Maddow and Chris Heyes Dramatically 'up the ante' on US Foreign Policy Propaganda Against Russia.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020
It couldn't be missed last night. But for the few Americans who are genuinely anti-war, the inefficiencies in Rache's hate spiel against Putin can at least be recognized. Her foreign minister in Russia kept undercutting Rachel's talking points and the most noticable instance was when the woman mentioned that Putin's favourability rating was still high. Rachel's childish reaction to that was a laughable!

You had to have been there watching and listening to appreciate it, but don't despair. A repeat performance will be replayed again tonight by both of them most likely.

For some reason, obvious to some but less obvious to Americans who feel a need for war with Russia, there is a great and urgent need for Navalny to die. So Rachel and Christ Heyes are promoting the idea that Putin is starving him to death in prison.
Just a little bit inconsistent with the facts from a few weeks ago that Navalny was on a hunger strike and might be force fed.

Hopefully this thread will be allowed to stand, even if it's given the bum's rush to the Badlands.

But please folks, can we keep it civil and a place of refuge for the more politically informed amongst us?
When one is using an over-the-top propagandist as the source, it's difficult not to have things instantly devolve.
When one is using an over-the-top propagandist as the source, it's difficult not to have things instantly devolve.
Over the top propagandist possibly but most likely the most heard and most trusted talking head in America today. Give or take a place?

But the purpose of this thread is to explore the question on whether or not anybody heard her baying at the moon, and apprecieated the hypocrisy of the performance. And also, to alert those who might be interested in tonight's performance.

A question: Is there still some appeal to the Trumpers on standing up for Putin, or has that just succumbed to American hate Russia politics too? I think there's little doubt that it still motivates the D's on account of their claims of collusion, etc. against Putin/Russia.

Has this already become to complicated for Americans?
When one is using an over-the-top propagandist as the source, it's difficult not to have things instantly devolve.
Over the top propagandist possibly but most likely the most heard and most trusted talking head in America today. Give or take a place?

But the purpose of this thread is to explore the question on whether or not anybody heard her baying at the moon, and apprecieated the hypocrisy of the performance. And also, to alert those who might be interested in tonight's performance.

A question: Is there still some appeal to the Trumpers on standing up for Putin, or has that just succumbed to American hate Russia politics too? I think there's little doubt that it still motivates the D's on account of their claims of collusion, etc. against Putin/Russia.

Has this already become to complicated for Americans?
Why do any of us need to “stand up” to for for Putin?

Russia is run by a mafia. Steer clear of them and let them handle their own business.

We don’t need war with them. The big reason the left hates Russia with a passion is because they rejected communism and their media isn’t run by a bunch of leftwing lunatics.
Why do any of us need to “stand up” to for for Putin?

Russia is run by a mafia. Steer clear of them and let them handle their own business.

We don’t need war with them. The big reason the left hates Russia with a passion is because they rejected communism and their media isn’t run by a bunch of leftwing lunatics.

Only halfway or semi-intelligible remarks but still sort of gets a garbled message across that support for Trump that still remains, is powerful enough to outdo Russia/Putin hate.

Good for world peace even though the Trump bullshit is quickly fading!

There never was any real hope that the Biden/Dem election victories would bring a more peaceable America.

Rachel and Chris Heyes are really trying to up the ante on America's bridge too far that resulted in the loss of the Crimea to Russia.

And fwiw, can anyone who is the slightest bit informed be missing the point that the current standoff has nothing to do with a front being established for the taking back of the Crimea?

Russia is standing solid on protecting it's territory and has no intention of an attack to gain territory. Russia/Putin is demonstrating Russia's solid resolve to not be pushed back by Nato/US aggression. They will go nuclear if it becomes necessary!
Here's a generic link for the OP.

Time has expired to put it there.

If you put the emphasis on killing the thread I might have to start the discussion under a different title but pertaining to the same hypocrisy. I think it stands a chance of making the cut because it's going to be seen as complimentary to the Trump agenda. Get with the spirit Marc.
Where is the hypocrisy?

The media claimed Russia was invading Ukraine. Looks like were full of shit, as usual.

But somehow this is all President Trump’s fault I’m sure.
Where is the hypocrisy?

The media claimed Russia was invading Ukraine. Looks like were full of shit, as usual.

But somehow this is all President Trump’s fault I’m sure.
Trump's fault? Fault for what? Your ignorance has left you with no talking points. About what would be expected when facts betray the US ideology of Russia/Putin hate.
You would serve yourself better to shut your ignorant cakehole before you dig your hole deeper.
Our liberal media want war with russia. Putin is way smarter than the invalids and retards at mainstream news.
Neither side is stupid enough to want real war with Russia. What's the point of you even commenting on this thread if you can't figure that much out?
Our liberal media want war with russia. Putin is way smarter than the invalids and retards at mainstream news.
Neither side is stupid enough to want real war with Russia. What's the point of you even commenting on this thread if you can't figure that much out?

Libs are that stupid to want war with russia. If you can't figure that out......

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