Marjorie Taylor Greene: naive & irrational to think US will remain 50 states, if Dems don't change behavior, it's time for a "national divorce"

Should our country pander to those who have wild fantasies about stolen elections, Q and Jewish Space Lasers?
If more than 30 Democrats weren't seeking reelection I might agree about the stolen election, but that number tells a different story. What do you have against the alphabet? I have no knowledge of space lasers, Jewish or otherwise.
Should our country pander to those who have wild fantasies about stolen elections, Q and Jewish Space Lasers?
No, YOUR country should not tolerate questions from the citizens. OUR country will cherish freedom of speech.... you know, all that shit that's in the Constitution.

Any idea where this is going?
What MTG is saying is that if Republicans have to be a minority party in this country, they want to take their ball and go home.

Problem is that there are no totally Democratic or totally Republican states
How do you “Divorce”?

The R's arent going to be a minority party in the house after the november elections and the states should still start seceding.
If more than 30 Democrats weren't seeking reelection I might agree about the stolen election, but that number tells a different story. What do you have against the alphabet? I have no knowledge of space lasers, Jewish or otherwise.

Marjorie Taylor Greene seems to
Oh, puleeze. The Democrats you represent with a misnomer said plenty of stuff like that when President Trump was President and you know it too, don't you.
What Democratic leaders threatened to secede after Trump was elected?
i'd rather succeed than secede. i don't want a hand out, i want a leg up.

these divisive traitors would have been hanged in the old days

All that needs to be done is support the Article V amendment to return power to the states so that conservative states can run things they way they like and the Left wing states can commit societal suicide like they want. This is how things were originally set up rather than the President dictating to us all so that half the country wants to secede every 4 years.

But the crazy fascist Left would never allow decent of any kind.

It's mandatory cool aid for everyone and any attempt to change it means it is 1939 all over again and a threat to our democracy.

Besides, January 6th.
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Texas is a Democratic state?

It used to be until you deprived the Oil Rich Democrats by ranking on oil to be replaced with coal-powered electricity to destroy gas-powered cars and make Democrats rich who purchased stock in a business their laws created. And they can just deflect charges of insider trading with their legislative power of voter cheating by continuing to give elections to themselves with laws and powers. They can even make their opponents guilty of crimes by legislating laws that protect them completely from criticism based on the truth. All Communism winds up killing 40-80% of their population one way or another. You think the Deep State gives a damn who dies if their political rivals don't KTA's?
Their country will be lead by a stuttering shit clown and Little Bo Peep in heels...


OUR country will not encourage and facilitate that kind of mental illness.

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