loyalty pledge


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Have you guys seen the pictures of trump and his supporters doing loyalty pledges. They extend their right arm out and pledge to support Donald in the election... Seriously, he has to be messing with his supporters right now. "can I get these guys to give me a nazi salute?"

If I wasn't on my phone is post them
Raise your right hand and repeat after me.........

Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me god......................

Naw.........never seen anybody do that...................geesh.

Oh something you hope sticks to smear him. It's just for fun at his rally's. Not like he's forcing it.

While I dislike Trump as much as the next guy, and while I believe a Trump Presidency would be just as disastrous for this country as a Hillary Presidency, I believe that Slate is so biased and so influenced by its liberal leanings that it is seeing things that just aren't there.

I respect you and your smarts, Av, so I find it especially disconcerting that you would buy into Slate's smears and help to perpetuate them.


>> The crowd cheered at the end.

“Thank you. Now I know. Don’t forget you all raised your hands. You swore. Bad things happen if you don’t live up to what you just did,” Trump said before continuing with his speech. <<
Same kind of threat he made to the Chicago Cubs owner. And they cheered.

It's a really weird exercise in authoritarian-passive mob psychology.

But then so was Germany in the 1930s.....
Have you guys seen the pictures of trump and his supporters doing loyalty pledges. They extend their right arm out and pledge to support Donald in the election... Seriously, he has to be messing with his supporters right now. "can I get these guys to give me a nazi salute?"

If I wasn't on my phone is post them
Messin' with sasquatch. Tee hee hee.
Have you guys seen the pictures of trump and his supporters doing loyalty pledges. They extend their right arm out and pledge to support Donald in the election... Seriously, he has to be messing with his supporters right now. "can I get these guys to give me a nazi salute?"

If I wasn't on my phone is post them

Yes this has been posted already but worth repeating.

Can you imagine, Romney HAS to be sitting at home watching this thinking 'this guy has his supporters giving him the Zeig Heil salute and he's leading the polls.

Watch this, if 1933 doesn't come to mind you don't know history.

WATCH: Donald Trump Supporter Yells ‘Sieg Heil’ at Protester During Rally

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