Matt Damon's Final Answer

Predictably, a certified Obamarrhoidal and congenital idiot, TruthDoesn'tmatter, would accept the most idiotic starting a business that is subjected to a greater wipe-out of profits due to higher taxes.

Obviously, this brainless turd is on some Affirmative Action entitlement job, or more likely on food stamps, to puke out idiotic business advice that would condemn any businessman to a faster bankruptcy.

However, once a businessman is successful (because of being able to make greater profits from lower taxes) ....then, and only then, being a good-hearted person like Matt Damon (sans his idiotic opinion that bigger taxes works in favour of a profitable business) "makes common sense".
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Those are 700 business owners.

How do you make them dissapear by personally insulting me?
he should put his money where his mouth is and send in 50% of all he owns to the gubbmint. let me know when he does.

All celebrities should be doing this. Some of them fuckers are worth over 500 million dollars- or more. Damn, if we could get the celebs to share a little of the wealth, maybe the economy wouldn't be in such bad shape.
I know, they work hard at what they do, but, they wouldn't be able to do what they do, if it weren't for the little people, those that pay and watch them do their stuff.
I don't hate the rich...I don't hate anybody. But it does just sort of gnaw at me to see some famous asshole paying $500 for a purse or a hat, and some people can't scrape up 5 bucks for a cheap pair of sandals.
So anytime someone doesnt vote for something themselves they are immune from its consequences?

Is that the government you suggest we have?
So anytime someone doesnt vote for something themselves they are immune from its consequences?

Is that the government you suggest we have?

When some pampered asshole actor tells me that I should let the fucking government steal more of my money when in my opinion they already get more than enough then yes I despise that idiot.

And our government has enough fucking morons in it that we have to listen to so Matt and his ilk should keep their fucking stupidity to themselves. Or better yet he can spout his idiocy to people dumb enough to pay to see his movies and leave the rest of us alone.
So anytime someone doesnt vote for something themselves they are immune from its consequences?

Is that the government you suggest we have?

When some pampered asshole actor tells me that I should let the fucking government steal more of my money when in my opinion they already get more than enough then yes I despise that idiot.

And our government has enough fucking morons in it that we have to listen to so Matt and his ilk should keep their fucking stupidity to themselves. Or better yet he can spout his idiocy to people dumb enough to pay to see his movies and leave the rest of us alone.

You did not answer the question.
Matt Damon says we should tax the rich | Blog | Rebuild the Dream

"I don't know who would start a business with their tax cuts. That just defies common sense."

Maybe this clip escaped notice because it is so utterly noncontroversial. Most Americans, even a majority of Republicans, favor raising taxes on the rich. Well, maybe in conservative circles it’s controversial, but back in the real world, people understand that those who do well in America should do right by America.

Good quote from the peanut gallery.

I am so very tired of that “I never got a job from a poor man line.” Yeah, and I’ve never been screwed over and paid insultingly low wages by a poor man either. Nor have I been ripped off and overcharged for a lousy product/service by a poor man.

Yea, you know, because Hollywood actors with hundreds of millions of dollars clearly represent small business owners that make a mere $250,000 a year.

Fucking dipshit.
he should put his money where his mouth is and send in 50% of all he owns to the gubbmint. let me know when he does.

The heck with 50% he should give them ALL OF HIS MONEY. Then I might give a shit what he thinks.:lol::lol:
So you hate rich people?

I hate stupid meddling people.

Good for him he's rich so he can do whatever the fuck he wants with his money. The second he starts telling me what I should do with my money he becomes a meddling asshole busybody and like any meddling asshole busybody he should be despised.
Those are 700 business owners.

How do you make them dissapear by personally insulting me?

Listen idiot, your "700 business owners" wouldn't be "business owners" if they didn't commit to charitable work other than as I described the "business owners" to be.

And, idiot, I'd never want any person harm, or "dissapearance" unless they deserved it....which in this case .....since I don't know any of them .....I don't.

As to personally insulting you ........ you are a fool that is a pollution. I am against pollution.
So anytime someone doesnt vote for something themselves they are immune from its consequences?

Is that the government you suggest we have?

What if we vote to string you up from the nearest tree? Should you be "immune" from the consequences of that?

And what TM doesn't realize is the people don't vote for things like tax increases. Fucking politicians do.

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