Mail In Votes 78% fraudulent


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Canary in a coal mine? Mail in voting is a guaranteed fraud.

I don't believe the 78% number. Not saying fraud wasn't involved but 78%? Not buying it no matter who prints it
Canary in a coal mine? Mail in voting is a guaranteed fraud.

I don't believe the 78% number. Not saying fraud wasn't involved but 78%? Not buying it no matter who prints it
Apparently the judge believes it. And what they believe has stopped other investigations into the national fraud that took place. Or at least that is one of the many excuses I hear.
Canary in a coal mine? Mail in voting is a guaranteed fraud.

I don't believe the 78% number. Not saying fraud wasn't involved but 78%? Not buying it no matter who prints it
This case was barely 300 votes and a primary. Kind of a dumb example. Where are the audits of the national election?
No wonder Republicans have always favored Mail in votes.

They've been cheating all these years........right under Democrats noses.
No wonder Republicans have always favored Mail in votes.

They've been cheating all these years........right under Democrats noses.
The story is about a Democratic primary. Republicans have nothing to do with it.
Canary in a coal mine? Mail in voting is a guaranteed fraud.

Judge Weill found many irregularities with absentee ballots. He issued a bench warrant for notary Dallas Jones, who notarized absentee ballots. During a hearing, Jones admitted violating notary duties.
No wonder Republicans have always favored Mail in votes.

They've been cheating all these years........right under Democrats noses.
It was a Democratic Primary!!! Maybe you missed the important point. So I'll tell you Dems even try to cheat each other.

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