Marxist bandits started WW2 and Cold War in 1920. Lenin about taking Red Army to Germany, Poland , England, etc.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Marxist bandits started WW2 and Cold War in 1920. Lenin about taking Red Army to Germany, Poland , England, etc.

"Even more importantly, for the first time, Lenin acknowledged that the Red Army
offensive into Poland in July 1920 aimed not only at the sovietisation of Poland
, but also at
taking the military campaign further westwards, in particular, to Germany and England.
This intention was unknown to earlier historians working on the subject.
Lenin believed
that the Red Army offensive would ignite the spark of revolution across Europe
, as it
advanced, drawing fresh recruits into its ranks, as it had during the Russian Civil War. In
this way, the Polish-Soviet War could be used as the initial engagement in a war against
the capitalist Allied states, for the overthrow of the Versailles settlement, admitting,
This was a most important turning point not only in the politics of Soviet
Russia but also in world politics... now we said we have become stronger,
and we will respond with a counterattack to each of your attempts at
attack... you risk that each of your attacks will expand the territory of the
Soviet Republic."

any comment on this ?
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Marxist bandits started WW2 and Cold War in 1920. Lenin about taking Red Army to Germany, Poland , England, etc.

"Even more importantly, for the first time, Lenin acknowledged that the Red Army
offensive into Poland in July 1920 aimed not only at the sovietisation of Poland
, but also at
taking the military campaign further westwards, in particular, to Germany and England.
This intention was unknown to earlier historians working on the subject.
Lenin believed
that the Red Army offensive would ignite the spark of revolution across Europe
, as it
advanced, drawing fresh recruits into its ranks, as it had during the Russian Civil War. In
this way, the Polish-Soviet War could be used as the initial engagement in a war against
the capitalist Allied states, for the overthrow of the Versailles settlement, admitting,
This was a most important turning point not only in the politics of Soviet
Russia but also in world politics... now we said we have become stronger,
and we will respond with a counterattack to each of your attempts at
attack... you risk that each of your attacks will expand the territory of the
Soviet Republic."

any comment on this ?
I was unaware, but does not surprise me a bit.
..Russia did have a hand in it
Secondly, the newly established states of Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia in
south and south-east Europe,
following the trauma of the Great War, were also deemed to

be ready to welcome socialist revolution.185 On 13 July 1920, Kamenev stated that Soviet
control of Eastern Galicia was essential to provide, “...a gateway to Hungary” and an
alternative route to Poland.186 By the time the Politburo resolved to cross into ethnographic
Poland, Lenin was convinced that the revolution should not only target Germany, but also
the countries in south-west Europe. Six days after the decisive 17 July meeting he
telegrammed Stalin,
The situation in the Comintern is splendid. Zinoviev, Bukharin, and I, too,
think that revolution in Italy should be spurred on immediately. My personal
opinion is that to this end, Hungary should be sovietised, and perhaps also
Czechia and Romania.187

He later acknowledged the great significance of this decision in his secret speech of
September 1920, when he stated,
We understand perfectly well that the stakes are high, that... in taking
Galicia, where Soviet rule is assured [and] which has a connection to
Czechoslovakia and Hungary, where things are seething – by doing this –
we are opening a direct road for revolution. This is worth fighting for; such
a fact cannot be scorned.188...."

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