Mass Shooting You Never Heard About

20,000 people aer murdered with guns every year... we stopped caring a long time ago.
Just imagine....stop the teenage girls from having babies. Maybe we can get some people to spout that sentence in Ebonics. Equality comes pretty quick when mistakes are not made.
Yet you keep posting about it -- except when it's black crime

There isn't enough time in the day for me to address every issue.

My usual response when I hear of a mass shooting is "Everyone in his life knew he was nuts, and he was still able to get a gun."

I can usually say that, and I'm always proven right.

We have 600 mass shootings a year in this country, and we are fine with it. We shouldn't be but we are.

Like the Asian San Fran official who got attacked by a black because he’s Asian, the black race is immune from being labeled as having the worst cultural issues in America because Deep State doesn’t want the problem addressed.

Well, if we addressed the problem, we wouldn't have a problem, would we? Instead we all avoid talking about racism in this country.
Some fine young Democrats.

Well, if we cared, we'd pass common sense gun laws... clearly we don't.
Common sense gun laws are when you deny everyone the right to own one.

How many laws do you truly need to tell someone not to murder?

How many?

In the end you will never be happy until you confiscate all firearms and make those that do not comply into criminals and yet the criminals will be able to obtain a firearm…

I remember when the left wanted the No Fly List as their reason to deny someone a firearm and their argument is you can go to court to prove you are not that person, so your common sense gun laws are just bogus excuses to confiscate someone firearm!
There isn't enough time in the day for me to address every issue.

My usual response when I hear of a mass shooting is "Everyone in his life knew he was nuts, and he was still able to get a gun."

I can usually say that, and I'm always proven right.

We have 600 mass shootings a year in this country, and we are fine with it. We shouldn't be but we are.

Well, if we addressed the problem, we wouldn't have a problem, would we? Instead we all avoid talking about racism in this country.
When your own State allows a Father to bypass the gun law because of a loophole, well then you should ask how well did your gun law work!

One law is all you need and it is against the law to murder, so use that law and hang all those that break it!
Some fine young Democrats.

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I hope this one is in the picture, too....

buffalo killer self-described member of the authoritarian left

Buffalo Killer: "Authoritarian Left-Wing" Greenie, Ex-Commie › home › home of news, politics & opinion › buffalo killer: “authoritarian left-wing” greenie, ex-commie

May 15, 2022 - M Dowling - May 15, 2022 4 1913 The Buffalo killer describes himself as an “authoritarian left-wing” eco-fascist and as someone who is anti-Fox, anti-capitalist, and anti-conservative. He also says he’s a hybrid Nazi, and green nationalist. The murderous youth is being used to demonize ...
There isn't enough time in the day for me to address every issue.

My usual response when I hear of a mass shooting is "Everyone in his life knew he was nuts, and he was still able to get a gun."

I can usually say that, and I'm always proven right.

We have 600 mass shootings a year in this country, and we are fine with it. We shouldn't be but we are.

Well, if we addressed the problem, we wouldn't have a problem, would we? Instead we all avoid talking about racism in this country.
Dr. Kermit Gosnell is America's number one mass murderer.

You have not heard about him because he was an abortion doctor.

There isn't enough time in the day for me to address every issue.

My usual response when I hear of a mass shooting is "Everyone in his life knew he was nuts, and he was still able to get a gun."

I can usually say that, and I'm always proven right.

We have 600 mass shootings a year in this country, and we are fine with it. We shouldn't be but we are.

Well, if we addressed the problem, we wouldn't have a problem, would we? Instead we all avoid talking about racism in this country.
Yes. Why was the black who was arrested for attacking the San Fran official because he was Asian not charged with a hate crime?

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