Man fired for calling new royal baby a "chimp". He said he didn't know that was racist?

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But they look like brothers!
I always thought Alfred E Newman was his dead ringer.

Ya gotta admit it's close enough that they share a lot of DNA.
People called Bush a chimp because he was stupid and lied America into a war even Trump disparages.

Republicans call Obama and the new royal baby a chimp because Republicans are racist.

The two are entirely separate.
His movements, lips and facial expressions were pretty chimp-like as well, so there's that.

His movements, lips and facial expressions were pretty chimp-like as well, so there's that.
It helped that cherry picked phots promotes that idea.

When it was tried with Obama, with similar results, the scream "RACIST" swept the land.
Cherry picking is exactly right and I can attest to that! Many of the memes I make to poke good natured fun at someone are the result of me searching for just the right image to use so the finished product will look more realistic. I had to search for the original image to make this meme of the talented and lovely deanrd for about 30 minutes using several different search engines!

straight jacket.jpg
Yeah but the "social media" leans left. Why isn't it considered a giant insult to Black people that democrats think they are incapable of obtaining something as basic as a photo I.D. in the 20th century? Libs see everything through the prism of skin color but they exempt themselves from a charge of bigotry.
People called Bush a chimp because he was stupid and lied America into a war even Trump disparages.

Republicans call Obama and the new royal baby a chimp because Republicans are racist.

The two are entirely separate.

I noticed you grouped all Republicans once again as being racist...

So is Ben Carson a racist?
Are you saying that black people can't be racist?
Im2 says they cant be... he must be an aberration.....
Anyone of anywhere can be's a learned behavior.
i agree i was just telling you what that asshole said...
People called Bush a chimp because he was stupid and lied America into a war even Trump disparages.

Republicans call Obama and the new royal baby a chimp because Republicans are racist.

The two are entirely separate.

I noticed you grouped all Republicans once again as being racist...

So is Ben Carson a racist?
Are you saying that black people can't be racist?
Im2 says they cant be... he must be an aberration.....
Anyone of anywhere can be's a learned behavior.

Sorry, but according to many people Blacks can not be racist... They can be prejudice but according to the left they can not be racist.

So you need to get with the program or are you saying those minorities that are not Democrat are racist bigots but the minorities that vote Democrat are not?

If so how convenient...
BBC radio presenter Danny Baker fired over racist royal baby tweet

Since the announcement of her pregnancy, Meghan has been a target of racist abuse across social media.


Wanna bet about 90% of that racist harassment in America comes from Republicans?

Remember what they did to the Obama family?



I don't like Trump because "he's racist". You guys don't like Obama because you're racist.

Another steaming pile of horseshit brought to you by usmbs very own midget brained sack of horseshit and just two opinions that he recycles day after day.

The word " racist" is thrown around so often that it doesn't even have much meaning anymore. You sorry sons of skunks label every single person that doesn't agree with you as racist in an attempt to silence the opposition. No one likes to be called a racist and especially when it's an unfounded accusation.

Fortunately, stupid assholes like you have over done it again and the word doesn't have the sting it once did. People are waking up to just how full of shit and lies the leftyloons are now, and a lot of folks are just sick and tired of it all.

Fuck off.
People called Bush a chimp because he was stupid and lied America into a war even Trump disparages.

Republicans call Obama and the new royal baby a chimp because Republicans are racist.

The two are entirely separate.

Not really.

But, keep repeating the party line.

I'd hate to see you actually use your brain for once.
They are. The comment about Bush was because of his slyness and his lack of intelligence.
The comment about Obama and his wife and the new baby are racist.
See? Entirely different! Consider this a “teaching moment“.
People called Bush a chimp because he was stupid and lied America into a war even Trump disparages.

Republicans call Obama and the new royal baby a chimp because Republicans are racist.

The two are entirely separate.

Not really.

But, keep repeating the party line.

I'd hate to see you actually use your brain for once.
They are. The comment about Bush was because of his slyness and his lack of intelligence.
The comment about Obama and his wife and the new baby are racist.
See? Entirely different! Consider this a “teaching moment“.

Entirely different!

Not really.

Just because you folks scream racism, doesn't make it racism.

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