Mass Shooting at UCC Could Have Been Prevented


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
On October 1, 2015 Christopher Harper Mercer, a mentally ill 25 year old man, went on a rampage at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, and killed nine people. After being shot multiple times by law enforcement he delivered his own coup de grace. The community of Roseburg is staunchly pro-gun. Open carry is a fact of life in this rural community. Farming, ranching and logging are the primary sources of income, and all of those livelihoods are increasingly restricted…which is reflected in the economy. In part because of the economy, subsistence hunting, farming, and animal husbandry are more vital than ever to the survival of locals, and they “bitterly cling” to their firearms as useful tools to successfully engage in a rural, subsistence lifestyle.

The shooting at UCC does this community a particular insult, because it took place on the heels of a debate that resulted in lines drawn between the community and the school. The debate was whether or not to ban guns from UCC, and whether or not to engage an armed guard at UCC. The school opted to go against the community, and proudly and loudly announced their intent to ban guns from their campus. Although violations would not be prosecuted, Oregon law dictates the school could expel/terminate employment of those who violate the school edict, and the school announced their intent to do so if people violated the gun ban…regardless of what the community thought about it.

“We thought we were a very safe campus, and having armed security officers on campus might change the culture," said Joe Olson, retired president (as of June 2015) of UCC said. By “We” he means himself and the progressive school hierarchy who pushed the ban and refused to hire the guard over the community’s wishes.

The current UCC president Rita Cavin, said the shooting was an “anomaly” that has no bearing on the stated, advertised anti-gun stance of the school. But the fact of the matter is...the residents of Roseburg and the community feared the safety of their loved ones in an area that advertised itself as "no-gun". Anti-gun, agenda driven ideologues ignored the locals, and put a policy in place "for their own good"...and within months, the worse case scenario played itself out.

This "anomaly" was exactly what the pro-gun residents of Roseburg were afraid of, when the school opted to ignore their concerns and restrict community members from legally protecting themselves at UCC. Pro-gun proponents wanted the school to reflect their values. But they were vetoed by smug, out of touch educators who think they "know better" than the law, who think they know better than the community that pays their salaries, and who think they are justified in penalizing people for wanting to retain the ability to defend themselves. Ultimately and within a not very long period of time, the very thing the community feared could happen, has happened. Now, none of those who made that decision for the good people of Roseburg, against their wishes, wants to comment on it. Yet just months ago, they argued that arming people on campus would create an atmosphere where this very situation could take place. Now that the situation HAS taken place under the atmosphere that THEY created, they suddenly have nothing to say on the topic. Oh wait...Cavin maintains that it's an "anomaly" and in no way related to the atmosphere they created by advertising their no-gun stance.

One person (at least) was armed that day at UCC. Thirty-six-year-old Air Force veteran John Parker said, “I don’t care what the policy is. I know what the law is.” He wishes he had had the opportunity to use his weapon in defense of the nine innocent people targeted by a lunatic who knew they were unarmed.
And the survivors and families of the victims undoubtedly wish that just one person in the vicinity of the shooter had likewise ignored the bad policy. If Chris Mintz, the National Guard veteran who took 7 bullets while blocking a doorway with his body, had been armed, the number of people dead in Roseburg would have been drastically reduced. Mintz knows that, Clark knows that, Cavin knows that...and the shooter knew that too. Which is why he chose a gun free location. His objective was to shoot as many innocent people (Christians, specifically) as he could before being neutralized, and as a resident of Roseburg, he knew the best place to achieve that.
"When I got into the room that was locked down, one of the professors asked if anyone was concealed carry," said student John Parker, an Air Force veteran, who had a gun on his hip.
"I raised my hand and said: 'Don't worry, nobody is coming through that door.'"
"Beyond the veterans' community, however, other students said they were convinced the campus was in fact gun-free, citing the school's code of conduct and the broader culture among the roughly 3,000 full-time students."

"Oregon law prohibits firearms in public buildings except for a person with a concealed carry license, said Kristina Edmunson, a spokeswoman for the state attorney general. However, community college and university boards have broad authority to enact policies, she added.
"This ambiguity has fueled a debate over the extent of control colleges have in setting their own policies and whether more law-abiding gun-carriers could subdue future killers and save lives."

"While he generously shared his views about guns in general and the politicization of a debate that he said should be focused on mental health — not the "perverted fear of an inanimate object" — Parker said he had no idea what the UCC policy is on concealed carry and hadn't bothered to check.

"I don't care what the policy is," he said. "I know what the law is."
"Parker says his right to carry a gun wherever he pleases derives not just from the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but from Article 1, Section 27, of the Oregon Constitution, which states, "The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power."

Debate, and Confusion, Over Oregon's Gun Rules After Deadly Shooting

Staff wouldn't let them help.

Lefties are more concerned about protecting shooters than they are about protecting students.
My original understanding was that this so-called armed veteran was afraid to use his weapon for fear of police mistaking him for the shooter. I remember seeing him interviewed on live TV.
Even though guns were banned on campus, the people in Roseburg will tell you that rule was ignored.

There were armed students on the campus that day.
The "mental health" thing is a red herring. The pro-gun side throws that out as a diversion, as if they would actually support a crackdown on keeping guns from people with a history of mental health issues.

I think we all know the NRA would fight any such legislation tooth and nail.

And as I said, Mercer had never been identified as having mental health issues by any authority such legislation would require.
The ONLY thing that would have stopped Mercer is a total ban and confiscation of all guns in America.

Anyone who says differently is fooling themselves.

Background checks wouldn't have prevented him.

Mental health bans wouldn't have prevented him.

Closing gun show loopholes wouldn't have prevented him.

Guns on campus didn't prevent him.

So let's stop pretending, shall we?
Even though guns were banned on campus, the people in Roseburg will tell you that rule was ignored.

There were armed students on the campus that day.

The majority of students interviewed, and the acting president of the college, and the handbook, all state that the UCC policy dictates that it is a GUN FREE ZONE.

The people who had guns were veterans and people who had a better understanding of gun laws than the average UCC student.

And the guys who had guns, who were 200 yards away, were told by the school staff to remain in place.

Whereupon, cowering behind a closed door, they asked who had concealed carry so they could hide behind them.
The "mental health" thing is a red herring. The pro-gun side throws that out as a diversion, as if they would actually support a crackdown on keeping guns from people with a history of mental health issues.

I think we all know the NRA would fight any such legislation tooth and nail.

And as I said, Mercer had never been identified as having mental health issues by any authority such legislation would require.

"After his parents divorced when he was about 16, he lived with his mother, Laurel Harper, a nurse who fiercely protected him from, among other things, the neighborhood sounds of loud children and barking dogs. Once, neighbors said, she went door to door with a petition to get the landlord to exterminate cockroaches in her apartment, saying they bothered her son.
“She said, ‘My son is dealing with some mental issues, and the roaches are really irritating him,’ ” Julia Winstead, 55, said. “She said they were going to go stay in a motel. Until that time, I didn’t know she had a son.”
Mom said: "my son has Asperger's. He's no babbling idiot nor is his life worthless. He's very intelligent and is working on a career in filmmaking. My 18 years worth of experience with and knowledge about Asperger's syndrome is paying off."
"The account linked to Harper also makes reference to her son having been "a headbanger" as a kid, as she dispensed advice on how to deal with a child who might injure himself. "

^^A portrait of mental illness. She also states she has "Asperger's"...

And Asperger's is mental illness.

On October 1, 2015 Christopher Harper Mercer, a mentally ill 25 year old man, went on a rampage at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, and killed nine people. After being shot multiple times by law enforcement he delivered his own coup de grace. The community of Roseburg is staunchly pro-gun. Open carry is a fact of life in this rural community. Farming, ranching and logging are the primary sources of income, and all of those livelihoods are increasingly restricted…which is reflected in the economy. In part because of the economy, subsistence hunting, farming, and animal husbandry are more vital than ever to the survival of locals, and they “bitterly cling” to their firearms as useful tools to successfully engage in a rural, subsistence lifestyle.

The shooting at UCC does this community a particular insult, because it took place on the heels of a debate that resulted in lines drawn between the community and the school. The debate was whether or not to ban guns from UCC, and whether or not to engage an armed guard at UCC. The school opted to go against the community, and proudly and loudly announced their intent to ban guns from their campus. Although violations would not be prosecuted, Oregon law dictates the school could expel/terminate employment of those who violate the school edict, and the school announced their intent to do so if people violated the gun ban…regardless of what the community thought about it.

“We thought we were a very safe campus, and having armed security officers on campus might change the culture," said Joe Olson, retired president (as of June 2015) of UCC said. By “We” he means himself and the progressive school hierarchy who pushed the ban and refused to hire the guard over the community’s wishes.

The current UCC president Rita Cavin, said the shooting was an “anomaly” that has no bearing on the stated, advertised anti-gun stance of the school. But the fact of the matter is...the residents of Roseburg and the community feared the safety of their loved ones in an area that advertised itself as "no-gun". Anti-gun, agenda driven ideologues ignored the locals, and put a policy in place "for their own good"...and within months, the worse case scenario played itself out.

This "anomaly" was exactly what the pro-gun residents of Roseburg were afraid of, when the school opted to ignore their concerns and restrict community members from legally protecting themselves at UCC. Pro-gun proponents wanted the school to reflect their values. But they were vetoed by smug, out of touch educators who think they "know better" than the law, who think they know better than the community that pays their salaries, and who think they are justified in penalizing people for wanting to retain the ability to defend themselves. Ultimately and within a not very long period of time, the very thing the community feared could happen, has happened. Now, none of those who made that decision for the good people of Roseburg, against their wishes, wants to comment on it. Yet just months ago, they argued that arming people on campus would create an atmosphere where this very situation could take place. Now that the situation HAS taken place under the atmosphere that THEY created, they suddenly have nothing to say on the topic. Oh wait...Cavin maintains that it's an "anomaly" and in no way related to the atmosphere they created by advertising their no-gun stance.

One person (at least) was armed that day at UCC. Thirty-six-year-old Air Force veteran John Parker said, “I don’t care what the policy is. I know what the law is.” He wishes he had had the opportunity to use his weapon in defense of the nine innocent people targeted by a lunatic who knew they were unarmed.
And the survivors and families of the victims undoubtedly wish that just one person in the vicinity of the shooter had likewise ignored the bad policy. If Chris Mintz, the National Guard veteran who took 7 bullets while blocking a doorway with his body, had been armed, the number of people dead in Roseburg would have been drastically reduced. Mintz knows that, Clark knows that, Cavin knows that...and the shooter knew that too. Which is why he chose a gun free location. His objective was to shoot as many innocent people (Christians, specifically) as he could before being neutralized, and as a resident of Roseburg, he knew the best place to achieve that.

Great, shootout at the Crazy K Corral.

Nutters don't get it. They are suckers in a NRA/Guns&Ammo marketing game.
Even though guns were banned on campus, the people in Roseburg will tell you that rule was ignored.

There were armed students on the campus that day.

One. in 3,000 students.
On October 1, 2015 Christopher Harper Mercer, a mentally ill 25 year old man, went on a rampage at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, and killed nine people. After being shot multiple times by law enforcement he delivered his own coup de grace. The community of Roseburg is staunchly pro-gun. Open carry is a fact of life in this rural community. Farming, ranching and logging are the primary sources of income, and all of those livelihoods are increasingly restricted…which is reflected in the economy. In part because of the economy, subsistence hunting, farming, and animal husbandry are more vital than ever to the survival of locals, and they “bitterly cling” to their firearms as useful tools to successfully engage in a rural, subsistence lifestyle.

The shooting at UCC does this community a particular insult, because it took place on the heels of a debate that resulted in lines drawn between the community and the school. The debate was whether or not to ban guns from UCC, and whether or not to engage an armed guard at UCC. The school opted to go against the community, and proudly and loudly announced their intent to ban guns from their campus. Although violations would not be prosecuted, Oregon law dictates the school could expel/terminate employment of those who violate the school edict, and the school announced their intent to do so if people violated the gun ban…regardless of what the community thought about it.

“We thought we were a very safe campus, and having armed security officers on campus might change the culture," said Joe Olson, retired president (as of June 2015) of UCC said. By “We” he means himself and the progressive school hierarchy who pushed the ban and refused to hire the guard over the community’s wishes.

The current UCC president Rita Cavin, said the shooting was an “anomaly” that has no bearing on the stated, advertised anti-gun stance of the school. But the fact of the matter is...the residents of Roseburg and the community feared the safety of their loved ones in an area that advertised itself as "no-gun". Anti-gun, agenda driven ideologues ignored the locals, and put a policy in place "for their own good"...and within months, the worse case scenario played itself out.

This "anomaly" was exactly what the pro-gun residents of Roseburg were afraid of, when the school opted to ignore their concerns and restrict community members from legally protecting themselves at UCC. Pro-gun proponents wanted the school to reflect their values. But they were vetoed by smug, out of touch educators who think they "know better" than the law, who think they know better than the community that pays their salaries, and who think they are justified in penalizing people for wanting to retain the ability to defend themselves. Ultimately and within a not very long period of time, the very thing the community feared could happen, has happened. Now, none of those who made that decision for the good people of Roseburg, against their wishes, wants to comment on it. Yet just months ago, they argued that arming people on campus would create an atmosphere where this very situation could take place. Now that the situation HAS taken place under the atmosphere that THEY created, they suddenly have nothing to say on the topic. Oh wait...Cavin maintains that it's an "anomaly" and in no way related to the atmosphere they created by advertising their no-gun stance.

One person (at least) was armed that day at UCC. Thirty-six-year-old Air Force veteran John Parker said, “I don’t care what the policy is. I know what the law is.” He wishes he had had the opportunity to use his weapon in defense of the nine innocent people targeted by a lunatic who knew they were unarmed.
And the survivors and families of the victims undoubtedly wish that just one person in the vicinity of the shooter had likewise ignored the bad policy. If Chris Mintz, the National Guard veteran who took 7 bullets while blocking a doorway with his body, had been armed, the number of people dead in Roseburg would have been drastically reduced. Mintz knows that, Clark knows that, Cavin knows that...and the shooter knew that too. Which is why he chose a gun free location. His objective was to shoot as many innocent people (Christians, specifically) as he could before being neutralized, and as a resident of Roseburg, he knew the best place to achieve that.

Great, shootout at the Crazy K Corral.

Nutters don't get it. They are suckers in a NRA/Guns&Ammo marketing game.

Do you even study the topics you talk about...there are more than a few times where concealed carriers have used their guns to stop mass shooters and they did so responsibly and saved lives.....

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