Majority shareholder of Discovery (CNN parent company) hints at wiping the company clean and starting fresh.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

Sounds to me like he is essentially saying they will kick all the current nuts to the curb and TRY to bring journalism back to the failing network.

I think it's hilarious that NEWSMAX, an outlet I had never heard of till last year, is beating CNN in many time slots.
I think it's hilarious that NEWSMAX, an outlet I had never heard of till last year, is beating CNN in many time slots.
Yea, not only does this show how dumb Americans are, but you find it amusing at the ignorance of your fellow Americans. There were over 70 million of them who had 4 years of Trump and wanted 4 more years of Trump.

This country is circling the drain, unfortunately.
Go woke, go broke.

Back 25 years ago CNN was a trusted news network. Nowadays they are nothing but a mouthpiece for the filthy Democrat Party so they have lost a good portion of their audience. Only the stupid uneducated Moon Bats watch CNN nowadays.
Yea, not only does this show how dumb Americans are, but you find it amusing at the ignorance of your fellow Americans. There were over 70 million of them who had 4 years of Trump and wanted 4 more years of Trump.

This country is circling the drain, unfortunately.
TRump was a great president----only morons don't want four more years of trump.
They will just rename it...........and put a bow around the same thing.

The Communist News Network isn't's a mind fuck of the left boot lickers.
They should shut it down, reboot and do something much different…

FOX has the right and MSNBC has the left so CNN need to focus on something different than the trash they put out.

I mean Lemon, Cooper, and so on do not appeal to me to get my news source from and I just rather read CBC, BBC, Al-Jazeera and so on then get retarded spin from CNN…
One can only hope.
His statement "I would like to see CNN evolve back to real journalism where it started, and to have real journalist working there would be refreshing"
But would that be real journalist, or journalist he and the new board agree with?
I would hope it is the former, but think it is probably the latter.
Go woke, go broke.

Back 25 years ago CNN was a trusted news network. Nowadays they are nothing but a mouthpiece for the filthy Democrat Party so they have lost a good portion of their audience. Only the stupid uneducated Moon Bats watch CNN nowadays.
XiNN has never been more than a passably trustworthy news source.....And you'd need to go back to its earliest days for it to be that good.
About the only thing CNN has going for it is their election coverage......That is if you can look past their libtard election panels and Wolf Blitzer.

John King's analysis of the numbers is top-notch.....Much better than FOX or MS-LSD.

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