Mayor deBlasio takes $1 Billion from NYPD.

The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

NYC is quickly becoming Chicago
The Marxists that have taken over won't stop until they've turned NY into a third world shithole like Venezuela
The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

Odd isn’t it that you failed to mention a few facts. Like NY has a Nine Billion Dollar reduction in revenue. That is $9,000,000,000. So what do you suggest they shut down to afford the cops in your fantasy life?

Oh I know. We could close the courts. No wait. The cops would have no where to take those people who assault the police fists with their faces.

Most of the cuts are temporary. A delay in hiring the next class of recruits. Reduction of overtime. But of course the hair on fire give the cops 110% of what they want or you love criminals group is just as irrational as always.
The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

I think the best thing to do with New York is drop a bomb on it and start over. Make sure that loony leftist mayor is at ground zero and invites the governor, schumer, and loonberg Yea I know waters has nothing to do with NY but we could fly her in on Nancy's 737.


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The moron Mayor of New York actually did it. He has defunded NYPD to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars. And if that wasn't enough, he copied the DC Mayor and painted BLACK LIVES MATTER in front of Trump Tower. Oh golly that was important. Why would anyone want to live in New York City? Why would anyone want to be a Cop in New York City?

In 6 months they will be crying for a federal handout to fund their police.

In six months or sooner, they won't have any police. Hell 600 have already filed to retire and I'd bet many more will just quit and leave.

The mayor and his cronies should start answering the calls. Sure hope they have guns and know how to use them, cause I'd bet they will need them.

What an imbecile that mayor is.

On the plus side, it will give the government justification to take away the very last shred of privacy that exists.
Way to go, Mr Mayor. When crime goes up, you can lay the blame at your own feet!

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