Man Records Hours of Video in Women's Bathroom at Mall are obviously wrong...he wasn't a man at the time of the recordings..he was self identifying as a woman, so technically no charges should have been filed...right?

That kind of thinking right there is sick.
If I was his lawyer...I would make the case that when you are in a public space you have no expectation of privacy...that is why you can be filmed out in public and you can't object....and in some states that even means up the skirt video....

So...he was in a public space since both men and women can now, apparently use public bathrooms...emphasis on public........and since the left wing regress ices always fight to advance the cause of sexual deviancy, they should pass a law removing all doors on public bathroom stalls..thereby making video recording of people in there...public.....and no longer an offense....right?

If you are in a "public" you really have any right to privacy?

How about that? are obviously wrong...he wasn't a man at the time of the recordings..he was self identifying as a woman, so technically no charges should have been filed...right?

That kind of thinking right there is sick.

As you argue against left wing becomes easy to think like throw away logic, facts, the truth and reality...and you embrace the absurd as being the total truth.....and there you go...
As you argue against left wing becomes easy to think like throw away logic, facts, the truth and reality...and you embrace the absurd as being the total truth.....and there you go...

one advantage to gender neutral is you can follow your kid in and stand in front of their cubie. This way you can keep the pervs away from your kid.

Another advantage is that while standing guard for your kid, when another little girl comes in, you can whip it out and show her as you wait.
pervs make up a miniscule part of the population. But you have to watch out for them continuously in this day and age. We need more creative punishments for them
I now live in an age where telling a man to stay out of the woman's bathroom is controversial - and illegal. Even just a year ago you would have been mocked if you said such a thing was going to happen.

Charges were filed Tuesday against a man who wore a wig and women’s clothing to disguise himself as he allegedly used a concealed camera to record “hours” of video of women in a Los Angeles-area department store restroom.

Jason Pomare, 33, of Palmdale, was arrested Saturday after customers contacted security officers at a Macy’s store to report a man in the women’s restroom. The security officers contacted a deputy, who was on patrol at the Antelope Valley Mall (map) when he saw a man matching the subject’s description leave the store.

When the deputy found the man hiding in a mall storage area, the subject was wearing a wig, women’s clothing and bra, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

“The deputy noticed he was wearing a wig and appeared to have breasts,” said Sgt. Brian Hudson, of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Pomare was charged Tuesday with six counts of unlawful use of a concealed camera for purposes of sexual gratification. After his arrest, investigators said a video camera found in his purse had “hours” of video of women using the restroom inside the store.

Charges for Man Disguised as Woman in Bathroom Filming

A perv in AMERICA????? Who'd a thunk it ????
We've always had pervs in America. Tolerating perversion and considering it nornal is new.

"I now live in an age where telling a man to stay out of the woman's bathroom is controversial - and illegal. Even just a year ago you would have been mocked if you said such a thing was going to happen."
a bathroom troll that could have broken the law in the very same manner with or without the existence of anti discrimination accommodations that so many mental midgets are so afraid of...

You find the reality of what you're advocating for a little uncomfortable all of a sudden? :badgrin:
of course you would know all about filthy porn fetishes... not that i haven't heard of scat.

bathroom humor and bathroom fetishes are just sooo 6th grade...

omfg a golden shower giggity goo goo what a turn on... for losers.

that guy probably still jerks off to the boobs in national geographic.

Once again you throw chaff to avoid the reality of what you're advocating "progressive" of you.... :rolleyes-41: It's like climate-change; you know it's bullshit but you've gulped down too much koolaid to quit on it now.
a bathroom troll that could have broken the law in the very same manner with or without the existence of anti discrimination accommodations that so many mental midgets are so afraid of...

You find the reality of what you're advocating for a little uncomfortable all of a sudden? :badgrin:

no, you just failed to grasp the point in my post, which is the same point i've made repeatedly.

hetero men don't need anti-discrimination laws to pose as women, if they are so inclined.

the law which holds this creep accountable already exists, no matter the accommodations.

and a female could have been the one recording and held equally culpable, regardless...

so what good does it really do to prohibit anti-discrimination accommodations?

that's the reality that irrational phobics (and mental midgets) refuse to face...
Most pervs are men. And high school teachers it seems.

Keeping men out of women's bathrooms is just added protection.

And in places like concert halls women's bathrooms are at a premium. having men use women's bathrooms when they could use the mens a whole lot faster....

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