Mandates are here

Probably a little smarter to wait and see if the vaccination rate actually goes up. Not much reason to really think it will.
You're not smart. :laugh:
The percentage of people who get COVID who end up in the hospital was .0046% in March of 2020. I cant find the stats for the current spike but lets say is 100 time worse. That's still less than 1%. And that includes all the people over 65 which is really what drives the hospitalization rates up. So the risk to the insurance company is minimal at best. A company with 100k employees might see 2 go to the hospital as a result of COVID. Oh and guess what percentage of those hospitalized due to COVID are fat. 78. Now add in all the associated medical problems with being obese and they are a far bigger risk to the insurance company and the employer's bottom line than any unvax'd person. (unless of course that unvax'd person is fat of course). Math is a bitch aint it?

With FDA approval, let the mandates begin!
By all means. Public Health experts know far more about public health than media entertainers, and most Americans grasp that.

Sixty percent of Americans say they support President Biden's vaccine mandates, according to an Axios/ Ipsos poll released Tuesday.
The survey, conducted Sept. 10-13, found that 60 percent supported the federal government requiring all federal employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19, while 39 percent oppose the requirement.
Separately, 60 percent supported the vaccination requirement for businesses with at least 100 employees, compared to 39 percent who opposed the mandate.
The results are in line with a Morning Consult-Politico poll released Monday, which found that 58 percent of Americans support the mandate on private businesses and 56 percent support the decision to require most federal workers to get vaccinated.
Consider the desperation-driven candor. Rather than parrot the ideological claptrap:

"Folks are supposed to have common sense. But it's time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks. It's the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down," Ivey told reporters in Birmingham.
Alabama is the least vaccinated state in the country, with roughly 33.9% of residents fully vaccinated, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Average daily Covid-19 cases in Alabama are nearly double what they were a week ago, and more than four times higher than they were two weeks ago.
"The new cases of Covid are because of unvaccinated folks. Almost 100% of the new hospitalizations are with unvaccinated folks. And the deaths are certainly occurring with unvaccinated folks."...
The unvaccinated, Ivey said, are "choosing a horrible lifestyle of self-inflicted pain."
"We've got to get folks to take the shot," she continued, calling the vaccine "the greatest weapon we have to fight Covid."

"It's safe, it's effective, the data proves that it works, doesn't cost anything. It saves lives," she said.


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