaten up with partisan bullshit that you can't see a massive problem created by BOTH parties. You are desperate to blame Trump / the other party...and you will be screaming how its THEIR fault as the 'car' you are in, driven by Democrats, does over the cliff.

I am not saying the fiscal hole we are in is 'the Democrats fault'. Good God, its both party's fault. You don't get $28 TRILLION+ in debt because of only 1 party.

Partisan? Me? Are you paying f*ing attention? I'm here tipping McConnell a new one for calling for the debt ceiling to be raised. I am ripping any and all politicians in both parties who continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome. IT HAS TO STOP!

You pissed about the term 'left-ism? I used it because generally the 'Right' are considered 'Conservatives; who are very much for Fiscal conservatism. The Republicans - ANY of them - like McConnell who claim he is a Conservative is full of shit and lying his ass off.

Scratch 'Leftist' - how about we call all of them, Democrat and Republicans who continue to drive the nation over the fiscal cliff 'EXTREMISTS'.....'FISCAL EXTREMISTS / TERRORISTS ? That make you feel better?

WHEN, not 'if, our economy, the dollar crashes because of the criminal fiscal continuous practices of the politicians in Washington happens, I hope the American people rise up and completely ransack every one of these politicians' mansions. Some has multiple homes - I hope citizens take them over and kick the politicians into the streets.

When someone is stealing from you, endangering your country / family, when they collapse the economy, what party they belong to doesn't matter a damn.
Mac is a leftist partisan turd.

He once was somewhat of voice for reason when he told the bed wetters the reason why democrooks were losing most elections. Their support for insane shit like promoting trans-freaks, obozo's doubling of the debt, and business owners being put out of business for refusing to service asinine fag-weddings offended most Americans. Since Trump beat hitalry...

and I still love saying that...

Since Trump beat hitlary he has gone full blown democrook apparatchik. Anyone who opposes the DNC is now a "partisan winger". I've been ignoring his bigotry for years. He's nothing more than a leftist partisan at this point, and should be ignored

Absolutely...but all he Democrats cared about and tried to bring about was the overthrow of the UYS govt by removing the President through continuous, on-stop coup attempts and failed Impeachments based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.
So, now when Biden proposes an infrastructure bill, all Rump cares about is the overthrow of the US govt by removing Biden through continuous, non-stop coup attempts? So, that's why the Repubs are against the infrastructure bill? Did you think through your answer before posting?
I stopped reading your childish BS at this point, as you proved you are incapable of seriously discussing such an important topic.

Go back to the kids table and come back when you grow up and can sit with the adults.
Speaking of leftist partisan turds...

Dr Hate is too stupid to pay any attention too.
Then you must be FURIOUS at Trump for the massive deficit spending that he signed for and literally applauded.

The notion that McConnell is a "leftist extremist" is comical in its absurdity and typical of Trumpism.
It's interesting to me that for McConnell apparently there's a distinction between tax cuts causing deficits and social spending causing deficits. But he has other seemingly hypocritical distinctions. He's totally killed any notion of a Supreme Court that is guided by non-partisan principles. And he's not just unapologetic, he sees his actions a causing a benefit!

The dems unanimously opposed his tax cuts, but the dems agreed to lift the cap. The dems under Pelosi lifted the cap to keep funding W's wars.

I'm certainly not in favor of another 3.5 Trillion in addition to the 1.2 T recovery act, and a still possible 1 T infrastructure. And just giving money to non-workers is totally contrary to American Ideals. But putting more money in the hands of workers who will spend it will create more demand that McConnell's tax cuts that were actually counterproductive in giving investors more money to invest. In theory anyway. More money looking for stuff to buy equals more production of goods.
So, now when Biden proposes an infrastructure bill, all Rump cares about is the overthrow of the US govt by removing Biden through continuous, non-stop coup attempts? So, that's why the Repubs are against the infrastructure bill? Did you think through your answer before posting?
You have difficulty sticking to one point and clearly communicating it, due to your obvious obsessive need to attack a man who is no longer in office and whose opinion right now is no more important than yours or mine.

Congressmen/women and The CBO assessed the 'Infrastructure' Bill and exposed it as only truly consisting of approx. 10% of actual 'Infrastructure' projects....which is why the Democrats scrambled to rebrand everything from abortion funding to mandating gender-neutral pronouns be used as 'Infrastructure.

And Americans have not forgotten Obama's disastrous 'Shovel-Ready Projects' bullshit, which resulted in Barry having to publicly admit there is no such thing as 'shovel-ready' projects.

As far as any 'coup attempt' against Biden, both DEMOCRATS and Republicans have brought up the possibility of removing Biden via the 25th Amendment due to his undeniable dementia-ravaged behavior AND removing him from office because of his massive Afghanistan clusterfu@k. The last thing Biden has to worry about here is Trump. When his own party members begin discussing the need to remove him from office, Biden has bigger worries than Trump.

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