Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate flag hat

Define 'terrorist attack' as it pertains to the graph above, please. THAT means 'everything' as to what the graph really shows.
Like burning down Mosques, like they have done in Joplin, Mo. twice...

And like the multiple church burnings as well....

Don't get me wrong, I know there is a lot of discrimination going on everywhere....never before has this country been this divided...or our government so happy that it is happening.
The 1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) was a Confederate Louisianan militia that consisted of free persons of color. Formed in 1861[2] in New Orleans, Louisiana, it was disbanded on April 25, 1862. Some of the unit's members joined the Union Army's 1st Louisiana Native Guard, which later became the 73rd Regiment Infantry of the United States Colored Troops.

Yep...they were declined service and 1862. So much for colored Con-federate troops.
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
Yes...those TWO unarmed black men who left when asked to sure have frightened this day.

If you are going to respond please try to be factual. The New Black Panther Party members were brandishing CLUBS at a voting location, illegally intimidating voters - don't argue with me, argue with the LAW. They did not 'voluntarily leave on their own' - they were arrested and taken to JAIL. Several days later, surprise surprise, Obama's AG, Eric holder, showed up and dropped all charges against them. (I am sure it was pure coincidence that during Obama's campaign he had the NBP's endorsement and a link to their web site on his campaign web page...until the media got news of it. The endorsement and the link quickly were removed from the campaign web site.'
Yes, I really did. And then I provided actual data from the FBI to support my claim.

You? You on the other hand typed out an unhinged screed.

If you were as half as smart as you think you are this would be a more interesting conversation:

"Christians most persecuted and discriminated against worldwide"
- Christians most persecuted and discriminated against worldwide

"10 Oppressed Minorities Around the World"
1. Muslim Girls and Women: Oppressed and descriminated against by MUSLIM MEN
2. Palestinians in Israel
3. Jewish people in Muslim Countries
4. Native Americans
5. Kurds
6. Handicapped
7 Christians
8 THEN Muslims
10 Oppressed Minorities Around the World - History and Headlines

Muslim Persecution of Christians

That's terrible for Christians in other countries. I live here, in the United States of America.

And you think that is going to STAY overseas?
- 9/11/01
- Fort Hood Attack
- Boston Marathon Bombing
- Tenn Recruiter Office Attack

The same guys who are butchering Christians abroad have already brought their violence HERE....and they are just getting started...and our government's making it easier for them.
How is the govt. making it easier for them?

After Obama helped overthow Mubarak and the Muslim Brotherhood take over ther Muslim Brotherhood ended the 'cease fire' / peace Mubarak had maintained. The Brotherhood started burning Christian churches and killing Christians. Muslims have been butchering Christians in Africa. When Obama did nothing and allowed ISIS to pour into Iraq Christians - men, women, and children - were rounded up, slaughtered in the THOUSANDS, and dumped in mass graves, much like the Nazis did to the Jews. Over here in the states our own government - our own President - criticizes, descriminates against, oppresses through the violation of the Constitution Christians and so much more...while pandering to, apologizing for, and making excuses for Muslims.
Obama painted the false picture that the Crusades were a Christian war simply to go out and kill Muslims, proving he knows absolutely nothing about the Crusades and hates Christians. Later, before the same UN, after 4 Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists, Obama declared to the world as he spoke before the U.N. - "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." He said this right AFTER - once again - he mentioned / blamed a bogus video for the death of 4 Americans.
Yes, I really did. And then I provided actual data from the FBI to support my claim.
You? You on the other hand typed out an unhinged screed.[/QUOTE]
If you were as half as smart as you think you are this would be a more interesting conversation:
"Christians most persecuted and discriminated against worldwide"
- Christians most persecuted and discriminated against worldwide
"10 Oppressed Minorities Around the World"
1. Muslim Girls and Women: Oppressed and descriminated against by MUSLIM MEN
2. Palestinians in Israel
3. Jewish people in Muslim Countries
4. Native Americans
5. Kurds
6. Handicapped
7 Christians
8 THEN Muslims
10 Oppressed Minorities Around the World - History and Headlines
Muslim Persecution of Christians[/QUOTE]
That's terrible for Christians in other countries. I live here, in the United States of America.[/QUOTE]
And you think that is going to STAY overseas?
- 9/11/01
- Fort Hood Attack
- Boston Marathon Bombing
- Tenn Recruiter Office Attack
The same guys who are butchering Christians abroad have already brought their violence HERE....and they are just getting started...and our government's making it easier for them.[/QUOTE]
How is the govt. making it easier for them?[/QUOTE]
Obama has violated both the Constitution and Rule of Law, been found guilty of Contempt of Court for not obeying judges orders, and has even engaged in Human Trafficking by bringing in illegals and distributing them across America without notifying local and state agencies. Obama STILL has not complied with one court order demanding he hand over the information about how many he has done this with and where he placed them. He ordered the DOJ NOT to arresxt/convict/deport illegals who commit crimes less than a Felony, the DOJ has repeatedly released violent illegals who have been found guilty of Felony crimes and who have been jailed numerous times, refusing to deport them upon their release. MANY Americans have died needlessly as a result. Obama's refusal to enoforce existing laws, refusal to secure the border, and refusal to crack down on Sanctuary Cities have provided safe havens for violent criminals / terrorist who prey on citizens. The FBI has already reported they have evidence to prove that terrorists are in this country, having crossed our nearly-open border.
How about the Tsarenv brothers: Putin / Russia warned Obama abouth them, about the pending attack - he did nothing. He ALLOWED the brothers to bomb this country, maiming and killing Americans. AFTERWARDS he had pictures of them put up and asked Americans to help ID them when HE ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE!
There are a few answers to your question...[/QUOTE]
Well that was rather long winded diatribe of hearsay and conjecture, with extremely poor spelling and grammatical usage..Not to mention the fractured sentence structure..I give it a C minus...
Define 'terrorist attack' as it pertains to the graph above, please. THAT means 'everything' as to what the graph really shows.
Like burning down Mosques, like they have done in Joplin, Mo. twice...

And like the multiple church burnings as well....

Don't get me wrong, I know there is a lot of discrimination going on everywhere....never before has this country been this divided...or our government so happy that it is happening.
Then you have not studied our history very much.
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
Yes...those TWO unarmed black men who left when asked to sure have frightened this day.

If you are going to respond please try to be factual. The New Black Panther Party members were brandishing CLUBS at a voting location, illegally intimidating voters - don't argue with me, argue with the LAW. They did not 'voluntarily leave on their own' - they were arrested and taken to JAIL. Several days later, surprise surprise, Obama's AG, Eric holder, showed up and dropped all charges against them. (I am sure it was pure coincidence that during Obama's campaign he had the NBP's endorsement and a link to their web site on his campaign web page...until the media got news of it. The endorsement and the link quickly were removed from the campaign web site.'
They were not "branishing" clubs and there were only two of them and they left when asked to. And you are still frightened of those TWO dodos all these years later.
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
Yes...those TWO unarmed black men who left when asked to sure have frightened this day.

If you are going to respond please try to be factual. The New Black Panther Party members were brandishing CLUBS at a voting location, illegally intimidating voters - don't argue with me, argue with the LAW. They did not 'voluntarily leave on their own' - they were arrested and taken to JAIL. Several days later, surprise surprise, Obama's AG, Eric holder, showed up and dropped all charges against them. (I am sure it was pure coincidence that during Obama's campaign he had the NBP's endorsement and a link to their web site on his campaign web page...until the media got news of it. The endorsement and the link quickly were removed from the campaign web site.'
They were not "branishing" clubs and there were only two of them and they left when asked to. And you are still frightened of those TWO dodos all these years later.
It has been what 8 years ago?
The 1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) was a Confederate Louisianan militia that consisted of free persons of color. Formed in 1861[2] in New Orleans, Louisiana, it was disbanded on April 25, 1862. Some of the unit's members joined the Union Army's 1st Louisiana Native Guard, which later became the 73rd Regiment Infantry of the United States Colored Troops.

Yep...they were declined service and 1862. So much for colored Con-federate troops.

'So much for'?! Blacks did serve in the Confederacy...
Their unit was disbanded... yeah, so?
And why does this ancient history have so much to do with today?

Southerners, for example, are always accused of living in the past, but it is not the south that continues to drudge up the past, slavery, etc today...which partially keeps racism going, keeps the blacks stirred up.

The real crime today is how Liberals are following Socialist Saul Alynski's 'Rules for Radicals' in continuing to divde the nation for THEIR benefit, how so many people profit from continuing to ensure racism stays alive and well. Racism is a multi-BILLION dollar a year INDUSTRY. If it was extreminated tonight, think of all the people who would lose out because of an end to racism - It would no tbe the average person. It would be those who make a living off of it, like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP, our politicians, etc.
your own sources make the case for the other side you pathetic politically-correct moron

since we dont live in a vaccuum and every thing is relative; your own FBI data shows about 4 or 5 times as many ANTI-WHITE CRIMES AS ANTI-MUSLIM CRIMES. YES, you see i did look at the source, your idiotic "have you heard of them" remark aside

yet you are the very type of idiot that would insist there is no anti-white hatred out there, and dismiss it as whiny "white privilege"

idiots and hypocrites

Your math is off...apparently another subject you didn't excel at in school along with punctuation and grammar.

Racial bias
In 2013, law enforcement agencies reported that 3,407 single-bias hate crime offenses were racially motivated. Of these offenses:

  • 66.4 percent were motivated by anti-Black or African American bias.
  • 21.4 percent stemmed from anti-White bias.
  • 4.6 percent resulted from anti-Asian bias.
  • 4.3 percent were motivated by anti-American Indian or Alaska Native bias.
  • 3.2 percent were a result of bias against groups of individuals consisting of more than one race (anti-multiple races, group).
  • 0.1 percent (3 offenses) were motivated by bias of anti-Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. (Based on Table 1.)
Sexual-orientation bias
In 2013, law enforcement agencies reported 1,402 hate crime offenses based on sexual-orientation bias. Of these offenses:

  • 60.6 percent were classified as anti-gay (male) bias.
  • 22.6 percent were prompted by an anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (mixed group) bias.
  • 13.2 percent were classified as anti-lesbian bias.
  • 1.9 percent were classified as anti-bisexual bias.
  • 1.7 percent were the result of an anti-heterosexual bias. (Based on Table 1.)
Religious bias
Hate crimes motivated by religious bias accounted for 1,163 offenses reported by law enforcement. A breakdown of the bias motivation of religious-biased offenses showed:

  • 59.2 percent were anti-Jewish.
  • 14.2 percent were anti-Islamic (Muslim).
  • 6.4 percent were anti-Catholic.
  • 4.4 percent were anti-multiple religions, group.
  • 3.6 percent were anti-Protestant.
  • 0.6 percent (7 offenses) were anti-Atheism/Agnosticism/etc.
  • 11.6 percent were anti-other (unspecified) religion. (Based on Table 1.)
Where on god's green earth did you pull 4-5 times more likely from? Never mind...I know where and we really don't need to talk about it.

Facts and total numbers are actually needed because stats can be skewed. For example:
- In Baltimore 5 blacks are murdered in one city, 4 were deemed to be anti-black motivated (by WHO makes a difference, too - Al Sharpton?)
- 100 people are murdered in Chicago - 20 of them are white and deemed to be anti-white motivated.
According to the stats: 80% of the murders are anti-black motivated while in Chicago on 20% of murders are anti-white motivated. Anyone reading this would think there are a LOT more blacks were killed than whites, but in this case NOT true.

It take more that simply being a particular race, religion or sexual orientation for it to be labeled a hate crime. Stop being silly, admit there is anti Muslim bias in this country and move on. It's not hard.


If a man was actually assaulted for wearing his racist t shirt, it's very wrong and the individual should be punished.

what SHOULDNT be hard is for you to admit you're an intellectual coward who wanted to use stats instead of reality
and you cant make your case
Am I the only one who finds that comment to be very very funny? :rofl: :rofl:
If you were as half as smart as you think you are this would be a more interesting conversation:

"Christians most persecuted and discriminated against worldwide"
- Christians most persecuted and discriminated against worldwide

"10 Oppressed Minorities Around the World"
1. Muslim Girls and Women: Oppressed and descriminated against by MUSLIM MEN
2. Palestinians in Israel
3. Jewish people in Muslim Countries
4. Native Americans
5. Kurds
6. Handicapped
7 Christians
8 THEN Muslims
10 Oppressed Minorities Around the World - History and Headlines

Muslim Persecution of Christians

That's terrible for Christians in other countries. I live here, in the United States of America.

And you think that is going to STAY overseas?
- 9/11/01
- Fort Hood Attack
- Boston Marathon Bombing
- Tenn Recruiter Office Attack

The same guys who are butchering Christians abroad have already brought their violence HERE....and they are just getting started...and our government's making it easier for them.
How is the govt. making it easier for them?

After Obama helped overthow Mubarak and the Muslim Brotherhood take over ther Muslim Brotherhood ended the 'cease fire' / peace Mubarak had maintained. The Brotherhood started burning Christian churches and killing Christians. Muslims have been butchering Christians in Africa. When Obama did nothing and allowed ISIS to pour into Iraq Christians - men, women, and children - were rounded up, slaughtered in the THOUSANDS, and dumped in mass graves, much like the Nazis did to the Jews. Over here in the states our own government - our own President - criticizes, descriminates against, oppresses through the violation of the Constitution Christians and so much more...while pandering to, apologizing for, and making excuses for Muslims.
Obama painted the false picture that the Crusades were a Christian war simply to go out and kill Muslims, proving he knows absolutely nothing about the Crusades and hates Christians. Later, before the same UN, after 4 Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists, Obama declared to the world as he spoke before the U.N. - "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." He said this right AFTER - once again - he mentioned / blamed a bogus video for the death of 4 Americans.
Yes, I really did. And then I provided actual data from the FBI to support my claim.
You? You on the other hand typed out an unhinged screed.
If you were as half as smart as you think you are this would be a more interesting conversation:
"Christians most persecuted and discriminated against worldwide"
- Christians most persecuted and discriminated against worldwide
"10 Oppressed Minorities Around the World"
1. Muslim Girls and Women: Oppressed and descriminated against by MUSLIM MEN
2. Palestinians in Israel
3. Jewish people in Muslim Countries
4. Native Americans
5. Kurds
6. Handicapped
7 Christians
8 THEN Muslims
10 Oppressed Minorities Around the World - History and Headlines
Muslim Persecution of Christians[/QUOTE]
That's terrible for Christians in other countries. I live here, in the United States of America.[/QUOTE]
And you think that is going to STAY overseas?
- 9/11/01
- Fort Hood Attack
- Boston Marathon Bombing
- Tenn Recruiter Office Attack
The same guys who are butchering Christians abroad have already brought their violence HERE....and they are just getting started...and our government's making it easier for them.[/QUOTE]
How is the govt. making it easier for them?[/QUOTE]
Obama has violated both the Constitution and Rule of Law, been found guilty of Contempt of Court for not obeying judges orders, and has even engaged in Human Trafficking by bringing in illegals and distributing them across America without notifying local and state agencies. Obama STILL has not complied with one court order demanding he hand over the information about how many he has done this with and where he placed them. He ordered the DOJ NOT to arresxt/convict/deport illegals who commit crimes less than a Felony, the DOJ has repeatedly released violent illegals who have been found guilty of Felony crimes and who have been jailed numerous times, refusing to deport them upon their release. MANY Americans have died needlessly as a result. Obama's refusal to enoforce existing laws, refusal to secure the border, and refusal to crack down on Sanctuary Cities have provided safe havens for violent criminals / terrorist who prey on citizens. The FBI has already reported they have evidence to prove that terrorists are in this country, having crossed our nearly-open border.
How about the Tsarenv brothers: Putin / Russia warned Obama abouth them, about the pending attack - he did nothing. He ALLOWED the brothers to bomb this country, maiming and killing Americans. AFTERWARDS he had pictures of them put up and asked Americans to help ID them when HE ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE!
There are a few answers to your question...[/QUOTE]
Well that was rather long winded diatribe of hearsay and conjecture, with extremely poor spelling and grammatical usage..Not to mention the fractured sentence structure..I give it a C minus...[/QUOTE]

You demand to hear facts..I provide you with facts...and instead of acknowledging them you suddenly become a grammar teacher and are only interested in commas, periods, and spelling. Way to avoid the fact that you got what you asked for and have no answer in return...other than to 'grade my grammar'. :))
Define 'terrorist attack' as it pertains to the graph above, please. THAT means 'everything' as to what the graph really shows.
Like burning down Mosques, like they have done in Joplin, Mo. twice...

And like the multiple church burnings as well....

Don't get me wrong, I know there is a lot of discrimination going on everywhere....never before has this country been this divided...or our government so happy that it is happening.
Then you have not studied our history very much.

No, I have. I meant in modern day, our time. You want to knit-pick and bring up the civil war. Fine..whatever.

Botom line on this thread...the attacker needs to be put in jail. period.
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
Yes...those TWO unarmed black men who left when asked to sure have frightened this day.

If you are going to respond please try to be factual. The New Black Panther Party members were brandishing CLUBS at a voting location, illegally intimidating voters - don't argue with me, argue with the LAW. They did not 'voluntarily leave on their own' - they were arrested and taken to JAIL. Several days later, surprise surprise, Obama's AG, Eric holder, showed up and dropped all charges against them. (I am sure it was pure coincidence that during Obama's campaign he had the NBP's endorsement and a link to their web site on his campaign web page...until the media got news of it. The endorsement and the link quickly were removed from the campaign web site.'
They were not "branishing" clubs and there were only two of them and they left when asked to. And you are still frightened of those TWO dodos all these years later.
It has been what 8 years ago?
Almost 8...and those two goof balls still terrify some people.
Define 'terrorist attack' as it pertains to the graph above, please. THAT means 'everything' as to what the graph really shows.
Like burning down Mosques, like they have done in Joplin, Mo. twice...

And like the multiple church burnings as well....

Don't get me wrong, I know there is a lot of discrimination going on everywhere....never before has this country been this divided...or our government so happy that it is happening.
Then you have not studied our history very much.

No, I have. I meant in modern day, our time. You want to knit-pick and bring up the civil war. Fine..whatever.

Botom line on this thread...the attacker needs to be put in jail. period.
The civil war? :rofl: :rofl: How about the Great about the Viet Nam about the Civil Rights movement in the South in the 50s and about all the inner city riots in the 60s....?

As I said, you haven't studied our history very well. Today is nothing but people on all sides getting a little butt hurt over things.
Define 'terrorist attack' as it pertains to the graph above, please. THAT means 'everything' as to what the graph really shows.
Like burning down Mosques, like they have done in Joplin, Mo. twice...

And like the multiple church burnings as well....

Don't get me wrong, I know there is a lot of discrimination going on everywhere....never before has this country been this divided...or our government so happy that it is happening.
Then you have not studied our history very much.

No, I have. I meant in modern day, our time. You want to knit-pick and bring up the civil war. Fine..whatever.

Botom line on this thread...the attacker needs to be put in jail. period.
The civil war? :rofl: :rofl: How about the Great about the Viet Nam about the Civil Rights movement in the South in the 50s and about all the inner city riots in the 60s....?

As I said, you haven't studied our history very well. Today is nothing but people on all sides getting a little butt hurt over things.

Already thought of those....

Today we have a campaign going on where cops are being targeted for execution, blacks are marching to declare 'Black Lives Matter' and demanded a Senator APOLOGIZE for saying 'ALL lives matter'. Black communities are rioting, looting, burning, attacking, and killing because of the racist division. Politicians, professional race-baiters, racist organizations, etc are all fanning the flames of racism to divide the nation and profit from it at the same time. Even our President, whether he means to or not, is fanning the flames of racism! As I said, in my modern day lifetime believe I have never seen it this bad before. That does not make me wrong - it makes it my opinion. You don't have to share that opinion.

There was once a time when it was OK to agree to disagree...but over the years Liberals have become more and more like Islamic Extremists - almost violently intolerant. It is not ok to disagree anyome. You have to be FORCED to 'convert' and believe what they do.... No thanks.

I respect your view and your opinion. I understand where you are coming from. I don't agree, but I understand and respect your opinion. That should end it...of course, you could always prove me right by now attacking what I have said or by attacking me.
your own sources make the case for the other side you pathetic politically-correct moron

since we dont live in a vaccuum and every thing is relative; your own FBI data shows about 4 or 5 times as many ANTI-WHITE CRIMES AS ANTI-MUSLIM CRIMES. YES, you see i did look at the source, your idiotic "have you heard of them" remark aside

yet you are the very type of idiot that would insist there is no anti-white hatred out there, and dismiss it as whiny "white privilege"

idiots and hypocrites

Your math is off...apparently another subject you didn't excel at in school along with punctuation and grammar.

Racial bias
In 2013, law enforcement agencies reported that 3,407 single-bias hate crime offenses were racially motivated. Of these offenses:

  • 66.4 percent were motivated by anti-Black or African American bias.
  • 21.4 percent stemmed from anti-White bias.
  • 4.6 percent resulted from anti-Asian bias.
  • 4.3 percent were motivated by anti-American Indian or Alaska Native bias.
  • 3.2 percent were a result of bias against groups of individuals consisting of more than one race (anti-multiple races, group).
  • 0.1 percent (3 offenses) were motivated by bias of anti-Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. (Based on Table 1.)
Sexual-orientation bias
In 2013, law enforcement agencies reported 1,402 hate crime offenses based on sexual-orientation bias. Of these offenses:

  • 60.6 percent were classified as anti-gay (male) bias.
  • 22.6 percent were prompted by an anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (mixed group) bias.
  • 13.2 percent were classified as anti-lesbian bias.
  • 1.9 percent were classified as anti-bisexual bias.
  • 1.7 percent were the result of an anti-heterosexual bias. (Based on Table 1.)
Religious bias
Hate crimes motivated by religious bias accounted for 1,163 offenses reported by law enforcement. A breakdown of the bias motivation of religious-biased offenses showed:

  • 59.2 percent were anti-Jewish.
  • 14.2 percent were anti-Islamic (Muslim).
  • 6.4 percent were anti-Catholic.
  • 4.4 percent were anti-multiple religions, group.
  • 3.6 percent were anti-Protestant.
  • 0.6 percent (7 offenses) were anti-Atheism/Agnosticism/etc.
  • 11.6 percent were anti-other (unspecified) religion. (Based on Table 1.)
Where on god's green earth did you pull 4-5 times more likely from? Never mind...I know where and we really don't need to talk about it.

Facts and total numbers are actually needed because stats can be skewed. For example:
- In Baltimore 5 blacks are murdered in one city, 4 were deemed to be anti-black motivated (by WHO makes a difference, too - Al Sharpton?)
- 100 people are murdered in Chicago - 20 of them are white and deemed to be anti-white motivated.
According to the stats: 80% of the murders are anti-black motivated while in Chicago on 20% of murders are anti-white motivated. Anyone reading this would think there are a LOT more blacks were killed than whites, but in this case NOT true.

It take more that simply being a particular race, religion or sexual orientation for it to be labeled a hate crime. Stop being silly, admit there is anti Muslim bias in this country and move on. It's not hard.


If a man was actually assaulted for wearing his racist t shirt, it's very wrong and the individual should be punished.

what SHOULDNT be hard is for you to admit you're an intellectual coward who wanted to use stats instead of reality
and you cant make your case
Am I the only one who finds that comment to be very very funny? :rofl: :rofl:


only an idiot doesnt know stats can be almost anything you make the out to bo. You're laughing but another poster on this very board pointed out a very good example of how stats can be misleading

but since i already recognize you by your previous posts, and you idiotic little picture, feel free to prove all that anti-muslim "hate" that's going on, in context of course since again, stats can be almost anything you want them to be. so where is all this anti-muslim hate crime happening?
this country hasnt been this divided since at least the 1960s; and Progressives are at fault
Do you realize what is happening? Wearing the confederate flag is becoming like saying the n-word. Where it is going to become somewhat acceptable for a black person to assault you for doing it just because they feel "offended." Stupidity!!!
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
Yes...those TWO unarmed black men who left when asked to sure have frightened this day.

If you are going to respond please try to be factual. The New Black Panther Party members were brandishing CLUBS at a voting location, illegally intimidating voters - don't argue with me, argue with the LAW. They did not 'voluntarily leave on their own' - they were arrested and taken to JAIL. Several days later, surprise surprise, Obama's AG, Eric holder, showed up and dropped all charges against them. (I am sure it was pure coincidence that during Obama's campaign he had the NBP's endorsement and a link to their web site on his campaign web page...until the media got news of it. The endorsement and the link quickly were removed from the campaign web site.'
They were not "branishing" clubs and there were only two of them and they left when asked to. And you are still frightened of those TWO dodos all these years later.

The fuck they weren't brandishing clubs.
Do you realize what is happening? Wearing the confederate flag is becoming like saying the n-word. Where it is going to become somewhat acceptable for a black person to assault you for doing it just because they feel "offended." Stupidity!!!

Love em to try.

it isnt about being "afraid" of 2 loser New Black Panther Party members brandishing bons, (yes they were). it's if 2 racists that werent Black would have been tolerated standing out in front of a voting place on Election day

of course they wouldnt

but the real coward are the losers on the Left that need to construct deflections and distractions to the issue; because the wallow in hypocrisy every day, in double standards; and they dont have enough character to just admit their rabid Progressive views turned them into hypocrites

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