Male Student Shunned Because He Resembles Rapist


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A female student freaked out when she saw this guy who reminded her of a rapist that attacked her thousands of miles away in the past. The male student is not the rapist, but the woman is still suffering trauma from the attack and says he reminds her of the ordeal. Okay, I feel really bad for her and think she should seek help because she clearly isn't dealing with it.

The male student was investigated and nothing was found. He didn't do anything yet is not allowed anywhere near the woman. This means he lost his campus housing, campus job and it's difficult for him to move about to go to classes and still avoid her. He has been in trouble a few times for inadvertently breaking the no contact order.

Keep in mind, the guy did nothing wrong and yet is having his life ruined because of the way he looks. The claim is that he creates a hostile environment because he reminds the woman of past trauma.

How can the school justify coming down on this guy? He's completely innocent and there was nothing to warrant the intense scrutiny he went through while being investigated. He will likely have to change schools because the school is more concerned the woman's feelings than his right to attend the school, as well as live and work on campus.

I hope the guy sues the school.

A Rape Victim Sees Man at College Who Reminds Her of a Horrific Past. The Man is Promptly Shunned.
A female student freaked out when she saw this guy who reminded her of a rapist that attacked her thousands of miles away in the past. The male student is not the rapist, but the woman is still suffering trauma from the attack and says he reminds her of the ordeal. Okay, I feel really bad for her and think she should seek help because she clearly isn't dealing with it.

The male student was investigated and nothing was found. He didn't do anything yet is not allowed anywhere near the woman. This means he lost his campus housing, campus job and it's difficult for him to move about to go to classes and still avoid her. He has been in trouble a few times for inadvertently breaking the no contact order.

Keep in mind, the guy did nothing wrong and yet is having his life ruined because of the way he looks. The claim is that he creates a hostile environment because he reminds the woman of past trauma.

How can the school justify coming down on this guy? He's completely innocent and there was nothing to warrant the intense scrutiny he went through while being investigated. He will likely have to change schools because the school is more concerned the woman's feelings than his right to attend the school, as well as live and work on campus.

I hope the guy sues the school.

A Rape Victim Sees Man at College Who Reminds Her of a Horrific Past. The Man is Promptly Shunned.

He should sue.
How can the school justify coming down on this guy?

They can't.
The school must be taken to court, pay damages to this innocent man and be allowed to continue his studies as he wishes.
The woman should be forced into therapy before she damages any more lives.
A female student freaked out when she saw this guy who reminded her of a rapist that attacked her thousands of miles away in the past. The male student is not the rapist, but the woman is still suffering trauma from the attack and says he reminds her of the ordeal. Okay, I feel really bad for her and think she should seek help because she clearly isn't dealing with it.

The male student was investigated and nothing was found. He didn't do anything yet is not allowed anywhere near the woman. This means he lost his campus housing, campus job and it's difficult for him to move about to go to classes and still avoid her. He has been in trouble a few times for inadvertently breaking the no contact order.

Keep in mind, the guy did nothing wrong and yet is having his life ruined because of the way he looks. The claim is that he creates a hostile environment because he reminds the woman of past trauma.

How can the school justify coming down on this guy? He's completely innocent and there was nothing to warrant the intense scrutiny he went through while being investigated. He will likely have to change schools because the school is more concerned the woman's feelings than his right to attend the school, as well as live and work on campus.

I hope the guy sues the school.

A Rape Victim Sees Man at College Who Reminds Her of a Horrific Past. The Man is Promptly Shunned.
Well there are no names in this story, there are no legal decisions made in this story, there is no evidence that any of this happened... so....

Straight up this dumbass Clementine bitch has never had ANY idea what she was posting about!!! So Clementine... FUCK YOU!!! TRY AGAIN CU.NT ASS BITCH!!!

You are implying that a Harvard Law Professor (Janet Halley) is lying about assisting the man in question: Male Student Shunned Because He Resembles Rapist US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Gee, who should I believe. A Harvard Law Professor, or a nickname on a message board?
TheOldSchool just posts to insult and never lets facts get in the way.
A female student freaked out when she saw this guy who reminded her of a rapist that attacked her thousands of miles away in the past. The male student is not the rapist, but the woman is still suffering trauma from the attack and says he reminds her of the ordeal. Okay, I feel really bad for her and think she should seek help because she clearly isn't dealing with it.

The male student was investigated and nothing was found. He didn't do anything yet is not allowed anywhere near the woman. This means he lost his campus housing, campus job and it's difficult for him to move about to go to classes and still avoid her. He has been in trouble a few times for inadvertently breaking the no contact order.

Keep in mind, the guy did nothing wrong and yet is having his life ruined because of the way he looks. The claim is that he creates a hostile environment because he reminds the woman of past trauma.

How can the school justify coming down on this guy? He's completely innocent and there was nothing to warrant the intense scrutiny he went through while being investigated. He will likely have to change schools because the school is more concerned the woman's feelings than his right to attend the school, as well as live and work on campus.

I hope the guy sues the school.

A Rape Victim Sees Man at College Who Reminds Her of a Horrific Past. The Man is Promptly Shunned.
Well there are no names in this story, there are no legal decisions made in this story, there is no evidence that any of this happened... so....

Straight up this dumbass Clementine bitch has never had ANY idea what she was posting about!!! So Clementine... FUCK YOU!!! TRY AGAIN CU.NT ASS BITCH!!!

The story originated from a published article in the Harvard Law Review. Are you saying the writer, a woman in fact, made it up?
The story originated from a published article in the Harvard Law Review. Are you saying the writer, a woman in fact, made it up?

No, the poster just likes to go around attacking at every turn and likes to hurl as many vulgar remarks as possible. Typical bad form that I see a lot from the left.
The story originated from a published article in the Harvard Law Review. Are you saying the writer, a woman in fact, made it up?

No, the poster just likes to go around attacking at every turn and likes to hurl as many vulgar remarks as possible. Typical bad form that I see a lot from the left.
Well let's see a blatantly partisan bullshit website writes an entire article based off of a single paragraph of a much longer article in the Harvard review that wasn't even about this case. We aren't given any information about the case, we don't know how it turned out, and we're not even told where or when this occurred. But oooohhh noooo the lefty boogeymen are sooo meeannn they take rape waaaay too seriously!

So yes this entire thread is based on bullshit. Come back with the actual story. I'll bet anything that it was handled appropriately and that your whining is nothing more than the victim mentality you and many other idiot American conservatives share.
A female student freaked out when she saw this guy who reminded her of a rapist that attacked her thousands of miles away in the past. The male student is not the rapist, but the woman is still suffering trauma from the attack and says he reminds her of the ordeal. Okay, I feel really bad for her and think she should seek help because she clearly isn't dealing with it.

The male student was investigated and nothing was found. He didn't do anything yet is not allowed anywhere near the woman. This means he lost his campus housing, campus job and it's difficult for him to move about to go to classes and still avoid her. He has been in trouble a few times for inadvertently breaking the no contact order.

Keep in mind, the guy did nothing wrong and yet is having his life ruined because of the way he looks. The claim is that he creates a hostile environment because he reminds the woman of past trauma.

How can the school justify coming down on this guy? He's completely innocent and there was nothing to warrant the intense scrutiny he went through while being investigated. He will likely have to change schools because the school is more concerned the woman's feelings than his right to attend the school, as well as live and work on campus.

I hope the guy sues the school.

A Rape Victim Sees Man at College Who Reminds Her of a Horrific Past. The Man is Promptly Shunned.

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