McCain's New Ads Seek to Steal Clinton Voters


Mar 20, 2008
Fayetteville, AR
[ame=]YouTube - Debra[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Passed Over (McCain's Hillary Ad)[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - McCain Ad: Biden on Mccain[/ame]

I LOVE these ads. They hit home.
I doubt that that many former Hillary supporters were so JUST because she was a female.

Most of them are, I suspect, Democratic thinkers, and very few Dems are going to vote for more of the Republican outcomes that Bush has already brought us.

I just don't believe that many Hillary supporters are nuts enough to abandon the principles Hillary stood for (and Obama stands for now) just because their gal didn't get the nod.
I'd love to see "Debra's" voter registration and voting record for that matter. McCain could easily pay an actress to "protray" a disgruntled Hillary supporter because the truth is ANY Hillary supporter who actually votes for McCain in November is betraying what Hillary herself was fighting for.

I find it amusing that McCain has yet to produce an ad that talks about what HE will do for this country if elected. I suppose I understand his reasoning behind not wasting the money to make an ad like that, we already know what he'll do, MORE OF THE SAME BULLSHIT WE ALREADY HAVE.

I'm torn between wanting the Obama campaign to stay clear of the super negative ads and wanting them to rip McCain a new asshole with ads that Bush & Co used against him in 2000.

8 years ago McCain's own party said he was unfit for the job of President. He's older, more senile and angrier today than 8 years ago so obviously he's still unfit to lead this country in the direction of peace that we so desparately need.
I'd love to see "Debra's" voter registration and voting record for that matter. McCain could easily pay an actress to "protray" a disgruntled Hillary supporter because the truth is ANY Hillary supporter who actually votes for McCain in November is betraying what Hillary herself was fighting for.

Debra was a Hillary delegate from Wisconsin. She was also stripped of that status and kicked out of the DNC because of her open support for John McCain.

Clinton Delegate Ousted? is this the USSR? : NO QUARTER

I guess the 27% of Hillary supporters who are voting for McCain are going to be kicked out of the country, along with the other 21% who are still undecided.
Remind me again why Debra should be given the privilege of being a delegate when she is openly supporting the opposition? Do you suppose the RNC would welcome a former McCain supporter who now openly supports Obama? Is Pat Buchanan speaking at the Repug convention? How about Susan Esienhower, Lincoln Chaffe, Tom Berstein? somehow I doubt it.

and your statistics are more than a little skewed on how many hillary supporters are actually going to vote for McCain. they were pissed when she lost, they're getting over it.

here are some statistics for you to chew on:

During the primary race some states allowed Republicans to vote in the democratic primary:

In Virginia 7% of Obama's support came from Republicans
in Missouri 6%
Wisconsin 9%

Now none of that might translate in November but the fact is McCain is just more of the same and even Republicans are tired of the bullshit.

I will say this IF former Hillary supporters vote for McCain and we get four more years of the same shit we've been dealing with, I hope they do a Jim Jones style mass suicide and rid this world of that kind of stupidity. :eek:
Remind me again why Debra should be given the privilege of being a delegate when she is openly supporting the opposition? Do you suppose the RNC would welcome a former McCain supporter who now openly supports Obama? Is Pat Buchanan speaking at the Repug convention? How about Susan Esienhower, Lincoln Chaffe, Tom Berstein? somehow I doubt it.

Debra was given the privilege of being a delegate by the Clinton campaign. They are not the ones who removed her from delegation.

and your statistics are more than a little skewed on how many hillary supporters are actually going to vote for McCain. they were pissed when she lost, they're getting over it.

That's because you don't read the news.

For Clinton backers, Obama's on sidelines - Washington Post -

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