Mask Research and Dr. opinions: THEY DO NOT WORK TO STOP COVID!!!

This is how the CDC protect themselves from viruses, your mask seems pathetic in contrast.


Dems claim to be about the science, that's why they ran in fear of this post ^^^
No masks. No shutdown. Resume life as normal. Get on with it.

Those concerned about risk can stay home.
Ok so do you think trump will ever advise that? He’s really just walking the fence so far. In the morning he’d talk the importance of distancing and then in the evening tweet support for protestors against the shut downs who clearly aren’t distancing. That’s what Sweden did and my understanding is things went much better for the rest of Scandinavia who were more careful. What happens when a meat packing plant is loaded with Covid do they shut down? I really have no side in this virus thing, I just want it to go away. I understand economics, not virus.
You miss the point. If you are wearing a mask, and you sneeze on the drywall, guess what. The mask stops the sneeze from getting out.

Call it "source" containment rather than external filtration.
This crap was proven to be airborne in's airborne now....and finally the CDC admits it......LOL

Will not stop a dang's running it's course.......and doesn't give a damn about a cloth mask.

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