May 30, 1431: Why was Joan of Arc Burned at the Stake


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
According to this History Channel piece, dated May 30,
Lesley Kennedy explains that it wasn't so much the
charges of witchcraft, hearing voices, "cross dressing
as a man" and other heresies that got her executed,
but that these voices compelled her to "attack the English."
-- my notes, the rest below is copied from the linked article I found deeply interesting

“Joan of Arc was tried as a heretic not because she was a woman, though that factor played an important part, nor because she heard voices, but because she heard voices telling her to attack the English,” Hobbins writes. “Joan believed that God favored the French: God was on her side. … As long as she insisted … that her voices were saints telling her to attack the English, she was doomed.”

"On May 30, 1431, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.

The Hundred Years’ War waged on until 1453, with the French finally beating back the English invaders. In 1450, Joan’s guilty verdict was overturned by a Rehabilitation Trial ordered by Charles VII. Joan’s legend grew, and, in 1909 she was beatified in the famous Notre Dame cathedral in Paris by Pope Pius X. In 1920, she was canonized by Pope Benedict XV.

“Some scholars have dismissed Joan’s trial as a travesty of justice...” Hobbins writes. “The judge, Pierre Cauchon, has been denounced as a tool of the English who was willing to sacrifice Joan to further his own career.”

A statue of Joan of Arc in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, where she was beatified.

Waring Abbott/Getty Images
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According to this History Channel piece, dated May 30,
Lesley Kennedy explains that it wasn't so much the
charges of witchcraft, hearing voices, "cross dressing
as a man" and other heresies that got her executed,
but that these voices compelled her to "attack the English."
-- my notes, the rest below is copied from the linked article I found deeply interesting

“Joan of Arc was tried as a heretic not because she was a woman, though that factor played an important part, nor because she heard voices, but because she heard voices telling her to attack the English,” Hobbins writes. “Joan believed that God favored the French: God was on her side. … As long as she insisted … that her voices were saints telling her to attack the English, she was doomed.”

"On May 30, 1431, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.

The Hundred Years’ War waged on until 1453, with the French finally beating back the English invaders. In 1450, Joan’s guilty verdict was overturned by a Rehabilitation Trial ordered by Charles VII. Joan’s legend grew, and, in 1909 she was beatified in the famous Notre Dame cathedral in Paris by Pope Pius X. In 1920, she was canonized by Pope Benedict XV.

“Some scholars have dismissed Joan’s trial as a travesty of justice...” Hobbins writes. “The judge, Pierre Cauchon, has been denounced as a tool of the English who was willing to sacrifice Joan to further his own career.”

A statue of Joan of Arc in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, where she was beatified.

Waring Abbott/Getty Images
So Emily, I only know she was burned at the stake and nothing about her. Did she have a mental illness? I know there are many historical figures who speak to God but it seems another level when the voices say "attack those people".
I have always understood her execution to have been a matter of policy, not religion.
And recently she was burned again. Maybe that accounts for her becoming a woman of color.

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