McConnell, Pence, and Barr Cannot Stop The Will of The Majority, But Someone Else Can


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

McConnell, Pence, and Barr Cannot Stop The Will of The Majority, But Someone Else Can

“Definition of democracy from Mirriam Webster: ‘government by the people, rule of the majority. a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.’ ”

Sadly, greed and political corruption killed the rule of the majority decades ago in the United States. What has been permitted to remain is a quasi-Democratic system, where the ruling class offers the voting public a Republican or a Democrat, both candidates are obliged to serve the interests of the rulers. Occasionally, a rebellious outsider like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slips through and upsets the status quo, somewhat. But as we’ve seen, national committee leaders of both parties fight to oust these dangerous trespassers who dare oppose the ruling class.

The limited rule of the majority that did exist has really taken a beating since 2016. With nearly three million less votes, the majority watched the reality show star-in-chief install the most corrupt swamp rats the D.C. swamp ever experienced. And as each week passes, the U.S. circles the bowl faster and faster.

Now, with four months until the election, the impeached president trump’s likelihood of a second term is rapidly fading. And while the departure of the impeached president trump means Pence and Barr will also be leaving, Moscow Mitch could hang on to his Senate seat.

Also, that quasi-Democratic system, which protects the wealth of the ruling class, will still be clicking along smoothly in November, with Status Quo Joe ready to serve, along with a new crop of Democrats, loyal to the ruling class.

After five+ decades with this repeating pattern of history, and weeks before Democratic voters verified the ruling class’ choice of Status Quo Joe as their 2020 nominee, he promised that same ruling class, if he is elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.” Of course, this would include all programs cut, added, and/or modified by the impeached president trump and Moscow Mitch.

Status Quo Joe also vowed, “No one’s standard of living will change,” offering the ruling class his assurance their wealth will continue to grow, while the families of the working poor will see the decline in their standard of living remain steady. (With the COVID-19 pandemic, the wealth of the ruling class will increase faster than without, and the standard of living for the working poor will soon be in free-fall, if it isn’t already.)

Unfortunately, the vast majority of voters, Democrat and Republican, fight to maintain the quasi-Democratic system, which continues to evolve to further enrich the ruling class at the expense of everyone else. The baby-boomers went out of their way to help the ruling class end the rule of the majority, and their children and grandchildren have never known anything else.

Column: It's inevitable: Donald Trump's enablers will get rolled by history

The OP defines a problem, in politics, "money talks bullshit walks" but doesn't put up a solution?!
IMHO Trump's "populist" agenda beats Biden's "globalist" agenda, where the Chinese keep throwing money at the Bidens to keep their trade surplus.
Trump has helped the middle and lower classes, as well as minorities, with a booming economy and better jobs.
All Biden is promising is to shutdown the energy sector & pipelines, free college (but no jobs), open borders (more cheap labor), higher taxes, Solyndra-II (forcing environmentalism never works, ask Cuomo in NY), and more of the Lefts wish list, like the Paris Treaty, etc. So the US would return to a lousy job market, too many people and too few jobs. Will Joe nationalize utilities?

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