Making Russia Great Again


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. On this day we 'celebrate' the birth of the man who, singlehandedly, made it possible for Russia to survive WWII, accomplish nuclear technology, the atomic bomb, built up Mao's China, and authorize North Korea's attack on their neighbor.
Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War.
He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards, more than comfortable in the United States.
It was his tireless efforts that givens us the current Curltural Marxism, a contemporary America based on three things: race, gender and class.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York on January 30, 1882.

2. . But weren't there good Americans in the government?
Sure were. "Not only did FDR overlook the external evidence; FDR ignored the counsel of key experts at the State Department, which, at the time, was an educated and experienced cadre of anti-Communists....who would be neutralized and purged....n 1937...the Russian research library at the State Department was broken up, the files on Communists, foreign and domestic, ordered destroyed. The second, in 1943. Both purges took place under Soviet pressure and even direction as when in March 1943 Foreign Minister Litvinov, incredibly, handed over a list of American diplomats the Soviets wanted fired....a "guilt offering to Stalin from Roosevelt"... West, "American Betrayal," p.193.

3. Hanson Baldwin, military critic of the New York Times, declares in his book, "Great Mistakes of the War:" 'There is no doubt whatsoever that it would have been to the interest of Britain, the United States, and the world to have allowed and indeed to have encouraged-the world's two great dictatorships to fight each other to a frazzle.'
Baldwin writes that the United States put itself "in the role-at times a disgraceful role-of fearful suppliant and propitiating ally, anxious at nearly any cost to keep Russia fighting. In retrospect, how stupid!"

4. And, the other Democrat book-end in this progression of Democrats who aim to make Russia great is the current 'President," who, as his very first act, ended America's energy independence.....accomplished by Trump.....

.....and, if that wasn't direct enough....

U.S. waives sanctions on Nord Stream 2 as Biden seeks to ... › business › energy › us-waive-s...

May 19, 2021 — The Biden administration waived sanctions on the company behind Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany and its chief executive, ...

5. "Nord Stream 2 will only make Europe's gas problem worse ... › article › nord-stream-2-gas-energy-prices-europe-germany-russia-gazprom › amp
Particularly given that even without Nord Stream 2, there is more available gas transport capacity from Russia to Europe than could ever be needed. Europe has previously experienced gas crises in 2009 and 2014. And both times, Russia limited gas supplies to politically pressure Ukraine, putting European economies at significant risk.

I see the Anti-American Asian is still going strong to turn people against the USA with yet another spamulated thread of redundancy.

People like the Koch's wanted trade with Russia established and to do that a country must recognize another countries govt..
The German's wanted Nordstream II and assured the US that they would change their mind if Russia was overly aggressive in the region or tried to use gas deliveries to hold Europs hostage.
yet, this is what happened

The certification has now been stopped, as the operator Nord Stream 2 AG, headquartered in Switzerland, needs to register a subsidiary in Germany. This week, the Federal Network Agency of Germany announced that a decision on the certification of the Nord Stream 2 operator will not be made in the first half of 2022. Dec 24, 2021

Essentially it is a subject in which those affected by the pipeline should be making the decisions for the pipeline, not a nation that will never see Russian gas delivered like the US.

To note: The Keystone pipeline in the US is in operation and has been for several years. The XL was canceled due to environmental concerns that the OP cares not for since she thinks it's ok to destroy US water and other natural resources for foreign oil.
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6. And this about our birthday boy.

The problem, of course, is that Franklin Roosevelt gave our foreign policy to Joseph Stalin.

a. Stalin declared that Germany not be allowed to surrender unless it had been utterly destroyed first, so as not to bar his occupation of Europe.

b. Stalin declared that the attack of D-Day be at Normandy, not the more tactical advance through Italy, already conquered.

c. Stalin refused to release 25,000 American troops he had captured from the Nazis.

d. Stalin demanded 3 votes in the United Nations, to our one.

e. Stalin demanded that General Patton be sidelined...and so it was.
it would have been to the interest of Britain, the United States, and the world to have allowed and indeed to have encouraged-the world's two great dictatorships to fight each other to a frazzle.'
Exactly what the US acted like until it became absolutely clear the USSR was going to finish Germany on its own. Was it ever that the US sacrificed anything literally, bitch?
the interest of Britain, the United States
Britain was the first ally of Stalin and Kaganovich. Bolshevism in the USSR is a British product. Britain is the main agent of the left in the US to this day. All leftism comes from the former British colonies of the East Coast.


No, it will allow Germany and Britain to completely trample the United States. They have already thrown the US out of Europe, the US has no influence there, and the US army has become a puppet of the left of Europe and the Taliban.

By the way, there are no right-wingers in Britain at all. The British are choosing between ultra-left Tory absolutists and moderate-left Socialist Labor.
An interesting question: does Roosevelt bear the same responsibility as Churchill for the genocide in Bengal, or was he aloof from this?
The Tory Party wants the British Empire to be restored within its former borders. That is, they want to include the United States as part of Britain as colonies.
Britain was the first ally of Stalin and Kaganovich. Bolshevism in the USSR is a British product. Britain is the main agent of the left in the US to this day. All leftism comes from the former British colonies of the East Coast.



In the early years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the communists used manipulations, such as the Potemkin Villages, to persuade the world how admirable and successful the revolution had been. One technique was to invite prominent American and British leftists to take carefully planned tours. And these ‘Potemkin Progressives,’ for the most part, behaved and thought just as they were meant to.

Woodrow Wilson wouldn’t recognize the Bolshevik regime, nor would the contemporary British government (Churchill had famously told Lloyd George, ‘You might a well legalize sodomy…’)
Roosevelt, as one of his first performances in office, recognized Russia.
I thought the address was proper enough, just in line with the vomit you threw up.

You used a term probably taught to you growing up.
Glad you learned your lesson and didn't repeat it. put you in your place.
" Was it ever that the US sacrificed anything literally,...."

A great deal.

The US made it possible for the communists to survive....and thrive.


Stalin demanded that Roosevelt continue the war until 'unconditional surrender.'

See, many anti-Nazi Germans were ready to fight Hitler, but Stalin couldn't allow any German post-war resistance to Communism...

So Roosevelt agreed.

He could have ended the war with a victory before Normandy.

Know what that means?

To get an idea of the cost of the extended war...."....over one hundred thirty-five thousand American GIs died –a startling figure today – between D day[june 6, 1944] and V-E day,[May 8, 1945]...."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Get that?

135,000 brave American boys whose lives were offered up as a gift to make certain that communism survived.

Based on the ratio of deaths to wounded, that would suggest almost an additional 200,000 wounded, just between Normandy and Germany's surrender.

Totally attributed to Roosevelt's refusal to allow a treaty to end the war.

United States suffered 292,000 combat deaths. Fully a third to a half during the last few years......could have been avoided.

World War II casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

100,000 American boys.....
They were sacrificed, Roosevelt's love-token, to Stalin by this love-sick, puerile United States President.
What other explanation is there?

Now, can we agree that you're a moron?
Nothing America does is out of love, bitch. (I grew on the term having heard it repeatedly in Braking Bad. I wasn't gonna use it but now I have to)
The US made it possible for the communists to survive....and thrive.
If you mean the Lend-Lease, it helped a lot, I won't deny that and we were and still are grateful. But it wasn't for free, remember that. And we paid it all back
Stalin demanded that Roosevelt continue the war until 'unconditional surrender.'
Why the fuck must it have been otherwise? So that the Germans could take a breath and start over? Of course nothing but unconditional surrender could suit Stalin, whatever Roosevelt or whoever the hell might have had in mind.
a) See, many anti-Nazi Germans were ready to fight Hitler, b) but Stalin couldn't allow any German post-war resistance to Communism...
Separately those two sentences make sense but put together they lead to what's called a "cognitive dissonance". If many Germans were anti-Hitler, i.e. pro-Stalin, where could a resistance to Communism was to originate from?
He could have ended the war with a victory before Normandy.
If there had been no Normandy we could have taken the whole of Europe. Could Roosevelt have allowed that?
As to the casualties, I have to repeat, you had to pitch in or Stalin alone could have taken the spoils, so what was your 292thou compared to 27mil the USSR suffered.
Nothing America does is out of love, bitch. (I grew on the term having heard it repeatedly in Braking Bad. I wasn't gonna use it but now I have to)
The US made it possible for the communists to survive....and thrive.
If you mean the Lend-Lease, it helped a lot, I won't deny that and we were and still are grateful. But it wasn't for free, remember that. And we paid it all back
Stalin demanded that Roosevelt continue the war until 'unconditional surrender.'
Why the fuck must it have been otherwise? So that the Germans could take a breath and start over? Of course nothing but unconditional surrender could suit Stalin, whatever Roosevelt or whoever the hell might have had in mind.
a) See, many anti-Nazi Germans were ready to fight Hitler, b) but Stalin couldn't allow any German post-war resistance to Communism...
Separately those two sentences make sense but put together they lead to what's called a "cognitive dissonance". If many Germans were anti-Hitler, i.e. pro-Stalin, where could a resistance to Communism was to originate from?
He could have ended the war with a victory before Normandy.
If there had been no Normandy we could have taken the whole of Europe. Could Roosevelt have allowed that?
As to the casualties, I have to repeat, you had to pitch in or Stalin alone could have taken the spoils, so what was your 292thou compared to 27mil the USSR suffered.

Refrain from that pejorative aren't speaking to your family here.
Refrain from that pejorative aren't speaking to your family here.
I didn't think it was pejorative. With what lows you've sunk to lately I took it that one was going to be almost endearing.
Refrain from that pejorative aren't speaking to your family here.
I didn't think it was pejorative. With what lows you've sunk to lately I took it that one was going to be almost endearing.

I suppose what brought it on was my destroying your stupid post.....

Time to hand out another trophy for “Not-Tonight-Dear,- I’ve-Got-A-Crushed-Ego.”

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