Maxine Waters accidentally reveals true agenda


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Note her choice of words here. They are painfully clear - especially considering that she admitted no evidence exists of any wrongdoing by President Trump.
I’m out to impeach this president. Get that straight!” Waters said as the volume of her voice escalated. “I’m out to impeach the president!
Why would anyone be "out to impeach the president"? Impeachment should be a necessary evil, not a goal. Yet another example of the extreme fascism of the left. They will set out to destroy any president that they didn't approve.

Watch what Maxine Waters does to liberal reporter
She is the new face (though she is very old) of the D Party.
I'm thinking Democrats, the fake media and the planted Democrat leaking traitors of the intelligence agencies are in collusion to undermine the legal American political election within the United States.. before, during and after Trump's election.

It pales in comparison to Russians but throw them in also the Clintons received millions from them and Democrats are doing their best to undermine America.

How about this collusion, pure Democrat, no doubt at all.

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Note her choice of words here. They are painfully clear - especially considering that she admitted no evidence exists of any wrongdoing by President Trump.
I’m out to impeach this president. Get that straight!” Waters said as the volume of her voice escalated. “I’m out to impeach the president!
Why would anyone be "out to impeach the president"? Impeachment should be a necessary evil, not a goal. Yet another example of the extreme fascism of the left. They will set out to destroy any president that they didn't approve.

Watch what Maxine Waters does to liberal reporter
um...nothing new here really. she's said that is her goal for awhile.

stupid but the lapdogs love it so she keeps them yelping so she can keep her job.
It is apparent that not only is the D Party working to impeach or at least prevent Trump from implementing his agenda. The elite media (you know?...those 1% media guys in DC and NYC who are the leadership of the D party), the Deep State, most of the R party, and probably some in the Trump administration...essentially the ruling class...are working diligently against the wishes of the American people.

Sadly way too many average Americans are easily duped by the ruling class and do as they are told. It is so very Orwellian.

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