Maryland Touts Low Obamacare Health Insurance Premiums


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Maryland Touts Low Obamacare Health Insurance Premiums

Health coverage sold on Obamacare's health insurance exchange in Maryland will be among the cheapest in the country, state officials said Friday.

A 21-year-old nonsmoker will be able to buy health insurance that costs as little as $93 a month on the Maryland Health Connection, the state's health insurance exchange, starting Oct. 1 for coverage that takes effect Jan 1, the Maryland Insurance Division revealed in a press release. Rates for insurance with richer benefits and lower deductibles will be higher and premiums will vary by age, residence location, tobacco use and whether family members enroll.

Maryland is the latest state to disclose how much health insurance actually will cost under President Barack Obama's health care reform law. The state joins California, New York and elsewhere in achieving monthly premiums below estimates by the Congressional Budget Office and others. Officials in states including Indiana have released preliminary findings suggesting health insurance costs will skyrocket as a result of the law.



Notice the wingnuts haven't commented. Ridiculous that they'd rather pay more and get less just because their good fortune comes from President Obama.
Maryland Touts Low Obamacare Health Insurance Premiums

Health coverage sold on Obamacare's health insurance exchange in Maryland will be among the cheapest in the country, state officials said Friday.

A 21-year-old nonsmoker will be able to buy health insurance that costs as little as $93 a month on the Maryland Health Connection, the state's health insurance exchange, starting Oct. 1 for coverage that takes effect Jan 1, the Maryland Insurance Division revealed in a press release. Rates for insurance with richer benefits and lower deductibles will be higher and premiums will vary by age, residence location, tobacco use and whether family members enroll.

Maryland is the latest state to disclose how much health insurance actually will cost under President Barack Obama's health care reform law. The state joins California, New York and elsewhere in achieving monthly premiums below estimates by the Congressional Budget Office and others. Officials in states including Indiana have released preliminary findings suggesting health insurance costs will skyrocket as a result of the law.


So let me get this straight - Dumbocrats involved in the creation of the bill have already called it a "train wreck", the unions who supported it are now begging to be exempt from it, the IRS who will enforce it are begging to be exempt from it, and hospitals are laying off workers in anticipation of it, but you're going to pretend to laugh over it all because you found one article written by radical left-wing libtards? Seriously? :lmao:

Baucus warns of 'huge train wreck' enacting ObamaCare provisions - The Hill's Healthwatch

What Are the Top 12 Obamacare Failures? - AskHeritage

Morning Bell: Even Unions Are Turning on Obamacare

Hospital Staff Under The Knife: Layoffs Pick Up As ObamaCare Looms -

Labor Unions: Obamacare Will 'Shatter' Our Health Benefits, Cause 'Nightmare Scenarios' - Forbes

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Notice the wingnuts haven't commented. Ridiculous that they'd rather pay more and get less just because their good fortune comes from President Obama.

I commented - and as always - humiliated you, Synthaholic, and you're whole ignorant libtard brotherhood of willfully ignorant lapdogs begging for government table scraps because you're too lazy to provide for yourself... :)
A common story!

In the 11 states that have released rates for next year, premiums for a middle-of-the-road plan are an average of 18 percent cheaper than the Congressional Budget Office had expected.

Guess they need to make that 12 now to incorporate yesterday's news. Well done, Maryland.
Maryland Touts Low Obamacare Health Insurance Premiums

Health coverage sold on Obamacare's health insurance exchange in Maryland will be among the cheapest in the country, state officials said Friday.

A 21-year-old nonsmoker will be able to buy health insurance that costs as little as $93 a month on the Maryland Health Connection, the state's health insurance exchange, starting Oct. 1 for coverage that takes effect Jan 1, the Maryland Insurance Division revealed in a press release. Rates for insurance with richer benefits and lower deductibles will be higher and premiums will vary by age, residence location, tobacco use and whether family members enroll.

Maryland is the latest state to disclose how much health insurance actually will cost under President Barack Obama's health care reform law. The state joins California, New York and elsewhere in achieving monthly premiums below estimates by the Congressional Budget Office and others. Officials in states including Indiana have released preliminary findings suggesting health insurance costs will skyrocket as a result of the law.




Why does a 21 year old need their own health insurance when they're covered by their parents until 26?
Maryland Touts Low Obamacare Health Insurance Premiums

Health coverage sold on Obamacare's health insurance exchange in Maryland will be among the cheapest in the country, state officials said Friday.

A 21-year-old nonsmoker will be able to buy health insurance that costs as little as $93 a month on the Maryland Health Connection, the state's health insurance exchange, starting Oct. 1 for coverage that takes effect Jan 1, the Maryland Insurance Division revealed in a press release. Rates for insurance with richer benefits and lower deductibles will be higher and premiums will vary by age, residence location, tobacco use and whether family members enroll.

Maryland is the latest state to disclose how much health insurance actually will cost under President Barack Obama's health care reform law. The state joins California, New York and elsewhere in achieving monthly premiums below estimates by the Congressional Budget Office and others. Officials in states including Indiana have released preliminary findings suggesting health insurance costs will skyrocket as a result of the law.




Meh, it's the same shell game that was played with the numbers in New York. You sheeple buy it every time.:cuckoo:
It's astounding that the die-hard useful idiots on the left continue to tout Obamacare even after the Dumbocrat authors have called it a "train wreck" and the liberal unions have abandoned it.

People like Synthaholic, Luddly, Franco, and RDean would rather see the entire nation go bankrupt and morph into some third world nation of filth, poverty, and famine than admit that the ideology they were brainwashed with since birth is a failed ideology.
Meanwhile, Connecticut also saw the positive impact of market competition this week:

New insurer lowers proposed rates for Obamacare health plans | The CT Mirror
HealthyCT, a new insurer, has significantly reduced what it’s proposing to charge customers who buy health plans through the marketplace created by the federal health reform law.

The new proposals would make the average rates offered by HealthyCT the lowest to be offered through the marketplace, known as Access Health CT.
The revised rate proposals drew praise from Kevin Counihan, Access Health's chief executive.

"We are delighted with the new rates filed by HealthyCT," he said Friday. "It represents the power of market forces and competition serving the residents and small businesses in our state, and it is an indication that competition works."

"It also shows that insurers seem somewhat confident that younger, healthier people will be entering the marketplace -- many of them for the first time," Counihan said.

Under the revised filing, the average cost for an individual-market HealthyCT plan dropped by 36 percent, from $427 per month to $271. There’s a wide range in what customers could pay, however -- from $111 to $1,080. That range is also lower than in the previous proposal.

Not exactly a unique story, of course.

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Third Insurer, Kaiser, Drops Rates on DC Health Link Exchange as Competition and Transparency Cut Costs

The big health insurer Kaiser Permanente lowered the rates it is proposing to charge customers through the District’s new DC Health Link insurance exchange by 4.4 percent for small-business employees and half a percent for individuals.

Three of the four insurers on the exchange have now lowered prices since the companies for the first time disclosed their proposed rates publicly last month.

Or: Two Oregon insurers rethink 2014 premiums as state posts first-ever rate comparison |
On Thursday, a comparison of proposed 2014 health premiums became public online, causing two insurers to request do-overs to lower their rates even before the state determines whether they're justified.

The unusual development was sparked by a comparison that used to be impossible because plan benefits varied so widely. But under the federal reforms that take effect Jan. 1, health insurance is mandated and every insurer must offer certain standard plans.


Your move, anti-market folks.
Meanwhile, Connecticut also saw the positive impact of market competition this week:

New insurer lowers proposed rates for Obamacare health plans | The CT Mirror
HealthyCT, a new insurer, has significantly reduced what it’s proposing to charge customers who buy health plans through the marketplace created by the federal health reform law.

The new proposals would make the average rates offered by HealthyCT the lowest to be offered through the marketplace, known as Access Health CT.
The revised rate proposals drew praise from Kevin Counihan, Access Health's chief executive.

"We are delighted with the new rates filed by HealthyCT," he said Friday. "It represents the power of market forces and competition serving the residents and small businesses in our state, and it is an indication that competition works."

"It also shows that insurers seem somewhat confident that younger, healthier people will be entering the marketplace -- many of them for the first time," Counihan said.

Under the revised filing, the average cost for an individual-market HealthyCT plan dropped by 36 percent, from $427 per month to $271. There’s a wide range in what customers could pay, however -- from $111 to $1,080. That range is also lower than in the previous proposal.

Not exactly a unique story, of course.

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Third Insurer, Kaiser, Drops Rates on DC Health Link Exchange as Competition and Transparency Cut Costs

The big health insurer Kaiser Permanente lowered the rates it is proposing to charge customers through the District’s new DC Health Link insurance exchange by 4.4 percent for small-business employees and half a percent for individuals.

Three of the four insurers on the exchange have now lowered prices since the companies for the first time disclosed their proposed rates publicly last month.

Or: Two Oregon insurers rethink 2014 premiums as state posts first-ever rate comparison |
On Thursday, a comparison of proposed 2014 health premiums became public online, causing two insurers to request do-overs to lower their rates even before the state determines whether they're justified.

The unusual development was sparked by a comparison that used to be impossible because plan benefits varied so widely. But under the federal reforms that take effect Jan. 1, health insurance is mandated and every insurer must offer certain standard plans.


Your move, anti-market folks.

So let me get this straight - Dumbocrats involved in the creation of the bill have already called it a "train wreck", the unions who supported it are now begging to be exempt from it, the IRS who will enforce it are begging to be exempt from it, and hospitals are laying off workers in anticipation of it, but you're going to pretend like Obamacare is working? Seriously? :lmao:

Baucus warns of 'huge train wreck' enacting ObamaCare provisions - The Hill's Healthwatch

What Are the Top 12 Obamacare Failures? - AskHeritage

Morning Bell: Even Unions Are Turning on Obamacare

Hospital Staff Under The Knife: Layoffs Pick Up As ObamaCare Looms -

Labor Unions: Obamacare Will 'Shatter' Our Health Benefits, Cause 'Nightmare Scenarios' - Forbes
So let me get this straight - Dumbocrats involved in the creation of the bill have already called it a "train wreck", the unions who supported it are now begging to be exempt from it, the IRS who will enforce it are begging to be exempt from it, and hospitals are laying off workers in anticipation of it, but you're going to pretend like Obamacare is working? Seriously? :lmao:

I guess that depends on what you mean by "working." If by that you mean:

Premiums (and thus the cost of the ACA) coming in well below what the CBO expected back in its 2010 score of the legislation

Medicare and Medicaid similarly costing significantly less (hundreds of billions of dollars) this decade than the CBO expected them to:

In recent years, health care spending has grown much more slowly both nationally and for federal programs than historical rates would have indicated. For example, in 2012, federal spending for Medicare and Medicaid was about 5 percent below the amount that CBO had projected in March 2010.

In response to that slowdown, over the past several years CBO has made a series of downward adjustments to its projections of spending for Medicaid and Medicare. For example, from the March 2010 baseline to the current baseline, technical revisions—mostly reflecting the slower growth in the programs’ spending in recent years—have lowered CBO’s estimates of federal spending for the two programs in 2020 by about $200 billion—by $126 billion for Medicare and by $78 billion for Medicaid, or by roughly 15 percent for each program.

The lowest health care price inflation on record:
Health care price inflation in May 2013, at 1.0% year-over-year, is growing at a historically low rate. While “all-time low” may be too strong, given that our data extend back only to January 1990, it’s difficult to imagine a lower rate in the last 70 years. The 12-month moving average at 1.8% in April 2013 is the lowest since the 1.7% recorded in September 1998.

A sustained, unprecedented slowdown in overall health spending:

Provisions in the Affordable Care Act that penalize hospitals for excessive readmissions and encourage employers to offer wellness programs are slowing the growth of U.S. medical costs, even as the economy rebounds.

Health-care costs for commercial insurers and employers are expected to rise about 4.5 percent next year after accounting for changes in benefits, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP said in a report today. The increase is a percentage point less than what the consulting company projected for 2013.
PwC’s findings track with studies by the government and others that show continued slow growth in medical costs even with the economy four years into an upswing since the 2007-2009 recession. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said in January that U.S. health spending, including from government programs, rose 3.9 percent in 2011, matching the slowest growth in 52 years of record keeping.

Then I guess it is working.
Maryland Touts Low Obamacare Health Insurance Premiums

Health coverage sold on Obamacare's health insurance exchange in Maryland will be among the cheapest in the country, state officials said Friday.

A 21-year-old nonsmoker will be able to buy health insurance that costs as little as $93 a month on the Maryland Health Connection, the state's health insurance exchange, starting Oct. 1 for coverage that takes effect Jan 1, the Maryland Insurance Division revealed in a press release. Rates for insurance with richer benefits and lower deductibles will be higher and premiums will vary by age, residence location, tobacco use and whether family members enroll.

Maryland is the latest state to disclose how much health insurance actually will cost under President Barack Obama's health care reform law. The state joins California, New York and elsewhere in achieving monthly premiums below estimates by the Congressional Budget Office and others. Officials in states including Indiana have released preliminary findings suggesting health insurance costs will skyrocket as a result of the law.


So let me get this straight - Dumbocrats involved in the creation of the bill have already called it a "train wreck", the unions who supported it are now begging to be exempt from it, the IRS who will enforce it are begging to be exempt from it, and hospitals are laying off workers in anticipation of it, but you're going to pretend to laugh over it all because you found one article written by radical left-wing libtards? Seriously? :lmao:

Baucus warns of 'huge train wreck' enacting ObamaCare provisions - The Hill's Healthwatch

What Are the Top 12 Obamacare Failures? - AskHeritage

Morning Bell: Even Unions Are Turning on Obamacare

Hospital Staff Under The Knife: Layoffs Pick Up As ObamaCare Looms -

Labor Unions: Obamacare Will 'Shatter' Our Health Benefits, Cause 'Nightmare Scenarios' - Forbes


You fucking dumbass. Baucus isn't warning that ObamaCare is a train wreck, he's warning that the lack of public knowledge about it is a train wreck.

The IRS doesn't want to be involved because they don't want to be made the scapegoat by Republicans, like they were with this last fake scandal.
You fucking dumbass. Baucus isn't warning that ObamaCare is a train wreck, he's warning that the lack of public knowledge about it is a train wreck.

The IRS doesn't want to be involved because they don't want to be made the scapegoat by Republicans, like they were with this last fake scandal.

LMAO!!! What difference does the "public knowledge" on Obamacare make?!? The public isn't responsible for the train wreck. The public isn't charged with enforcing the train wreck. Sadly, the public is just forced to purchase rates that are 200% higher thanks to the train wreck. Max Baucus knows it. Barack Obama knows it. You're the only dumb-shit who hasn't figured it out yet. :lmao:

When you get exposed as the USMB bitch, you come out with some really desperate shit that just digs the hole deeper for your dumb ass...
A common story!

In the 11 states that have released rates for next year, premiums for a middle-of-the-road plan are an average of 18 percent cheaper than the Congressional Budget Office had expected.
Guess they need to make that 12 now to incorporate yesterday's news. Well done, Maryland.

I don't even have to look, these states have the highest cost of living in the U.S. don't they.
Notice the wingnuts haven't commented. Ridiculous that they'd rather pay more and get less just because their good fortune comes from President Obama.

I commented - and as always - humiliated you, Synthaholic, and you're whole ignorant libtard brotherhood of willfully ignorant lapdogs begging for government table scraps because you're too lazy to provide for yourself... :)

LOL. If you gotta brag that you did such, you obviously did not.
A common story!

In the 11 states that have released rates for next year, premiums for a middle-of-the-road plan are an average of 18 percent cheaper than the Congressional Budget Office had expected.
Guess they need to make that 12 now to incorporate yesterday's news. Well done, Maryland.

I don't even have to look, these states have the highest cost of living in the U.S. don't they.

Well, that is not Oregon, and it looks like ObamaCare is going to work well here, also.

Like MediCare and Social Security, the GOP is once again going to go down in history as fools once again fighting the inevitable.
A common story!

Guess they need to make that 12 now to incorporate yesterday's news. Well done, Maryland.

I don't even have to look, these states have the highest cost of living in the U.S. don't they.

Well, that is not Oregon, and it looks like ObamaCare is going to work well here, also.

Like MediCare and Social Security, the GOP is once again going to go down in history as fools once again fighting the inevitable.

Medicare and Social Security are going broke you idiot, they are unsustainable. You people are a joke everybody knows Obamacare cant work accept the Obama lickers:cuckoo:
I don't even have to look, these states have the highest cost of living in the U.S. don't they.

Well, that is not Oregon, and it looks like ObamaCare is going to work well here, also.

Like MediCare and Social Security, the GOP is once again going to go down in history as fools once again fighting the inevitable.

Medicare and Social Security are going broke you idiot, they are unsustainable. You people are a joke everybody knows Obamacare cant work accept the Obama lickers:cuckoo:

What's amazing i that even the Obama licker know it's a "train wreck" (direct quote from the man who helped write the damn bill)!

It's the useful idiots (ie the uneducated Dumbocrat parasites) that keep trying to convince themselves that Obamacare is good. I mean, even the Obama Administration has suspended parts of the bill already because this thing is such a fuck'n train wreck.

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