Maybe the Left wants to tear down those statues so people will forget Dems enslaved black people


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Fox News Channel’s “Watters’ World” host Jesse Watters delivered a monologue Saturday on the push to remove Confederate statues. He suggested the left wants the monuments removed to erase from history the fact that Democratic Party enslaved black people.

Destroying any historical monument is what the Taliban does, not American citizens,” Watters stated. “All of these Confederate war heroes were Democrats. Democrats were the party of slavery. Maybe the left wants to tear down the statues, so the country forgets the Democratic Party enslaved black people.”

Good for FoxNews’ Jesse Watters!
Yes, todays "Conservatives" just cannot accept that they are the true bigots, and the ones trying to re-instate Jim Crow.
thats funny rocks,in many of those conservative "bigots' are married to brown people,funny how using that big brush against a group of people just doesnt seem to be truthful...
There are conservatives, and then there are the "Conservatives". And you know damned well the difference. Traditional conservatives are not bigots. The "Conservatives" are the worst kind of bigots. We see many of them right here on this board.
Fox News Channel’s “Watters’ World” host Jesse Watters delivered a monologue Saturday on the push to remove Confederate statues. He suggested the left wants the monuments removed to erase from history the fact that Democratic Party enslaved black people.

Destroying any historical monument is what the Taliban does, not American citizens,” Watters stated. “All of these Confederate war heroes were Democrats. Democrats were the party of slavery. Maybe the left wants to tear down the statues, so the country forgets the Democratic Party enslaved black people.”

Good for FoxNews’ Jesse Watters!
Today's Republicans are Confederates. Was Lincoln a Confederate? Answer that one question and you know the whole story.
The little land of conservatism is full blown panic mode. Their base, the South, is being stripped of the main thing that they use to identify themselves as separate from the rest of the country. Republicans thrive on keeping groupos separated and then scaring them nonstop to get them to vote for Republicans. But now the bulk of the Republican 'team' isn't going to have it's colors to fly anymore. One of the most potent symbols used to keep these people separated from the rest of the population is going away. And cons are running around like chickens constructing false equivalencies and Red Herrings to do anything to deflect from the reality of these symbols and how oppressive and offensive they are to so many.

I have seen wholesale screaming panic in conservatives since the incandescent light bulb went obsolete.
Steps of evolution: starting wearing clothes, using separate bathrooms, building monuments to perpetuate the history.

Watching the latest actions of libs one can say they are tired of evolution and want back to the Stone Age.
Just a thought. How many people actually paid attention to those statues before this BS?

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