Machine Guns Could/Would Have Stopped the Kfar Aza Massacre


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Here's Joe Biden talking about how guns shoud be restricted to those that can only fire a single shot with each pull of the trigger, and nobody (he thinks) should possess a machine gun (fully automatic gun capable of firing multiple rounds in bursts)

Biden has also many times denounced the idea of people possessing extended magazines (which can greatly increase firepower against large groups of attackers).

Well, Biden and all the rest of the gun control do gooders just got their answer, in a stark reality check, in the previously peaceful Israeli town of Kfar Aza, where Hamas marauders attacked and killed hundreds of people, beheading many of them.

It was reported by witnesses (who hid until the carnage was over) that there were about 70 Hamas killers in the group. There also were 6 or 7 Israeli citizens armed with single shot pistols, who fought back. These brave defenders were quickly overpowered, and killed.

If they has been armed with fully automatic rifles (aka machine guns), however, with extended magazines, they could have annihilated the 70 terrorists in 20 seconds.

Well, gun controllers you just got your answer, in cold blood. I dont know if the Kfar Aza residents have gun control laws restricting them from what kind of guns thy could own, but if they did they better revise those laws and SOON.

And Joe Biden and all the rest of the US gun control loons better take a good hard lesson from this awful experience, and realize that a massacre like Kfar Aza could easily happen in an American small town, today, tomorrow, or anytime - especially with Biden just having allowed MILLIONS of UNVETTED illegal aliens into the country, many of them from Africa and the Middle East, both places being hotbeds of Islamic terrorism.

Here's Joe Biden talking about how guns shoud be restricted to those that can only fire a single shot with each pull of the trigger, and nobody (he thinks) should possess a machine gun (fully automatic gun capable of firing multiple rounds in bursts)

Biden has also many times denounced the idea of people possessing extended magazines (which can greatly increase firepower against large groups of attackers).

Okay, I have a limit of 60lbs to carry around with me as a grunt. After all the other things, I only have enough weights left over for 200 rounds of ammo. And that is all I am going to be issued no matter how stupid I get. I think the Grunts in here need to give us what is needed when going into a battle area. Okay, Grunts, let's hear it.
Okay, I have a limit of 60lbs to carry around with me as a grunt. After all the other things, I only have enough weights left over for 200 rounds of ammo. And that is all I am going to be issued no matter how stupid I get. I think the Grunts in here need to give us what is needed when going into a battle area. Okay, Grunts, let's hear it.

No weight limit when defending your home, jackass. So you can load up on ammo.
Here's Joe Biden talking about how guns shoud be restricted to those that can only fire a single shot with each pull of the trigger, and nobody (he thinks) should possess a machine gun (fully automatic gun capable of firing multiple rounds in bursts)
View attachment 841530
Biden has also many times denounced the idea of people possessing extended magazines (which can greatly increase firepower against large groups of attackers).

Well, Biden and all the rest of the gun control do gooders just got their answer, in a stark reality check, in the previously peaceful Israeli town of Kfar Aza, where Hamas marauders attacked and killed hundreds of people, beheading many of them.

It was reported by witnesses (who hid until the carnage was over) that there were about 70 Hamas killers in the group. There also were 6 or 7 Israeli citizens armed with single shot pistols, who fought back. These brave defenders were quickly overpowered, and killed.

If they has been armed with fully automatic rifles (aka machine guns), however, with extended magazines, they could have annihilated the 70 terrorists in 20 seconds.

Well, gun controllers you just got your answer, in cold blood. I dont know if the Kfar Aza residents have gun control laws restricting them from what kind of guns thy could own, but if they did they better revise those laws and SOON.

And Joe Biden and all the rest of the US gun control loons better take a good hard lesson from this awful experience, and realize that a massacre like Kfar Aza could easily happen in an American small town, today, tomorrow, or anytime - especially with Biden just having allowed MILLIONS of UNVETTED illegal aliens into the country, many of them from Africa and the Middle East, both places being hotbeds of Islamic terrorism.

The interesting thing about all of this brother is that it is the people of Gaza who do not have access to weapons. All of the conservatives in a Trump supporters, and the second amendment people should stand by the people of Gaza. The people of Israel might have somewhat strict gun laws, but keep this in mind. There is mandatory conscription in Israel for men and women. And so the Israeli settlers have access to machine guns.

But the man of Gaza in imagine this for a moment. How do they look into the face of their wife and children and then tell them I can’t get a pistol because we don’t have any weapons in Gaza, except for the tiny number of militance that somehow get access to small arms and AK-47s.

And most importantly, how in the world did these thousand Iranian agents get inside of Israel. Many of the people in Israel are saying how could this happen maybe some rogue elements within the IDF allowed it to. Because of the recent historical agreements between Saudi, Arabia and Israel they want to up and that. There are those in Israel and Iran, who do not want to see an agreement between Saudi, Arabia and Israel.
The interesting thing about all of this brother is that it is the people of Gaza who do not have access to weapons. All of the conservatives in a Trump supporters, and the second amendment people should stand by the people of Gaza. The people of Israel might have somewhat strict gun laws, but keep this in mind. There is mandatory conscription in Israel for men and women. And so the Israeli settlers have access to machine guns.

But the man of Gaza in imagine this for a moment. How do they look into the face of their wife and children and then tell them I can’t get a pistol because we don’t have any weapons in Gaza, except for the tiny number of militance that somehow get access to small arms and AK-47s.

And most importantly, how in the world did these thousand Iranian agents get inside of Israel. Many of the people in Israel are saying how could this happen maybe some rogue elements within the IDF allowed it to. Because of the recent historical agreements between Saudi, Arabia and Israel they want to up and that. There are those in Israel and Iran, who do not want to see an agreement between Saudi, Arabia and Israel.

The palestinian terrorists are awash in weapons. The Israeli's, on the other hand, were denied the ability to own guns save for special cases. This is the result. Israeli's murdered in their homes.
The palestinian terrorists are awash in weapons. The Israeli's, on the other hand, were denied the ability to own guns save for special cases. This is the result. Israeli's murdered in their homes.
That result was because of a failure of the Israeli defense Force intelligence agencies, and it cannot be ruled out that rogue elements within that agency allow this to happen.

There’s 2 million people in Gaza most of them do not have access to weapons only a tiny percentage do.

Yes, Hamas terrorists have about a few thousand weapons…. AK-47s, low powered rockets and pistols. Compared to the Israeli defense force that has one of the finest air forces in the world along with very sophisticated tanks. So there’s no comparing the two. Israel does not need America’s money they could wipe the floor with Gaza right now just with airstrikes.

But other than that the numbers are completely lopsided. There are way way more guns in Israel. Palestinian policeman are not even allowed to have a gun or rest in Israeli settler. That’s how insane this is. Imagine for a moment a an American police officer not being allowed to arrest a Mexican doing a crime in a

That’s what the men in Gaza face. They have absolutely no dignity. And most of them cannot get access to pistols, not even a pistol. Whereas in Israel, these people go through the army, they are forced to, and they therefore get weapon access in that regard. The Israeli settlers have access to high powered machine guns.

This is a non-political post. I support the right to bear arms. Which the Palestinian people do not have. And yes, maybe there are some strict gun laws in Israel but at least they have access to guns.
That result was because of a failure of the Israeli defense. Force is intelligence agencies, and it cannot be rolled out that rogue elements within that agency allow this to happen.

There’s 2 million people in Gaza most of them do not have access to weapons only a tiny percentage do.

Yes, Hamas terrorists have about a few thousand weapons…. AK-47s, low powered rockets and pistols. Compared to the Israeli defense force that has one of the finest air forces in the world along with very sophisticated tanks. So there’s no comparing the two. Israel does not need America’s money they could wipe the floor with Gaza right now just with airstrikes.

But other than that the numbers are completely lopsided. There are way way more guns in Israel. Palestinian policeman are not even allowed to have a gun or rest in Israeli settler. That’s how insane this is. Imagine for a moment a an American police officer not being allowed to arrest a Mexican doing a crime in a

That’s what the men in Gaza face. They have absolutely no dignity. And most of them cannot get access to pistols, not even a pistol. Whereas in Israel, these people go through the army, they are forced to, and they therefore get weapon access in that regard. The Israeli settlers have access to high powered machine guns.

This is a non-political post. I support the right to bear arms. Which the Palestinian people do not have. And yes, maybe there are some strict gun laws in Israel but at least they have access to guns.
Looks like the residents of Kfar Aza could have used those machine guns. It's a shame they didn't have them.
Looks like the residents of Kfar Aza could have used those machine guns. It's a shame they didn't have them.
That situation in part lies with the Israeli defense force. Like that concert in the Israeli desert, which is very close to the border of Gaza that should’ve been protected by Israeli defense force personnel. So it is the people of Israel asking on social media. how in the world did their intelligence agency fail

And the other question is how many of those hippie type concert goers would’ve actually wanted to carry around a gun? I understand that if somebody is in the Israeli defense force, they always have to have their gun with them when they had their uniform on. And you will see in the settler areas that the Jews living in settlements and the Israeli defense force people always carry around machine guns.

So the question is in one regard what about the left-wing of Israel? Do they want to have pistols on them? Along with the failure of the intelligence agencies of Israel.
When the attack first occur I thought to the point of the original poster…. wait a minute Israeli people walk around with guns. And there’s usually soldiers all throughout the country.

So something went wrong here. At best This was a failure of the Israeli intelligence agencies. At worst there was a Rogue element within the idf that allowed this to happen for political purposes.
When the attack first occur I thought to the point of the original poster…. wait a minute Israeli people walk around with guns. And there’s usually soldiers all throughout the country.

So something went wrong here. At best This was a failure of the Israeli intelligence agencies. At worst there was a Rogue element within the idf that allowed this to happen for political purposes.
Anyone anywhere who is without gun, and in some cases, a machine gun, runs the risk of being killed. Kfar Aza prime example.

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