Madam President


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2012
Priceless!!! LOL!!!

Would've been nice. Oh well. I hope Trump doesn't sink the ship.

So far it's liberals rioting and sinking their own ship while President-Elect Trump acts like a leader. Not surprising though.
Would've been nice. Oh well. I hope Trump doesn't sink the ship.

So far it's liberals rioting and sinking their own ship while President-Elect Trump acts like a leader. Not surprising though.
"Acting" like a leader. The best that old clown can do I suppose. Anyways, I hope the republic still exists come the 2020 election.
Would've been nice. Oh well. I hope Trump doesn't sink the ship.

So far it's liberals rioting and sinking their own ship while President-Elect Trump acts like a leader. Not surprising though.
"Acting" like a leader. The best that old clown can do I suppose. Anyways, I hope the republic still exists come the 2020 election.

Your free to move to Mexico.
I'm sticking it out here until the end. I hope Trump's wall doesn't stop too many people from being able to flee into Mexico from the radiation.
Would've been nice. Oh well. I hope Trump doesn't sink the ship.

So far it's liberals rioting and sinking their own ship while President-Elect Trump acts like a leader. Not surprising though.
"Acting" like a leader. The best that old clown can do I suppose. Anyways, I hope the republic still exists come the 2020 election.

Your free to move to Mexico.
I'm sticking it out here until the end. I hope Trump's wall doesn't stop too many people from being able to flee into Mexico from the radiation.

I heard the grass is getting high in Mexico ..pal you are smarter then this..
Would've been nice. Oh well. I hope Trump doesn't sink the ship.

So far it's liberals rioting and sinking their own ship while President-Elect Trump acts like a leader. Not surprising though.
"Acting" like a leader. The best that old clown can do I suppose. Anyways, I hope the republic still exists come the 2020 election.

Your free to move to Mexico.
I'm sticking it out here until the end. I hope Trump's wall doesn't stop too many people from being able to flee into Mexico from the radiation.

I heard the grass is getting high in Mexico ..pal you are smarter then this..
It depends on if Trump follows through on the things he said, or if he was actually just completely joking. We won't know for a few months.
So far it's liberals rioting and sinking their own ship while President-Elect Trump acts like a leader. Not surprising though.
"Acting" like a leader. The best that old clown can do I suppose. Anyways, I hope the republic still exists come the 2020 election.

Your free to move to Mexico.
I'm sticking it out here until the end. I hope Trump's wall doesn't stop too many people from being able to flee into Mexico from the radiation.

I heard the grass is getting high in Mexico ..pal you are smarter then this..
It depends on if Trump follows through on the things he said, or if he was actually just completely joking. We won't know for a few months.

Every one wins if I am right.. Believe me I won't Bragg on this one but I think I am right.. We all win if I am right
"Acting" like a leader. The best that old clown can do I suppose. Anyways, I hope the republic still exists come the 2020 election.

Your free to move to Mexico.
I'm sticking it out here until the end. I hope Trump's wall doesn't stop too many people from being able to flee into Mexico from the radiation.

I heard the grass is getting high in Mexico ..pal you are smarter then this..
It depends on if Trump follows through on the things he said, or if he was actually just completely joking. We won't know for a few months.

Every one wins if I am right.. Believe me I won't Bragg on this one but I think I am right.. We all win if I am right

Again, I hope so. The onus is on Trump to prove it. After all the shit he's slung.
I was going to say something about Obama ..but you know what pal Obama tried. And he is trying to help trump

I really hope Obama and trump becomes friends, Trump is going to need all the advice he can get.

I really hope Obama and trump becomes friends, Trump is going to need all the advice he can get.


I still don't think Trump realizes the enormity of how his life has changed! He has to totally staff the West Wing; talking about 4 thousand people! This fool doesn't know 4000 people with brain power enough to work the phones! :bang3: :meow: :wine:
I really hope Obama and trump becomes friends, Trump is going to need all the advice he can get.


I still don't think Trump realizes the enormity of how his life has changed! He has to totally staff the West Wing; talking about 4 thousand people! This fool doesn't know 4000 people with brain power enough to work the phones! :bang3: :meow: :wine:

Maybe the media will finally learn to go back to reporting the news instead of tying to predict it or shape it to fit their personal agenda. I highly doubt this though as ideology seems to surpass everything else in the land of media.
I really hope Obama and trump becomes friends, Trump is going to need all the advice he can get.


I still don't think Trump realizes the enormity of how his life has changed! He has to totally staff the West Wing; talking about 4 thousand people! This fool doesn't know 4000 people with brain power enough to work the phones! :bang3: :meow: :wine:

And yet he still managed to defeat vaunted Clinton political machine.

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