Massive pro-Israel disinformation campaigns and false claims of HAMAS atrocities continue


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2021
While Israel continues to commit massive war crimes in Gaza, they're being supported by false claims and disinformation both antisemitic and Islamophobic.

But some are fighting back against the false information:

While Israel engages in ACTUAL mass murder and war crimes, anti-Palestinian disinformation gains widespread traction.

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, but how much longer can this madness continue before the American People stand up and say "No more! We do NOT believe the lies, and will NOT support Israeli terrorism!"

Will The People awaken too late?
While Israel continues to commit massive war crimes in Gaza, they're being supported by false claims and disinformation both antisemitic and Islamophobic.

But some are fighting back against the false information:

While Israel engages in ACTUAL mass murder and war crimes, anti-Palestinian disinformation gains widespread traction.

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, but how much longer can this madness continue before the American People stand up and say "No more! We do NOT believe the lies, and will NOT support Israeli terrorism!"

Will The People awaken too late?

i believe lots of whats happening over there.....both sides have lots of hate towards each and people to act on that hate.... i wouldnt doubt atrocities from both sides....its what war creates....hate....
While Israel continues to commit massive war crimes in Gaza, they're being supported by false claims and disinformation both antisemitic and Islamophobic.

But some are fighting back against the false information:

While Israel engages in ACTUAL mass murder and war crimes, anti-Palestinian disinformation gains widespread traction.

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, but how much longer can this madness continue before the American People stand up and say "No more! We do NOT believe the lies, and will NOT support Israeli terrorism!"

Will The People awaken too late?

Yes, it is what governments do during times of war. ALL governments. This is why I try to be critical and view different media sources to sift out the facts. Also, I most trust readouts from Israel/U.S PM and Presidential phone calls as the PM won't lie to Biden. Also, if you notice the highest ranking IDF members skirting a question about say, 40 babies being beheaded, it means they don't know the fact, doubt the reports etc so they play a lawyer and avoid the question. Critical thinking is taught in university and is honed, it isn't natural for everyone. From what I can tell s far, Hamas DID kill many young people and they beheaded at least one Israeli soldier. That is what I know to be true if I were to wager. Regardless, death is death and we need to support those who want LIFE, nor murder and mayhem. Hamas wants to end Israel, this is their manifesto for crying out loud.
While Israel continues to commit massive war crimes in Gaza, they're being supported by false claims and disinformation both antisemitic and Islamophobic.

But some are fighting back against the false information:

While Israel engages in ACTUAL mass murder and war crimes, anti-Palestinian disinformation gains widespread traction.

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, but how much longer can this madness continue before the American People stand up and say "No more! We do NOT believe the lies, and will NOT support Israeli terrorism!"

Will The People awaken too late?


Apologist for baby killing.
While Israel continues to commit massive war crimes in Gaza, they're being supported by false claims and disinformation both antisemitic and Islamophobic.

But some are fighting back against the false information:

While Israel engages in ACTUAL mass murder and war crimes, anti-Palestinian disinformation gains widespread traction.

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, but how much longer can this madness continue before the American People stand up and say "No more! We do NOT believe the lies, and will NOT support Israeli terrorism!"

Will The People awaken too late?

Stop giving cover to Islamic theocratic terrorists.

While Israel continues to commit massive war crimes in Gaza, they're being supported by false claims and disinformation both antisemitic and Islamophobic.

But some are fighting back against the false information:

While Israel engages in ACTUAL mass murder and war crimes, anti-Palestinian disinformation gains widespread traction.

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, but how much longer can this madness continue before the American People stand up and say "No more! We do NOT believe the lies, and will NOT support Israeli terrorism!"

Will The People awaken too late?

Riddle me this batman....if the pali's are so innocent why did they murder Thai people, Germans, Argentinian, Americans etc.

Why take foreign nationals hostage?

You are hoist on your own petard, fool.
Same as Ukraine where their propaganda teams work in full collusion with American news networks and BBC principally , and supply a flood of bilge , crisis actors and special effects experts .

It will be no different in Israel and Gaza .
None of us know the details but it is certain that the MSM will only feed the public with the prescribed narrative .
i believe lots of whats happening over there.....both sides have lots of hate towards each and people to act on that hate.... i wouldnt doubt atrocities from both sides....its what war creates....hate....
70 years of this carnage and that's your response?
Hamas is a terrorist organization. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. The Palestinians are terrorists. Gaza needs to be sterilized of its Islamic infection.

Both are reactionary. Hezbollah was founded to keep Israel out of Lebanon and Hamas was founded to justify rejection of any 2 state solution.
While Israel continues to commit massive war crimes in Gaza, they're being supported by false claims and disinformation both antisemitic and Islamophobic.

But some are fighting back against the false information:

While Israel engages in ACTUAL mass murder and war crimes, anti-Palestinian disinformation gains widespread traction.

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, but how much longer can this madness continue before the American People stand up and say "No more! We do NOT believe the lies, and will NOT support Israeli terrorism!"

Will The People awaken too late?

You should volunteer to help Hamas if you're so in love with those towel-heads.

I hear they need some suicide bombers
While Israel continues to commit massive war crimes in Gaza, they're being supported by false claims and disinformation both antisemitic and Islamophobic.

But some are fighting back against the false information:

While Israel engages in ACTUAL mass murder and war crimes, anti-Palestinian disinformation gains widespread traction.

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, but how much longer can this madness continue before the American People stand up and say "No more! We do NOT believe the lies, and will NOT support Israeli terrorism!"

Will The People awaken too late?

^ Has never seen a Jewish baby’s head she would want to leave intact
^ Has never seen a Jewish baby’s head she would want to leave intact
There are 57 muzzie countries. Fifty-Seven (57)

There is one (1) ONE Jewish State. A tiny one to boot. Very tiny.

But the scum-sucking left wants to destroy it. No room for the oldest monotheist religion on Earth. The forebears of our own religion, our own laws, our own culture.

This is the state of the dimocrap scum party, people. They are fucking EVIL. We need to treat them for what they are, the Hamas of America. All the things I've ever said about the dimocrap scum party are coming true.

And when it comes to EVIL (dimocraps are) there can be no neutral ground.
While Israel continues to commit massive war crimes in Gaza, they're being supported by false claims and disinformation both antisemitic and Islamophobic.

But some are fighting back against the false information:

While Israel engages in ACTUAL mass murder and war crimes, anti-Palestinian disinformation gains widespread traction.

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, but how much longer can this madness continue before the American People stand up and say "No more! We do NOT believe the lies, and will NOT support Israeli terrorism!"

Will The People awaken too late?

We’ve seen the videos, we’ve seen the photos, we’ve seen the results.

The sub-humans didn’t paraglide into a music festival with AK’s to ask a girl to dance you fucking pig.
While Israel continues to commit massive war crimes in Gaza, they're being supported by false claims and disinformation both antisemitic and Islamophobic.

But some are fighting back against the false information:

While Israel engages in ACTUAL mass murder and war crimes, anti-Palestinian disinformation gains widespread traction.

It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, but how much longer can this madness continue before the American People stand up and say "No more! We do NOT believe the lies, and will NOT support Israeli terrorism!"

Will The People awaken too late?

Watch the video. Then go fuck yourself until you bleed out.

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