Mayor deBlasio takes $1 Billion from NYPD.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

And the hypocrisy of Eric Adams, having #blacklivesmatter who declared war on the police behind him, demanding the defunding of the police; while he criticizes the slow response.

The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

In 6 months they will be crying for a federal handout to fund their police.
what could possibly go wrong ....

Here come the 70s all over again .

Let it burn

The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

Yeah, they don’t need the money. They get plenty. From ny and from the feds .
Trump can just have the Secret Service cover it with his red carpet when he comes to town.
The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

Can't wait for the body count and death rate to go way up! Democrats will have nowhere to point the finger but at themselves! :mm:
The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

Can't wait for the body count and death rate to go way up! Democrats will have nowhere to point the finger but at themselves! :mm:
The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

The Deep State are recruiting more officers for their operation. By laying off officers will make these officers desperate for cash. And then they will start knocking at their door for work.
The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

In 6 months they will be crying for a federal handout to fund their police.

In six months or sooner, they won't have any police. Hell 600 have already filed to retire and I'd bet many more will just quit and leave.

The mayor and his cronies should start answering the calls. Sure hope they have guns and know how to use them, cause I'd bet they will need them.

What an imbecile that mayor is.
Here is a question. We have a Privatized Military with Companies like Blackwater. Why not privatize the police? You know. Like we have the Prisons? Private companies can certainly do it cheaper and get rid of those extreme retirement packages the Unions have foisted on the Taxpayers. Retirement packages the RW object to when we are talking about Trash Men, or any other city employees.
Good idea, except the lower income / minority neighborhoods that cannot afford it will get even worse.

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