Making Australia Great Again! All GOP Intend High-Tech Companies To Leave USA Forever!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Wherein briefs are often regarded, "Unmentionables," so there are nearly 100 U. S. companies, mentioning the GOP/McConnel/Ryan concocted Travel Ban is legal filings. The anti-innovation goals of the Republican rank-and-file are easily now to be noted going forward.

U.S. tech leads nearly 100 companies in legal brief against Trump travel ban

What hath the Trump Voter, Red Counties Wrought? Mostly there is apparently a complete disinterest in new high-paying technology jobs, and a 35% minimum price inflation for all high-tech products, entering the United States. That inflation will not be noted in any of member nations at the UN, all of whom may benefit from lower costs of innovation.

The Pooch Gets Totally in Great America, following along the Trump/McConnell/Ryan GOP.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Where there wall, there is a last will and testament(?)--alternatively called a Prison!)

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