McCain's Big Backfire: Majority of Americans Like the Idea of Spreading the Wealth


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
By Alexander Zaitchik, AlterNet
Posted on November 1, 2008, Printed on November 2, 2008
McCain's Big Backfire: Majority of Americans Like the Idea of Spreading the Wealth | | AlterNet

John McCain and Joe the Plumber are campaigning for Barack Obama, and they don't even know it. The more McCain has ramped up his attacks on Obama as a "spreader of wealth," the more the country has lined up behind the Democrat's plan to spread the wealth. If McCain's economic agenda was a gun and his attacks on Obama's agenda the bullets, the old soldier would have shot both his feet clean off a long time ago.

Do not post entire articles please.
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These two GOP 'candidates' are just too dumb to understand they are out of touch.

Most peole WANT redistribution of wealth in an era when EXXON
and CHEVRON continue to post world record profits..
90% of the people of America control 4% of the wealth.

Doesn't that seem wrong?
90% of the people of America control 4% of the wealth.

Doesn't that seem wrong?

I dont think it seems wrong and spreading the wealth thru taxes wont change that percentage so when you say things like that you make it sound like every one of those people were born wealthy and many were not. If you work hard, have a great idea or bust your ass in school and you become wealthy thats not a bad thing and it shouldnt be looked at that way. Not everyone will be wealthy but at the same time when the economy is bad I do think you should contribute according to your income. Higher taxes for the wealthy dont have to be forever. I think the majority of America is for spreading the wealth because its the only way they can seek redemption for this bailout money.
The BBC reported startling economic equality figures in a recent documentary: the top 200 wealthiest people in the world control more wealth than the bottom 4 billion. But what is more striking to many is a close look at the economic inequality in the homeland of the "American Dream." The United States is the most economically stratified society in the western world. As THE WALL STREET JOURNAL reported, a recent study found that the top .01% or 14,000 American families hold 22.2% of wealth — the bottom 90%, or over 133 million families, just 4% of the nation's wealth.

Bill Moyers Journal . Steve Fraser on Gilded Ages | PBS
By Alexander Zaitchik, AlterNet
Posted on November 1, 2008, Printed on November 2, 2008
McCain's Big Backfire: Majority of Americans Like the Idea of Spreading the Wealth | | AlterNet

John McCain and Joe the Plumber are campaigning for Barack Obama, and they don't even know it. The more McCain has ramped up his attacks on Obama as a "spreader of wealth," the more the country has lined up behind the Democrat's plan to spread the wealth. If McCain's economic agenda was a gun and his attacks on Obama's agenda the bullets, the old soldier would have shot both his feet clean off a long time ago.

Do not post entire articles please.

Actually this is so incredibly misleading I can't believe you even posted it. Americans don't have a problem with a progressive tax code if they believe those taxes are used for those things that benefit all -such as defense, education and infrastructure.

But if asked if they approve of increasing taxes (even on just the wealthy) so that government can turn around and give it out as an entitlement to those who did not earn it -they OVERWHELMINGLY disagree with it. Massively disagree with it. And unfortunately, since Obama has said he will inflict higher taxes on the wealthy in order to give it to the other 95% (whether they pay taxes or not) -this is exactly what Obama meant by the comment. It is a comment very much in line with his own book where he describes his attraction to Marxism. But is in no way an American value.
Actually this is so incredibly misleading I can't believe you even posted it. Americans don't have a problem with a progressive tax code if they believe those taxes are used for those things that benefit all -such as defense, education and infrastructure.
AGreed. Most Americans are totally behind the idea of contributing to the COMMONweal.

But if asked if they approve of increasing taxes (even on just the wealthy) so that government can turn around and give it out as an entitlement to those who did not earn it -they OVERWHELMINGLY disagree with it. Massively disagree with it.

Yes, that is probably also true. But look how you had to structure the question to make your feeble point:

"and give it out as an entitlement to those who did not earn it."

What you rightest loyalists never seem to realize, and what I suspect the average not especially interested in politics Americans are just now beginning to realize is this:

We have been giving entitlements to those who do not earn it (the superwealthy) for a great long time.

It is THAT which is making Americans sign on to the share the weath, which we all know is really nothing more than returning to more progressive system of taxation which we abandoned in the last eight years.

And unfortunately, since Obama has said he will inflict higher taxes on the wealthy in order to give it to the other 95% (whether they pay taxes or not) -this is exactly what Obama meant by the comment.

Yup. Now were I advising Obama, I'm not entirely sure I'd structure this shared wealth in the way that it looks like Obama is planning on doing it.

While I think sending earned income tax credits is a way of shaing the wealth, I think in the long run that money is better invested in education, continuing education, creating new jobs in alternative energy, and in helping America reindustrialize.

Americans, most of them, would rather have a decent job that pay a living salary, and adaquate health care, than a handout.

It is a comment very much in line with his own book where he describes his attraction to Marxism. But is in no way an American value.

I agree. Sadly, so many people are in such financial straights now, that they really do need cash infusions right NOW, just to keep their heads above water.

The solutions are long term, and our investments should be striving to help people help themselves.

But since we have millions of americans who, basically though no fault of their own, are in serious trouble, we've got to waste precious assets just helping them to make it through anoother year.

The disinvestments we have made in education, and production, infastructures and so forth, have eroded American workers ability to take care of themselves.

We've dug a hole, and now we've got to climb out of it before we can rebuild out economy.

NOTHING we do will work in the long run as long as we continue to allow manufactured goods into this nation without tariffs, folks.

That is the root cause of every economic problem we're having.
Anyone who actually believes that Obama plans to "spread the wealth" .. I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you .. that Obama voted for .. even though he knew it was just pork.

At some point Americans will have to stop just listening to the music and pay attention to the words.

Here's what the words say .. "bailout is a rescue plan" .. sung by Obama.

If he really planned to do something about the imbalance of wealth, the BAILOUT was a great place to start.
We have been giving entitlements to those who do not earn it (the superwealthy) for a great long time.

Yes, but if you ask Americans if they want to give MORE to those people, a great majority are going to say no. A great deal of these people will get more under Obama.
These two GOP 'candidates' are just too dumb to understand they are out of touch.

Most peole WANT redistribution of wealth in an era when EXXON
and CHEVRON continue to post world record profits..

Yes... a majority of Americans will love the concept of something for nothing... and when it is paired with the leftist sentiment of 'big bad corporations', they fall for it even more, hook line and sinker...

Still does not make it the right thing to do... it is still against the founding concepts of our country's system of government... still against liberty and freedom...

Many mindless sheeple with this mindset just do not fathom the consequences to this set of actions

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