Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Longest Twitter Suspension Yet After Falsely Claiming COVID Vaccines And Masks Don't Work

You and Greene have a lot in common because I have a post by you proclaiming if someone is vaccinated they will not be hospitalized or die from the delta variant, so I can not understand why you hate Greene so much…
She is posting lies.

Her account has been suspended for a week.

Lies like this are filling hospitals all over the nation. Children are are now being infected some are dying.

Normally I would say, what fucking nut-job would believe her..

Don't worry this thread brought them out..
LefTard Logic:
”This censorship shit is so cool....what were our founders thinking....dissent is BAD for America.”

Sorry Twitter is a private company which doesn't want to spread false dangerous information. They rightfully so believe that it damages its brand...

So under the terms of us Greene was warned for spreading false information and then suspended... Greene agreed to this when she accepted the terms of service on getting her account.

Why should Twitter have to break the terms of service, damage their brand and spread false and dangerous information?

Where is Twitter's freedom?
The CDC and NIH funded 3 studies that prove masks don't work, of course they were buried, and there are 10s of thousands of fully vaccinated people getting infected. So tell the class what she got wrong.

Links please
you actually think masks and the vaxx work. LOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Yes... Plenty of evidence there...

It would involve not closing ones eyes and stop getting information from garbage sites..

Why do you think so many of those garbage sites have to spread false information? We have actual experts, if you listen to them you wouldn't be on the garbage sites...

How have all the experts generally agreed on masks and vaccines? Think about that... 96% of Doctors in US have the vaccine... 96% of Doctors can't agree on anything but they agree on vaccine..
When she clicked on "agree" to the TOS rules when she signed up with twitter, she signed a contract agreeing to those TOS rules. Which included agreeing that twitter can suspend or even cancel the account if she violates the TOS rules.

She agreed to the rules in a signed contract then violated those rules.
Since when did twitter become the be all science and medical expert that banns people for expressing their views
She is posting lies.

Her account has been suspended for a week.

Lies like this are filling hospitals all over the nation. Children are are now being infected some are dying.

Did you know that down in Broward County that kids were dying long before the Kung Flu came around, because those children were murdered by a lunatic lefty that was allowed to pass an ATF background check? Yeah, i hate to say it children die, but this bullshit Fauxdemic will kill more children than the actual disease...
Yes... Plenty of evidence there...

It would involve not closing ones eyes and stop getting information from garbage sites..

Why do you think so many of those garbage sites have to spread false information? We have actual experts, if you listen to them you wouldn't be on the garbage sites...

How have all the experts generally agreed on masks and vaccines? Think about that... 96% of Doctors in US have the vaccine... 96% of Doctors can't agree on anything but they agree on vaccine..
It isnt a vaccine.....It is an experimental drug that alters the DNA of each person....Vaccines dont do that...Dumbnuts
You and Greene have a lot in common because I have a post by you proclaiming if someone is vaccinated they will not be hospitalized or die from the delta variant, so I can not understand why you hate Greene so much…
All have opinions and are held to 100% of pure reality. Progs push this on others with more success because it is easier to do so. The game has been at your advantage since the 1960's which was set up with the Civil War and activated in 1913. The Depression and WW 2 started our empire stage.
Sorry Twitter is a private company which doesn't want to spread false dangerous information. They rightfully so believe that it damages its brand...

So under the terms of us Greene was warned for spreading false information and then suspended... Greene agreed to this when she accepted the terms of service on getting her account.

Why should Twitter have to break the terms of service, damage their brand and spread false and dangerous information?

Where is Twitter's freedom?
And what exactly is twitters "brand "?
most vaccine hesitant group of all?



this is 1938 ^

Today. First they came for the Unvaccinated.
Sorry Twitter is a private company which doesn't want to spread false dangerous information. They rightfully so believe that it damages its brand... people honestly believe the bullshit you concoct don’t you?
Remember, you self proclaimed “anti-facist” puppets just recently began empowering and championing the facsist puppet masters...your support drives their action. You Hate America, Change America types have made it crystal clear, you hate dissent played out in public
Look, Twitter built their brand without ever using the word “misinformation”....they built it without censoring almost anything....remember now?
They don’t “spread” anything, they provide a platform for others to “spread”‘s what they do.
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