Many Arrested Inauguration Day Protesters Will Face Felony Rioting Charges, Prosecutors Say

1st post
Let the message be loud and clear......that sort of criminal behaviour, that was everyday occurrence under Hussein Obama, will not be tolerated any more!

GOD Bless President Trump and his Administration ! :2up:

Many Arrested Inauguration Day Protesters Will Face Felony Rioting Charges, Prosecutors Say

Yes those idiots are so stupid they didn't realise that having their violent tantrum in Washington DC was a felony, a great many of them will be looking at a 10 year prison term.

Yes and hopefully once in prison for the full 10 years, they'll just be given bread and water.
Let the message be loud and clear......that sort of criminal behaviour, that was everyday occurrence under Hussein Obama, will not be tolerated any more!

GOD Bless President Trump and his Administration ! :2up:

Many Arrested Inauguration Day Protesters Will Face Felony Rioting Charges, Prosecutors Say
Good.............and can you imagine what they would be saying if Hillary won.

Off Topic briefly, is this your dog Alex? If so it's a beautiful thing.

Let the message be loud and clear......that sort of criminal behaviour, that was everyday occurrence under Hussein Obama, will not be tolerated any more!

GOD Bless President Trump and his Administration ! :2up:

Many Arrested Inauguration Day Protesters Will Face Felony Rioting Charges, Prosecutors Say
Good.............and can you imagine what they would be saying if Hillary won.

Off Topic briefly, is this your dog Alex? If so it's a beautiful thing.

Yes that is my Emma girl. Thank you...:D
Let the message be loud and clear......that sort of criminal behaviour, that was everyday occurrence under Hussein Obama, will not be tolerated any more!

GOD Bless President Trump and his Administration ! :2up:

Many Arrested Inauguration Day Protesters Will Face Felony Rioting Charges, Prosecutors Say
Good.............and can you imagine what they would be saying if Hillary won.

Off Topic briefly, is this your dog Alex? If so it's a beautiful thing.

Yes that is my Emma girl. Thank you...:D

Absolutely gorgeous and she looks so happy, she knows she's loved :smile:
5th post
We have the right to air our grievances...we have the right to congregate....but when you start destroying property and assaulting people that don't believe like you do? That's criminal and the kind of tactics the commies used. All of the demonstrations were funded exclusively by a globalist communist that doesn't want America to have a border...or any other country to have one.
We have the right to air our grievances...we have the right to congregate....but when you start destroying property and assaulting people that don't believe like you do? That's criminal and the kind of tactics the commies used. All of the demonstrations were funded exclusively by a globalist communist that doesn't want America to have a border...or any other country to have one.

I absolutely agree with you!.:thup:
I bet the ones that excuse this type of behavior would feel differently if it was their car that was torched or their windows broken at their business. No excuse!
We have the right to air our grievances...we have the right to congregate....but when you start destroying property and assaulting people that don't believe like you do? That's criminal and the kind of tactics the commies used. All of the demonstrations were funded exclusively by a globalist communist that doesn't want America to have a border...or any other country to have one.
2017 and someone is still seeking and fearing "commies" :) Crawl back under your bed Dale.
We have the right to air our grievances...we have the right to congregate....but when you start destroying property and assaulting people that don't believe like you do? That's criminal and the kind of tactics the commies used. All of the demonstrations were funded exclusively by a globalist communist that doesn't want America to have a border...or any other country to have one.
2017 and someone is still seeking and fearing "commies" :) Crawl back under your bed Dale.

Bullshit. If this had gone on during douchebags inauguration you would be calling the protesters bigots, racists and ever other thing you could think of.

Because it all happened during Trump's inauguration you have no problem with it.

Tree stump dumb is what you are.
Let the message be loud and clear......that sort of criminal behaviour, that was everyday occurrence under Hussein Obama, will not be tolerated any more!

GOD Bless President Trump and his Administration ! :2up:

Many Arrested Inauguration Day Protesters Will Face Felony Rioting Charges, Prosecutors Say

Yes those idiots are so stupid they didn't realise that having their violent tantrum in Washington DC was a felony, a great many of them will be looking at a 10 year prison term.

Yes and hopefully once in prison for the full 10 years, they'll just be given bread and water.
I think you're right. I don't believe these spoiled brats even considered they were committing SERIOUS crimes.

This is why I say the ADULTS are back home
so now exercising your rights as an american citizen is a felony?

Its not their right to torch cars, break windows and act like mutant thugs.

If this had happened at Douchebags inauguration they would be called racist, bigots and god knows what else.

Because it was Trumps none of these lefties see anything wrong with what happened.

Hypocrisy at its best.
so now exercising your rights as an american citizen is a felony?

"18 U.S. Code § 2101 - Riots

(a) Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including, but not limited to, the mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, with intent—
to incite a riot; or
to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot; or
to commit any act of violence in furtherance of a riot; or
to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot;
and who either during the course of any such travel or use or thereafter performs or attempts to perform any other overt act for any purpose specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of this paragraph— [1]
Shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
In any prosecution under this section, proof that a defendant engaged or attempted to engage in one or more of the overt acts described in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of paragraph (1) of subsection (a) [2] and (1) has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce, or (2) has use of or used any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, including but not limited to, mail, telegraph, telephone, radio, or television, to communicate with or broadcast to any person or group of persons prior to such overt acts, such travel or use shall be admissible proof to establish that such defendant traveled in or used such facility of interstate or foreign commerce.
A judgment of conviction or acquittal on the merits under the laws of any State shall be a bar to any prosecution hereunder for the same act or acts.
Whenever, in the opinion of the Attorney General or of the appropriate officer of the Department of Justice charged by law or under the instructions of the Attorney General with authority to act, any person shall have violated this chapter, the Department shall proceed as speedily as possible with a prosecution of such person hereunder and with any appeal which may lie from any decision adverse to the Government resulting from such prosecution.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to make it unlawful for any person to travel in, or use any facility of, interstate or foreign commerce for the purpose of pursuing the legitimate objectives of organized labor, through orderly and lawful means.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as indicating an intent on the part of Congress to prevent any State, any possession or Commonwealth of the United States, or the District of Columbia, from exercising jurisdiction over any offense over which it would have jurisdiction in the absence of this section; nor shall anything in this section be construed as depriving State and local law enforcement authorities of responsibility for prosecuting acts that may be violations of this section and that are violations of State and local law."

18 U.S. Code § 2101 - Riots

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