MAGA 2024 !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president
Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president

I will vote third party if Donald Trump doesn't run. No more phony "Republicans" for me.
Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president
Trump rallies every month till election 2024!!!!!!!!!
Tell ya what........

As long as the Right continues to go to hollywood movies, patronize Facebook and Twitter........then shop on Amazon and watch Foxnews......

there is no future for them. None.
Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president

Ummm.... if Rump wants to run in 2024..... that means he LOST in 2020. Duh?
Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president
I would immediately hit the buzzer for Don Jr. By that time, Trump will be ready to retire and relax.
By 2024, the GOP will be trying to move in another direction. What good would it do them to elect a 78-year-old lame duck? (and this assuming he is not in prison by then)

If I had to guess, I'd say they go with George Prescott Bush.
Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president
Sorry hon, but President Trump will be ending his second term in that year, and here's WHY!!!!!!!!!! :eusa_dance:

Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president
I would immediately hit the buzzer for Don Jr. By that time, Trump will be ready to retire and relax.

I'm afraid there is no such thing as Rump "ready to relax". That's because of his severe mental defect where he promulgates this absurd dream world where planet earth revolves around Numero Uno.

That's exactly why he's melting down right now. Everything he sees and hears contradicts the self-delusion of his paranoid wackitude. He can't handle it. And he won't rest until he can fluff himself up yet some more. And it will never be enough. EVER.

Fer fuck's sake we've been alerting you klowns to this for FIVE FUCKING YEARS.
Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president
Trump rallies every month till election 2024!!!!!!!!!

Careful – you’ll only kill-off a bunch of Trump supporters.
I don't know about this, I think it's just wishful thinking.

Not as much "wishful thinking" as you believe. Eight years of Obama was the reason Trump was elected in the first place. And no, he did not "steal" the 2016 election with the help of some ham-fisted vodka-swilling Russians, that is totally retarded.

Obviously there were enough people who believed in him, that they elected him President. Among the things he ran on was to clean up what he called "The Swamp." That was and still is a government infested with do-nothing bureaucrats, the majority of whom weren't even elected to their positions. That also includes globalist elements which exist both inside and outside this country, the media and academia, as well as powerful communist/capitalist hybrid countries like China.

But what he went up against was far too powerful for even one with the determination, resources, and wherewithal exhibited by this President. In the end, The Swamp won. Not that he didn't make amazingly-historic strides in accomplishing what he set out to do. Those things he did, even lacking the support he should have gotten from the establishment Republican Party.

If he does run in 2024, how well he does depends on a number of variables, the most important of which being how well the Biden administration performs against the Chinese pandemic that was dumped in Trump's lap. Other variables include the economy, the security of this country against foreign/domestic enemies or terrorists, the availability and cost of energy, employment, etc. If the Biden administration does fail, voter sentiment will demand that Trump returns to the office of the presidency. Whether he chooses to or not is entirely up to him.
Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president

Sure...bring it on.
Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president
There is no republican party. It's just the tRumplings now.
Trump received more votes than any incumbent in history ! MAGA is the biggest unified political movement in the country ! while the left is split between the so called moderates and the far left radicals the right with the exception of of a few rhino frauds is united ! MAGA is bigger than the tea party ever was ! and republican leaders know that any compromise with the left will cause them to be primaried ! Trump may run for the nomination again ! and no republican could candidate could beat him ! the republican party is led by Trump ! Trump is "seriously" considering a 2024 bid for president
I would immediately hit the buzzer for Don Jr. By that time, Trump will be ready to retire and relax.
He's already been retired.
Trump makes it easy, because he's accomplished, transparent, does the right things, loves America and detests communists.

Best POTUS my lifetime, arguably best ever. All on a desk above snakes.
There won't be another election if half the country doesn't think the elections are legit.

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