Many Dems here have claimed to be against open borders…Is there a reason they never post / express their discontent with this admin on the issue?

I‘ve engaged with many who have openly claimed to be against open borders….It’s hard to believe they‘re sincere when they never really post on the subject…..SO….Dems, how do you feel about the tens of thousands, the caravans in route to us now?
Many Dems here have claimed to be against open borders…Is there a reason they never post / express their discontent with this admin on the issue?

I'm a (very reluctant) registered (D) and I absolutely despise the present administration's lily-livered limp-wristed handling of Illegal Aliens and border security.

Next batter. please.
How would your life be different if zero illegals entered the US?
Americans spend billions fostering the children of illegals, they sacrifice their daughters to illegals (Mollie Tibbetts) and all the rapes, they get to wait behind illegals for weeks for a doctors appointment, they get to wait behind illegals for hours in emergency rooms, they get to pick up their shitty diapers left on beaches and their Modello bottles tossed along our roadways, they get to pay to incarcerate them, their kids are blessed to get a shittier education because illegals have overrun our education system, they get to sit in 2 hours of traffic with illegals to travel 60 miles, blacks have the pleasure of being run from their neighborhoods as illegals drive up rents packing 12 to a 900 sqft shithole....etc etc
Mexifornia is pretty went from the Golden State Of Opportunity to the Brown Shithole Of Degradation
Maybe you ought to care about what affects your fellow countrymen?
I am not afraid of Brown People

I think they make good workers and eventually good citizens
I would give them temporary work visas and make the best ones citizens
who will decide who the best ones are? S.Cal were most of them are, you will be called a racist for saying this one is undesirable over that one........
Semantics….call it whatever you want.
Know this, nobody sane thinks a nation would have 20-40 illegals without having an open border.
We would not have all those people here if their cheap thankless labor was not highly desirable in certain industries. The bulk of what you put in your mouth was made possible by migrant workers. Your house was probably built by them and when you end up in a nursing home they will be wiping your ass. They will be mowing the grass on your grave. They are only illegal because politicians cannot come to terms with their sheer necessity to our economy.
A lot of Democrats have been trained to not speak out against Democrats, even if they strongly disagree. They are trained to repeat and think without consideration.
I‘ve engaged with many who have openly claimed to be against open borders….It’s hard to believe they‘re sincere when they never really post on the subject…..SO….Dems, how do you feel about the tens of thousands, the caravans in route to us now?
Caravans of people oh my!...Now you know how the Indian tribes felt.
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First off, I perceive it to be an exaggerated counter-reaction to Trump's initiatives in part. It also could be because of the necessity to make up the shortfall in available labour. There's no denying that exists now as people are quitting their jobs in large numbers.

Let's deal with that much for now and not make it overly complicated.

And fwiw, I would acknowledge the notion that Biden has made it easier for those people to quit.

"It also could be because of the necessity to make up the shortfall in available labour."

Thanks for your response to the question. In truth, I do not see that we have a shortfall in labor because the participation rate is so low. In some cases, people are quitting their jobs or refusing to look for one in the 1st place. So, we've got the people, but for whatever reason they don't want to work. Part of that might be due to the generous (IMHO) social services and benefits people can get if they aren't working, but there are other reasons too, whatever they might be. There was a time a few generations back before all the social safety net programs came along where people did the shit-work to meet their responsibilities to take care of themselves and their families because the gov't wasn't going to do it for them. Now that isn't the case; people that were once castigated as being bums, tramps, hoboes, etc., are no longer treated that way. It's okay now, apparently for too many people and as Donald H notes, it's too easy to get by without working.

I'm not seeing the necessity for allowing illegals to come into the US to fill jobs. Don't we have enough illegals already? How many more do we need? IMHO, that's not it, it's become a political football like pretty much everything else but that isn't the whole answer either. No doubt many of these new people coming in are good, decent people, but many are not. Either way they have become an increasing burden that IMHO outweighs the benefit we get from them. Some say that the democrats support more people crossing the southern border because they're more likely to vote democrat once they get the chance. I don't think most employers want to hire people who can't even speak english, and have little or no real education. Otherwise the employer is stuck with a never-ending revolving door of new people that have to be trained to do a job and that ain't good business. But many of those same employers can't afford to pay a high enough wage and appropriate benefits. So either they raise their prices or go out of business, and America is stuck with a whole lot of people that are all but unemployable. What then?
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We would not have all those people here if their cheap thankless labor was not highly desirable in certain industries. The bulk of what you put in your mouth was made possible by migrant workers. Your house was probably built by them and when you end up in a nursing home they will be wiping your ass. They will be mowing the grass on your grave. They are only illegal because politicians cannot come to terms with their sheer necessity to our economy.
How do you suppose America operated without them for two centuries?
"It also could be because of the necessity to make up the shortfall in available labour."

Thanks for your response to the question. In truth, I do not see that we have a shortfall in labor because the participation rate is so low. In some cases, people are quitting their jobs or refusing to look for one in the 1st place. So, we've got the people, but for whatever reason they don't want to work. Part of that might be due to the generous (IMHO) social services and benefits people can get if they aren't working, but there are other reasons too, whatever they might be. There was a time a few generations back before all the social safety net programs came along where people did the shit-work to meet their responsibilities to take care of themselves and their families because the gov't wasn't going to do it for them. Now that isn't the case; people that were once castigated as being bums, tramps, hoboes, etc., are no longer treated that way. It's okay now, apparently for too many people, and as Donald H notes, it's too easy to get by without working.
Don't misquote me. I'm saying that there is a shortfall in labour because so many people won't work. It's not worth it to many Americans. Illegal aliens will. And too, America's industries and agriculture aren't viable if they're forced to pay a rate demanded by Americans.
I'm not seeing the necessity for allowing illegals to come into the US to fill jobs. IMHO, that's not it, it's become a political football like pretty much everything else but that isn't the whole answer either. No doubt many of these new people coming in are good, decent people, but many are not. Either way they have become an increasing burden that IMHO outweighs the benefit we get from them. Some say that the democrats support more people crossing the southern border because they're more likely to vote democrat once they get the chance. I don't think most employers want to hire people who can't even speak english, and have little or no real education. Otherwise the employer is stuck with a never-ending revolving door of new people that have to be trained to do a job and that ain't good business. But many of those same employers can't afford to pay a high enough wage and appropriate benefits. So either they raise their prices or go out of business, and America is stuck with a whole lot of people that are all but unemployable. What then?
My reply to the first paragraph covers all that. And it also proves through your verification that America's agriculture, etc. isn't viable if it needs to pay decent wages to Americans.
I‘ve engaged with many who have openly claimed to be against open borders….It’s hard to believe they‘re sincere when they never really post on the subject…..SO….Dems, how do you feel about the tens of thousands, the caravans in route to us now?
Come on man, Biden just said how seriously concerned he is about 10's of thousands of migrants at the border. Well to be fair he was talking about Poland's border.
How do you suppose America operated without them for two centuries?
We had slaves first and then migrant farmers took their place in the fields. Everyone who didn't have slaves worked all their lives just for food and died in their 40s. No one wants to be a subsistence farmer, not here, not anywhere and yet someone must work the fields. No one wants to build their own house or take care of their elders or clean their own business. The modern capitalist world depends on cheap labor. Solve that one Einstein.
I'm a Canadian and not a Dem but I would be happy to comment on the question if you want to hear my opinion.
Of course that comes with the condition that it remain respectable and with an attitude of learning something.
Does Canada have open borders? Closed the borders for Wuhan
America has always THRIVED off of cheap labor

Slaves, Immigrants, Chinese, now Mexicans
Explain in detail how real Americans benefit from illegal labor….explain what Americans save per year as a result of this illegal labor. I’m certain you have the data…since you sound so confident in what you assert.
We need numbers.

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