Make America Florida. The Rose amongst Thorns.

Foreigner Looking In.

Diamond Member
Jan 10, 2021
I really think De Santis should be the nominee for 2024, and Make America Florida should be the campaign slogan.
With all the crazy stuff I read and see in the U.S, Florida seems to be the main State that has kept its sanity.
They handled the China Virus in the best way. They recently passed a new law allowing people to run over protesters on the road. And now unlike the other States they are giving notice to BLM that there will be no pandering to anyone getting uppity and rioting over the Derek Chauvin verdict.
Florida only does so well because they have money to burn. Without the tourist dollars Florida would quickly implode from mismanagement and out right theft.
Florida only does so well because they have money to burn. Without the tourist dollars Florida would quickly implode from mismanagement and out right theft.

Florida did well long before the filthy ass tourists came here. The torurists have fucked the sate bringing in crime, drugs, congestion and asshole shitheads from "upnorth".
The bill is great.

No kissing the ass of BLM and ANTIFA terrorists like the Democrat run commie states do.

  • Make it more difficult for cities and counties to reduce funding for law enforcement, allowing local elected officials to challenge those budget decisions, and giving the state power to approve or amend the local budget
  • Allow those local governments to be sued if they fail to stop a riot
  • Define “riot” as a violent public disturbance involving 3 or more people acting with common intent resulting in injury to others, damage to property, or the imminent danger of injury or damage
  • Enhance penalties for people who commit crimes during a riot
  • Create a new second-degree felony called an “aggravated riot,” which occurs when the riot has more than 25 participants, causes great bodily harm or more than $5,000 in property damage, uses or threatens to use a deadly weapon, or blocks roadways by force or threat of force
Dude served in Fallujah in 2007 and was deployed with Seal Team One. Bronze Star recipient, and Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal recipient. That's no joke.
Florida only does so well because they have money to burn. Without the tourist dollars Florida would quickly implode from mismanagement and out right theft.

Florida did well long before the filthy ass tourists came here. The torurists have fucked the sate bringing in crime, drugs, congestion and asshole shitheads from "upnorth".
That shit started in the thirties. Before that Florida was a wilderness. Our state was built on whoring ourselves out for a tourist dollar. So dance monkey, dance like your livelihood depends on it because in some way it does. If you can't stand living in a state full of whores then go somewhere no one wants to be like Idaho or Arkansas or Alabama.
This was the best part of presentation today. If you come to Florida don't be a Liberal shithead and vote for the same Democrat assholes you ran away from.

Just contrast that positive message by unmasked humans to old leather face with the mask and visor calling for more confrontations.
You really do get what you vote for.
Florida only does so well because they have money to burn. Without the tourist dollars Florida would quickly implode from mismanagement and out right theft.

Florida did well long before the filthy ass tourists came here. The torurists have fucked the sate bringing in crime, drugs, congestion and asshole shitheads from "upnorth".
That shit started in the thirties. Before that Florida was a wilderness. Our state was built on whoring ourselves out for a tourist dollar. So dance monkey, dance like your livelihood depends on it because in some way it does. If you can't stand living in a state full of whores then go somewhere no one wants to be like Idaho or Arkansas or Alabama.
Tourism is an industry just like agriculture, manufacturing or fishing.
It puts bread on the tables of millions.
Only a nihilistic Libtard would find something negative to say about it.
Dude served in Fallujah in 2007 and was deployed with Seal Team One. Bronze Star recipient, and Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal recipient. That's no joke.
Educated at Yale.

It's a sure bet that he will be president someday, just a matter of when. Only thing that could derail that trajectory is if some whackjob leftist takes him out.

I'd totally support him running in 2024 either solo or as VP to Trump if he runs again (could be good experience to get a term as VP), I'll just be sad to lose him as Governor of Florida. He's going to be a very tough act to follow.
Florida only does so well because they have money to burn. Without the tourist dollars Florida would quickly implode from mismanagement and out right theft.

Florida did well long before the filthy ass tourists came here. The torurists have fucked the sate bringing in crime, drugs, congestion and asshole shitheads from "upnorth".
That shit started in the thirties. Before that Florida was a wilderness. Our state was built on whoring ourselves out for a tourist dollar. So dance monkey, dance like your livelihood depends on it because in some way it does. If you can't stand living in a state full of whores then go somewhere no one wants to be like Idaho or Arkansas or Alabama.
Tourism is an industry just like agriculture, manufacturing or fishing.
It puts bread on the tables of millions.
Only a nihilistic Libtard would find something negative to say about it.
He's just pissed because this Governor and this message is making him realize his entire worldview has been a lie.

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