Lowered Expectations Is Leading To Lack Of Production And Shortages


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Democrats are all about lowering expectations. They want to weaken us and make us less of a threat to the rest of the world. The problem with that is along with the lowered expectations comes an inability to produce what is needed to keep the economy rolling.

They can't help themselves. Democrats don't have any allegiance to this country, (doing so is racist) so of course they don't want America to succeed. America is evil....because of slavery....(nevermind that many other countries had slavery as well...even today) and thus is created with a dark cloud over it's head from the very beginning. At least that's what the left wants minorities to believe.

So Democrat politicians are leaning further and further left....and weakening us in the process. They're listening to our competition and selling us out.

If you want to know why you can't get a dishwasher delivered or a refrigerator...it's because the price is going up so fast that by the time it's built....they can't deliver it at a profit. I ordered a Samsung Dishwasher from Lowe's way back in November and they kept pushing back the delivery date. Eventually I cancelled my order a couple of weeks ago. Why would they deliver a dishwasher to somebody from the online store when they can sell them at twice the price in stores? And you can't just walk into the store and get the model you want because it's never available.

I looked into replacing my deck but building material costs have gone up 400% just since November. And the reason is Joe Biden signing new government restrictions thru executive orders. Biden has been busy signing crap EOs by the bushel designed to hammer the consumer since the day he was sworn in.

Paying people an extra $300/wk in unemployment is designed to keep people at home. This is why many of the shortages are popping up (along with COVID restrictions). I heard they have a shortage of wings to make hotwings. One of my Burger Kings ran out of Whopper meat a couple of months ago due to shortages. And restaurants are having problems opening because they can't get anyone to work. Help Wanted signs are everywhere.

Then there's the debt. How much has Biden spent this year? Roughly $3 trillion....and climbing. And how much of it is going where they claim it's supposed to be going? Less than 6%. This is how you cause inflation. Reducing the value of the USD at an unprecedented rate by printing money reducing the value of the dollar.

There is so much destruction that the new administration is responsible for. Cutting off the Keystone Pipeline project. Encouraging millions of illegals to rush to our Southern border and leaving the door wide open. The damage that Biden is responsible for forced them to claim that they were relaxing mask standards just to give their corrupt media something to applaud about. But it's really just a distraction. I wonder if people are really happy about all of this terrible news we see daily. Are we really happy about it? Maybe to people who live in California who've been putting up with this government mess for years. They may not even notice the change. Maybe they think everything is great as long as we don't have to read any more nasty Tweets.



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Did they ever find any technical/logistical valuations to support this thread or do we have to listen to pure opinion from a biased writer and a biased OP? I mean it's not that hard to understand production 101 class on starting an economy after a Trump led depression..
From your second link;

"The Marxists gained a foothold in our colleges and universities, and using leftist educators to indoctrinate the minds of young impressionable American youths; their long-term goals were well underway. Barack Obama himself is a product of this kind of indoctrination. He grew up surrounded by Marxists who undoubtedly had a major influence on him during his formative years."

Congress and the establishment knew all about this, and instead, distracted and blamed "McCarthy," and a bunch of so called communists. It was the ultimate slight of hand, when? In reality our own foundations and the tax exempt laws should have been reviewed.

It was our very own oligarchs and their non-profit foundations, which eventually became intertwined with the intel agencies that did the nation in.

The fact that our own government gave the multi-millionaires and billionaires the right to be oligarchical collectivists and brainwash America? That is what spelled the doom for the nation. . . and our leaders knew, and then covered it up, all because of money. And BOTH sides have been in on it, since forever. Any conservative that has been in on CFR or trilateral meetings is guilty.

Tax-exempt foundations​

Dodd's claims about his investigative work have become the cornerstone of theories implicating the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation, among others.[2] He stated in his findings[3] that many foundations were intentionally campaigning to involve the United States in such wars as World War I and that they also sought ways to warp American teaching of history through explicit control of the education system in the United States.

Rene Wormser, the legal counsel to the Reece Committee, wrote in his 1958 book on the subject, "It is difficult for the public to understand that some of the great foundations which have done so much for us in some fields have acted tragically against the public interest in others, but the facts are there for the unprejudiced to recognize."[4]

The Norman Dodd Collection at the Rosalind Kress Haley Library (7800 Bonhomme Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri) contains books from Norman Dodd's personal library.

Norman and his wife Louise are both buried in Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery (Keene, Albemarle County, Virginia).

From your second link;

"The Marxists gained a foothold in our colleges and universities, and using leftist educators to indoctrinate the minds of young impressionable American youths; their long-term goals were well underway. Barack Obama himself is a product of this kind of indoctrination. He grew up surrounded by Marxists who undoubtedly had a major influence on him during his formative years."

Congress and the establishment knew all about this, and instead, distracted and blamed "McCarthy," and a bunch of so called communists. It was the ultimate slight of hand, when? In reality our own foundations and the tax exempt laws should have been reviewed.

It was our very own oligarchs and their non-profit foundations, which eventually became intertwined with the intel agencies that did the nation in.

The fact that our own government gave the multi-millionaires and billionaires the right to be oligarchical collectivists and brainwash America? That is what spelled the doom for the nation. . . and our leaders knew, and then covered it up, all because of money. And BOTH sides have been in on it, since forever. Any conservative that has been in on CFR or trilateral meetings is guilty.

Tax-exempt foundations​

Dodd's claims about his investigative work have become the cornerstone of theories implicating the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation, among others.[2] He stated in his findings[3] that many foundations were intentionally campaigning to involve the United States in such wars as World War I and that they also sought ways to warp American teaching of history through explicit control of the education system in the United States.

Rene Wormser, the legal counsel to the Reece Committee, wrote in his 1958 book on the subject, "It is difficult for the public to understand that some of the great foundations which have done so much for us in some fields have acted tragically against the public interest in others, but the facts are there for the unprejudiced to recognize."[4]

The Norman Dodd Collection at the Rosalind Kress Haley Library (7800 Bonhomme Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri) contains books from Norman Dodd's personal library.

Norman and his wife Louise are both buried in Christ Episcopal Church Cemetery (Keene, Albemarle County, Virginia).

When you get in bed with these people....they will eventually trick you into doing something you normally wouldn't do. You'll just try to rationalize it in your mind, but it's still wrong.

Politicians do it for the beachfront properties in Martha's Vinyard they end up getting for all of the graft and bribes they took. College kids want socialism because they don't own anything, and thus they have nothing to lose. They're being taught that Capitalism is evil...and CRT teaches them that you can find racism in just about anything if you let your imagination run wild.
Democrats are all about lowering expectations.
The left is for upgrading infrastructure to help out with supply side economics, unlike the right wing.
Democrats have decided that infrastructure is whatever they want it to be.

Reagan was a big fan of supply-side economics.

Democrats instead like two-tiered systems....the haves and the have-nots.
Crony Capitalism. A two-tiered justice system (social justice) that favors people according to their race, sex, sexual-orientation, or just their political leanings.
What is essential to get ahead in their system is spout their propaganda in the most public manner possible and you pay no taxes...get the best gigs.....end up in the best movies.
But guess what....Biden has expanded welfare with the $1.8 trillion COVID relief plan.....buying votes from people who have suffered from the pandemic. Paying families $300/mo per child for the next 4 years and possibly extending it permanently creating a new federal benefit program.

Did they ever find any technical/logistical valuations to support this thread or do we have to listen to pure opinion from a biased writer and a biased OP? I mean it's not that hard to understand production 101 class on starting an economy after a Trump led depression..
Be sure to let us know when that starts.
The left is for upgrading infrastructure to help out with supply side economics, unlike the right wing.
Most of the money for”upgrading” infrastructure gets pocketed by big democratic campaign contributors and little gets done. What happened to the billions Obama spent on infrastructure? I sure didn’t see many new highways, bridges, rail lines or high speed data connections get built. Look at the California High Speed Rail project for an example: tens of billions spent for a few miles of unusable track in the middle of nowhere, no rail stock bought, no power plants built, just a lot of money spent on “studies” and political coordination. Or the Boston Big Dig: way over budget and behind schedule. About the only democratic public works project I can think of that came in on time and on budget were the post Northridge quake freeway repairs. Those had cost and time requirements and bonus’ built into the contracts.
It shows you how poor the American media does informing the public.
We supply businesses/manufacturers with a number of needed items.
I can't get over how surprised people are on a daily basis when we tell them they can't get what they want. There is this disbelief... like is this real?
Every single day now we are telling folks that is no available, I can get this instead... or no one can get it... stuck in a freaking port with our government doing absolutely nothing about it.
The average American has no idea we are on the precipice of shortages we haven't seen since WW II.
And that is not an exaggeration.
Democrats are all about lowering expectations. They want to weaken us and make us less of a threat to the rest of the world. The problem with that is along with the lowered expectations comes an inability to produce what is needed to keep the economy rolling.

They can't help themselves. Democrats don't have any allegiance to this country, (doing so is racist) so of course they don't want America to succeed. America is evil....because of slavery....(nevermind that many other countries had slavery as well...even today) and thus is created with a dark cloud over it's head from the very beginning. At least that's what the left wants minorities to believe.

So Democrat politicians are leaning further and further left....and weakening us in the process. They're listening to our competition and selling us out.

If you want to know why you can't get a dishwasher delivered or a refrigerator...it's because the price is going up so fast that by the time it's built....they can't deliver it at a profit. I ordered a Samsung Dishwasher from Lowe's way back in November and they kept pushing back the delivery date. Eventually I cancelled my order a couple of weeks ago. Why would they deliver a dishwasher to somebody from the online store when they can sell them at twice the price in stores? And you can't just walk into the store and get the model you want because it's never available.

I looked into replacing my deck but building material costs have gone up 400% just since November. And the reason is Joe Biden signing new government restrictions thru executive orders. Biden has been busy signing crap EOs by the bushel designed to hammer the consumer since the day he was sworn in.

Paying people an extra $300/wk in unemployment is designed to keep people at home. This is why many of the shortages are popping up (along with COVID restrictions). I heard they have a shortage of wings to make hotwings. One of my Burger Kings ran out of Whopper meat a couple of months ago due to shortages. And restaurants are having problems opening because they can't get anyone to work. Help Wanted signs are everywhere.

Then there's the debt. How much has Biden spent this year? Roughly $3 trillion....and climbing. And how much of it is going where they claim it's supposed to be going? Less than 6%. This is how you cause inflation. Reducing the value of the USD at an unprecedented rate by printing money reducing the value of the dollar.

There is so much destruction that the new administration is responsible for. Cutting off the Keystone Pipeline project. Encouraging millions of illegals to rush to our Southern border and leaving the door wide open. The damage that Biden is responsible for forced them to claim that they were relaxing mask standards just to give their corrupt media something to applaud about. But it's really just a distraction. I wonder if people are really happy about all of this terrible news we see daily. Are we really happy about it? Maybe to people who live in California who've been putting up with this government mess for years. They may not even notice the change. Maybe they think everything is great as long as we don't have to read any more nasty Tweets.

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Feel better now. Have another dummy spit.
When wages are so ungodly bad that the govt can compete we have ourselves s wage problem. The cheapskates cannot find workers. I have zero sorrow for those businesses.
Right-wingers had nothing but repeal instead of any better solutions.
The better solution is not to waste taxpayer money. Don’t build a project unless it’s necessary. Unfortunately both parties do it to buy votes. No bridges to nowhere, no airports that serve a handful of people.
When wages are so ungodly bad that the govt can compete we have ourselves s wage problem. The cheapskates cannot find workers. I have zero sorrow for those businesses.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States can solve simple poverty in a market friendly manner that helps promote wage growth.
Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States can solve simple poverty in a market friendly manner that helps promote wage growth.
Nope, not even close.

1. What you posted is garbled nonsense that means nothing.
2. We've been over this way too many times and you've been shown where you're wrong way too many times that you can still be ignorant.
3. You started a lawsuit over this. How loud did the judge laugh when he tossed your case, or are you still waiting for them to find time to laugh at you?
People don't want crap wages for service sector jobs because of the risks associated with these jobs...and there is nothing to purchase anyway because store shelves are so empty like the warehouses are.

So for most people, they stay away from the workplace and learn to live on less. IE no materialism.

The shortages are due to supply chain interruptions...the walnuts get harvested and they are put through the cracker/sheller but the shells sit around because the parts for the shell grinder have been on backorder and the labor needed to fill it isn't available...so the ground walnut shells used for making medicines doesn't get to the distributor and then the drugmaker stops making those drugs until a pallet of ground walnut shells becomes available and delivered.... meanwhile the guy who takes meds made from those shells stays home because he can't get his meds and it's an infection zone anyway...

And it keeps going on and on and on.

We aren't going to get back to any sense of normalcy until maybe after next Christmas...not this one...the next one. And even then it's going to be a lot different.
Nope, not even close.

1. What you posted is garbled nonsense that means nothing.
2. We've been over this way too many times and you've been shown where you're wrong way too many times that you can still be ignorant.
3. You started a lawsuit over this. How loud did the judge laugh when he tossed your case, or are you still waiting for them to find time to laugh at you?
Isn't right-wing fantasy wonderful. You can Always be Right, in right-wing fantasy.

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