Masks Don't Work

Turns out very few people have gotten the flu this year. Guess why.

We’re all wearing masks!

I've seen enough from you to know that you're actually stupid enough that it is plausible for you to believe that.

The masks are bullshit. There is no more rational plausibility that they can protect anyo9ne from the common flu than that they can protect anyone from the #CoronaHoax2020 virus. I'm constantly amazed at how so many people are stupid enough to believe that a mask with 50-micron or larger gaps can stop a 0.2-micron or smaller virus. It's just plain stupid to believe this; regardless of whether the virus in question is the standard, non-politicized flu, or the exaggerated version that has been made the basis of the #CoronaHoax.

Of course, to any sane person, it ought to be obvious that when an establishment is as desperate as it is to exaggerate and fearmonger over one flu version, counting instances of another illness as being that first is going to result in reduced counts attributed to the actual illness being so miscounted.

Lies built on lies built on lies. It truly takes a sealybobo level of stupid to believe them, but there you are.
Does covering your mouth work when you sneeze?
Actually masks DO work.
Problem is too few have the willingness to use them.
Not nearly enough masks being stuffed down liberal throats.
A non-breather cannot spread disease without assistance.
You need to wear two of them...

Actually masks DO work.
Problem is too few have the willingness to use them.
Not nearly enough masks being stuffed down liberal throats.
A non-breather cannot spread disease without assistance.
Trumps rollout of the vaccine has been embarrassing. Sort of reminds me of when they first rolled out Obamacare
Trumps rollout of the vaccine has been embarrassing. Sort of reminds me of when they first rolled out Obamacare

Ah, you must live in a Democrat Ruled state.
I got my shot last week and was amazed that the process was so well organized; went smoothly and the only "long" part was the 15-minute wait to be sure of no side effects.
Maybe you should break the lease on the trailer and move?
Trumps rollout of the vaccine has been embarrassing. Sort of reminds me of when they first rolled out Obamacare
He delivered two of what are reported as being exceptionally-effective vaccines in less than one year, something everyone said would take a miracle. He is a miracle worker.

So far, 12M in the US have been vaccinated, and it's just the beginning of figuring out the logistics of distribution.

Biden is promising 100M doses in the first 100 days, that will simply be a lame attempt at trying to take credit for another remarkable achievement of the Trump Admin.
Trumps rollout of the vaccine has been embarrassing. Sort of reminds me of when they first rolled out Obamacare

Ah, you must live in a Democrat Ruled state.
I got my shot last week and was amazed that the process was so well organized; went smoothly and the only "long" part was the 15-minute wait to be sure of no side effects.
Maybe you should break the lease on the trailer and move?
I knew it! Trump sent it to red states first.
Trumps rollout of the vaccine has been embarrassing. Sort of reminds me of when they first rolled out Obamacare
He delivered two of what are reported as being exceptionally-effective vaccines in less than one year, something everyone said would take a miracle. He is a miracle worker.

So far, 12M in the US have been vaccinated, and it's just the beginning of figuring out the logistics of distribution.

Biden is promising 100M doses in the first 100 days, that will simply be a lame attempt at trying to take credit for another remarkable achievement of the Trump Admin.
Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it
Even my dental hygienist is masked. Always has been.

Hell, the doc who delivered me was masked too. But I understand we're all pretending this is a new thing now.
If they worked against COVID, the epidemic wouldn't be getting so persistently, steadily worse.
Even my dental hygienist is masked. Always has been.

Hell, the doc who delivered me was masked too. But I understand we're all pretending this is a new thing now.
If they worked against COVID, the epidemic wouldn't be getting so persistently, steadily worse.

If masking were anywhere near universal it prolly wouldn't.
Trumps rollout of the vaccine has been embarrassing. Sort of reminds me of when they first rolled out Obamacare
He delivered two of what are reported as being exceptionally-effective vaccines in less than one year, something everyone said would take a miracle. He is a miracle worker.

So far, 12M in the US have been vaccinated, and it's just the beginning of figuring out the logistics of distribution.

Biden is promising 100M doses in the first 100 days, that will simply be a lame attempt at trying to take credit for another remarkable achievement of the Trump Admin.
Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it
How can you say that? Are you not familiar with Operation Warp Speed?

Trump told us all that we would probably have a vaccine by the end of the year. The media said it would take a miracle...

There are very few things in life that can be guaranteed not to happen except perhaps for abstinence, but I digress.

The masks, washing of hands, social distancing, staying home & isolating when sick are all meant to mitigate the spread of the virus.

Mitigate: the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something

That's all

My but aren't you deep. The political tyranny is NOT "mitigating" anything. On the contrary, it is causing profound harm, psychological, emotional, and financial. It is teaching people to be compliant sheep.

Nazi Tyranny.jpg

Virtue signaling politics, not medicine, not science.

"Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted." - Dr. Donald Henderson, leader of the successful effort to eradicate smallpox

“Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS!” - Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams, Feb 29, 2020

“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make more people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is.” – Dr. Anthony Fauci, March 8, 2020

“WHO stands by the recommendation to not wear masks if you are not sick or not caring for someone who is sick,” CNN reported on March 30, 2020

“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection… in many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.” – New England Journal of Medicine, April 1, 2020

A single Sars-Cov-2 virus is about 0.1 micron

The vast majority of particles, 80 – 90%, in exhaled breath are smaller than a micron, and pass through masks like dust through a screen. Masks have almost no chance of catching most of the particles we exhale.

“Surgical masks should not be used for respiratory protection.” – “Filtration Performance of FDA-Cleared Surgical Masks, 2009 paper

“Measures such as physical distancing by 6 feet would not be helpful in an indoor setting, provide a false sense of security, and lead to exposures and outbreaks.” – International Journal of Infectious Diseases, November 2020

The four most important words in medicine are “First, do no harm.” Disruptions, social distancing, closure of schools, businesses, government agencies, travel, and life as we know it have done profound harm, psychologically, emotionally, financially, legally, and medically.

“We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission.” – Emerging Infectious Diseases, a Centers for Disease Control Journal


Researchers in Vietnam found healthcare workers who wore cloth masks were more likely to develop infections than those who wore surgical masks as well as a third control group who were not required to wear masks at all.


Mask wearing “did not reduce, at conventional levels of statistical significance, the incidence of Sars-Cov-2 infection.” – Danish study, covering approximately 5,000 people, November 18, 2020

“My mask protects you,” goes one virtue signaling mantra – No it does not. “An epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci at a January press conference

Asymptomatic transmission “is very rare.” Maria Van Kerkhove, senior World Health Organization scientist, June 8, 2020

Four studies showed that “between 0% and 2.2% of people with asymptomatic infection infected anyone else.” – World Health Organization, July 2020

“The widespread use of masks by healthy people is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence.” World Health Organization, June 5, 2020

“I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that’s the kind of thing you should be doing.” – May 27, 2020

Virtue signaling politics, not medicine, not science.

"Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted." - Dr. Donald Henderson, leader of the successful effort to eradicate smallpox
Turns out very few people have gotten the flu this year. Guess why.

First you Trump haters scream about how many people have DIED of (gasp!) Covid-19.
Now you proclaim that "very few people have gotten the flu (Covid-19).
So which is it? Many, or few? You don't know. You just regurgitate what you hear from Fake News, the Hateful.

I photographed this and sent it to a couple of Leftist Panickers I know.
The best they can do is call me a ****ing Nazi. That's their "debate."

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