MANY Hillary voters who are not BRAINWASHED IDEOLOGUES love the TRUMP TAX CUT and are leaning PUB


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
I know it's CRUMBS to elitist Prog snobs like pelosi, but it's REAL money to for those that the DEM PARTY CLAIM TO CARE ABOUT.

Isabel Valencia, 34, said she’s seeing about an extra $50 a month from the tax cuts -- no small sum for a mother of two earning $25,000 a year in a local pediatrician’s office. Valencia’s husband lost his job recently, so her family moved in with her brother. She didn’t vote in the 2016 elections because she said she doubted that her vote mattered.

“Yes, absolutely, it does encourage me to vote, and, yes, it makes it more likely to vote Republican,” Valencia said, referring to the tax cuts.

This Florida City Shows How Trump Tax Cuts May Buoy Republicans
A leftist will be along to parrot something about how supply-side economics "doesn't work", in 3...2...1...

Ooops. Beat by a moment. :laughing0301:
This is what PELOSI meant by "ARMAGEDDON"....she meant for the Democrat party, not those who get to keep more of their own hard earned money.

Progs, who are "THE WEALTHY" and what is their "FAIR SHARE" of taxes?

if you can't quanitfy it, how do you put it into a bill?
I have no idea why American Workers would support the Democratic Party. It's a NWO Globalist Party. Democrats could care less about American Citizen interests. They've cast their lot with foreign interests. And shame on US Worker Unions especially. How could they dutifully line up in support of the Democratic Party? They've sold their members out.
You conservatives with your newfound love of borrow and spend may buy off a few voters here and there, but Donald Trump, aka the biggest embarrassment in presidential history, is going to cost you far more.
I know it's CRUMBS to elitist Prog snobs like pelosi, but it's REAL money to for those that the DEM PARTY CLAIM TO CARE ABOUT.

Isabel Valencia, 34, said she’s seeing about an extra $50 a month from the tax cuts -- no small sum for a mother of two earning $25,000 a year in a local pediatrician’s office. Valencia’s husband lost his job recently, so her family moved in with her brother. She didn’t vote in the 2016 elections because she said she doubted that her vote mattered.

“Yes, absolutely, it does encourage me to vote, and, yes, it makes it more likely to vote Republican,” Valencia said, referring to the tax cuts.

This Florida City Shows How Trump Tax Cuts May Buoy Republicans

What happens when the bill comes due? Trillion dollar deficits. The fact is that the bulk of the tax cuts go to the rich. Loopholes such as the carried interest deduction, the pass through rate for passive investors and tax break for real estate trusts should be closed. Also the business tax rate should be at 25% which is the rate Ryan said he could get it down to. Restore tax breaks for state and local taxes and restore full indexing of the standard deduction and tax brackets.

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