Mahjor Media Meltdown; String of Anti-Trump Stories Shows What Shills the MSM are


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is hilarious. They jumped the shark on this election, wrecking their credibility to most Americans, and now they double down on rancid stupidity and go into meltdown mode desperately trying to smear Trump buy any means imaginable.

The New York Times, other outlets crying 'wolf' over Trump

It’s now Day 13 since the media declared it needed to do some serious soul-searching and rethink the way it covers Donald Trump.

Here are your headlines in today’s New York Times:

Trump Turns Staid Cabinet Process Into Spectacle

Alt-Right Exults in Election With Salute of ‘Heil Victory’
Indian Business Partners Hope to Exploit Trump Ties

Many in Milwaukee Neighborhood Didn’t Vote — And Don’t Regret It

Let’s Say Obamacare Is Repealed. What Then?

Critic’s Notebook: ‘Hamilton’ Duel: Addressing the President-Elect on His Own Blunt Terms

How Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study

Reince Priebus, Normalizer in Chief: As Mr. Trump’s new chief of staff, the lifelong G.O.P. loyalist will have to guide an outsider president and his band of radicals through a city they’ve pledged to upend.

And these New York Times editorials:

Blow: Making America White Again

Krugman: Build He Won’t

A Retreat From TPP Would Empower China

On Campus: A Dreamer’s Deportation Nightmare

Op-Ed: Voting Rights in the Age of Trump

All told, all but one of these stories and editorials can safely be deemed anti-Trump. Only one analysis can be considered to be down-the-middle: "Let’s Say Obamacare Is Repealed. What Then?" And of course, the editorials especially are so far off the rails in terms of negativity that it's almost comical in its hysteria.
The left simply cannot believe that the rest of America knows that the left is full of horse shit.
Oh, the "Blow: Making America White Again" has a reeeeeal nice touch. LMAO. I still have yet to find an answer on when exactly trump was planning on exciting all people of color & just leaving us whites in america to rule. Fucking idiotic.

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"Waaaaaaaaahhhhh they're saying things about my fascist Trump and I don't like it!!! They're being mean to the president-elect who raped his first wife!!!! Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! They're so mean to him! Why are they so mean to him? Waaaaahhhhhhhh"

Oh, the "Blow: Making America White Again" has a reeeeeal nice touch. LMAO. I still have yet to find an answer on when exactly trump was planning on exciting all people of color & just leaving us whites in america to rule. Fucking idiotic.
Yes, it is very idiotic, but not idiotic enough that Dimocrats would get the hint.
I seriously meant "executing" people of color. Not exciting. Rereading it makes no sense. Sorry for not spell checking, smh.
Well both would have passed spell checking anyway, right?

It's that 'doe snot' thing where the words are simply poorly used, not misspelled.
This is hilarious. They jumped the shark on this election, wrecking their credibility to most Americans, and now they double down on rancid stupidity and go into meltdown mode desperately trying to smear Trump buy any means imaginable.

The New York Times, other outlets crying 'wolf' over Trump

It’s now Day 13 since the media declared it needed to do some serious soul-searching and rethink the way it covers Donald Trump.

Here are your headlines in today’s New York Times:

Trump Turns Staid Cabinet Process Into Spectacle

Alt-Right Exults in Election With Salute of ‘Heil Victory’
Indian Business Partners Hope to Exploit Trump Ties

Many in Milwaukee Neighborhood Didn’t Vote — And Don’t Regret It

Let’s Say Obamacare Is Repealed. What Then?

Critic’s Notebook: ‘Hamilton’ Duel: Addressing the President-Elect on His Own Blunt Terms

How Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study

Reince Priebus, Normalizer in Chief: As Mr. Trump’s new chief of staff, the lifelong G.O.P. loyalist will have to guide an outsider president and his band of radicals through a city they’ve pledged to upend.

And these New York Times editorials:

Blow: Making America White Again

Krugman: Build He Won’t

A Retreat From TPP Would Empower China

On Campus: A Dreamer’s Deportation Nightmare

Op-Ed: Voting Rights in the Age of Trump

All told, all but one of these stories and editorials can safely be deemed anti-Trump. Only one analysis can be considered to be down-the-middle: "Let’s Say Obamacare Is Repealed. What Then?" And of course, the editorials especially are so far off the rails in terms of negativity that it's almost comical in its hysteria.

How dare any media criticize our President elect......President Trump will take care of that.....
This is hilarious. They jumped the shark on this election, wrecking their credibility to most Americans, and now they double down on rancid stupidity and go into meltdown mode desperately trying to smear Trump buy any means imaginable.

The New York Times, other outlets crying 'wolf' over Trump

It’s now Day 13 since the media declared it needed to do some serious soul-searching and rethink the way it covers Donald Trump.

Here are your headlines in today’s New York Times:

Trump Turns Staid Cabinet Process Into Spectacle

Alt-Right Exults in Election With Salute of ‘Heil Victory’
Indian Business Partners Hope to Exploit Trump Ties

Many in Milwaukee Neighborhood Didn’t Vote — And Don’t Regret It

Let’s Say Obamacare Is Repealed. What Then?

Critic’s Notebook: ‘Hamilton’ Duel: Addressing the President-Elect on His Own Blunt Terms

How Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study

Reince Priebus, Normalizer in Chief: As Mr. Trump’s new chief of staff, the lifelong G.O.P. loyalist will have to guide an outsider president and his band of radicals through a city they’ve pledged to upend.

And these New York Times editorials:

Blow: Making America White Again

Krugman: Build He Won’t

A Retreat From TPP Would Empower China

On Campus: A Dreamer’s Deportation Nightmare

Op-Ed: Voting Rights in the Age of Trump

All told, all but one of these stories and editorials can safely be deemed anti-Trump. Only one analysis can be considered to be down-the-middle: "Let’s Say Obamacare Is Repealed. What Then?" And of course, the editorials especially are so far off the rails in terms of negativity that it's almost comical in its hysteria.
They're repeating the same bullshit attack lines that didn't work during the election. Morons have a very low learning curve.
They're repeating the same bullshit attack lines that didn't work during the election. Morons have a very low learning curve.
Well, lets hope that they fail to learn anything new for 2018 and 2020. It is looking very hopeful in that respect.

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