Mace Lambasts Ex-Biden Official, Asks Him To 'Define What A Woman Is'

Once again i refer back to when Jimmy Carter, with liberal compassion, allowed the mentally ill out of the insane asylums and be put back in with their families, thinking it would be therapeutic having the whole family together. The dumbass from Georgia, didnt realize that it was the family that put the insane people in the asylums in the first place. So now after 50 years of mentally ill people copulating, we see the end result of Jimmy's mental deficiencies. Hope he is burning in Hell for what he has done to the US.

While Carter was inept, I seem to remember the ACLU and others bringing lawsuits that caused this.
You know that since we know more and more about human anatomy this thing of only male and female is too simplistic...

The main 'sex change' operations for under 18s is boys getting breast reductions... Ye, some boys as they are going through puberty develop breasts.. This is by far the majority of 'sex change' operations done on minors...

Would you make those boys and young men have breasts until at least they are over 18?

That was completely made up
Sorry, but 1 is too many.

What age do they cut-off for children?

Because most of this data includes 16-17 year old gang bangers.
So you don't know what the psychologists said or the Doctors recommended and you are going on what a doctors said when the person was born... No discussion, they are right and this other team are wrong...
This is why it is rare...

But that is 1 too much, but those kids that get gunned down. They had it coming...
So you don't know what the psychologists said or the Doctors recommended and you are going on what a doctors said when the person was born... No discussion, they are right and this other team are wrong...
This is why it is rare...

But that is 1 too much, but those kids that get gunned down. They had it coming...

No doctors or psychologists should be recommending any of this.

So you want to make drugging and mutilating kids a crime just as murdering them is a crime? Fine by me.

Didn't think that one through did ya?

This is hilarious. Why can't progressives define what a woman is? :auiqs.jpg:

It's mind boggling to see these people on the left so stumped they can't define what either a man or a woman is. I mean, if I were them, I would just be honest and I would answer the question, "A man or a woman is whatever a person decides to define themselves as" but they can't even do that. That's really their position and it is a very simple answer. Instead, they choose to make themselves look like fools, mostly because they can't even be honest about what they believe.
It's mind boggling to see these people on the left so stumped they can't define what either a man or a woman is. I mean, if I were them, I would just be honest and I would answer the question, "A man or a woman is whatever a person decides to define themselves as" but they can't even do that. That's really their position and it is a very simple answer. Instead, they choose to make themselves look like fools.

They don't know what a woman is. They can't put out fires. 🤔
They don't know what a woman is. They can't put out fires. 🤔
I've said this before on here many months ago, but, sometimes I think about hundreds of thousands of years from now in the future when people are digging up our bones to study, trying to figure out their past and one archaeologist says to the other archaeologist, "These bones are obviously from a male and these bones are obviously from a female", or, "This DNA is obviously from a male and this DNA is obviously from a female".

Then the other archaeologist says, "Well, not so fast, you can't just assume one person was a male and other person was female based solely on their bones or their DNA. You also need to have proof of how they identified themselves".

Hopefully mankind will never reach that point.
Democrats are perverted freaks that want to allow perverted freaks to invader woman's spaces and expose themselves.

Modern Democrats make the guy on the corner in the trench coat flashing people look normal.

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