Louisville policeman in trouble over e-mail


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

The email begins by saying: "I know it is hard to keep our thoughts and opinions to ourselves sometimes, especially when we, as a whole or as an individual, become the target of people in the public who criticize what we do without even knowing the facts.

"These ANTIFA and BLM people, especially the ones who just jumped on the bandwagon 'yesterday' because they became 'woke' (insert eye roll here), do not deserve a second glance or thought from us," it continues. "Our little pinky toenails have more character, morals, and ethics, than these punks have in their entire body."

"Do not stoop to their level. Do not respond to them. If we do, we only validate what they did. Don't make them important, because they are not. They will be the ones washing our cars, cashing us out at the Walmart, or living in their parents' basement playing COD for their entire life."

"COD" refers to the video game "Call of Duty."

Hallahan goes on to say, "If you need to bitch about it and get it off your chest, come to my office and we can vent together." She also claimed that officers "are being doxed merely because people just don't like being told what to do or what not to do by police."

I know, I know, the truth hurts
I will say that how warrants are conducted should be looked into. Why are they breaking into people's homes in the middle of the night, for example?

But these police officers did NOTHING wrong.

But the media and the mob won't address the issues such as this that need addressed. No, they will move onto something else that won't fix any of it. Their only objectives are to try and feed the fodder of systemic racism. But does anyone here think that if Taylor had been white none of this would have happened?

That is laughable. In fact, the police officers were black.
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The email begins by saying: "I know it is hard to keep our thoughts and opinions to ourselves sometimes, especially when we, as a whole or as an individual, become the target of people in the public who criticize what we do without even knowing the facts.

"These ANTIFA and BLM people, especially the ones who just jumped on the bandwagon 'yesterday' because they became 'woke' (insert eye roll here), do not deserve a second glance or thought from us," it continues. "Our little pinky toenails have more character, morals, and ethics, than these punks have in their entire body."

"Do not stoop to their level. Do not respond to them. If we do, we only validate what they did. Don't make them important, because they are not. They will be the ones washing our cars, cashing us out at the Walmart, or living in their parents' basement playing COD for their entire life."

"COD" refers to the video game "Call of Duty."

Hallahan goes on to say, "If you need to bitch about it and get it off your chest, come to my office and we can vent together." She also claimed that officers "are being doxed merely because people just don't like being told what to do or what not to do by police."

I know, I know, the truth hurts
I think it's time to start cracking some heads.
The only reason this shit is still going on is because of idiots trying to maintain the high moral ground.
All you do when you suck up to violent criminals is encourage them to get more violent.
I don't see how she should be in trouble at all.
Well in today's PC world she is toast and probably loose her job and will have her house burned down with Don Lemming smiling ear to ear about it.

That is the vile hate and injustice the officer was referring to.

So you mean the non existent type, right? She wouldn't lose her job if what she did wasn't illegal or unethical.
I don't see how she should be in trouble at all.
Well in today's PC world she is toast and probably loose her job and will have her house burned down with Don Lemming smiling ear to ear about it.

That is the vile hate and injustice the officer was referring to.

So you mean the non existent type, right? She wouldn't lose her job if what she did wasn't illegal or unethical.
People are losing their jobs for just saying all lives matter dufus.

You people are brown shirts.
I don't see how she should be in trouble at all.
Well in today's PC world she is toast and probably loose her job and will have her house burned down with Don Lemming smiling ear to ear about it.

That is the vile hate and injustice the officer was referring to.

So you mean the non existent type, right? She wouldn't lose her job if what she did wasn't illegal or unethical.

I don't see how she should be in trouble at all.
Well in today's PC world she is toast and probably loose her job and will have her house burned down with Don Lemming smiling ear to ear about it.

That is the vile hate and injustice the officer was referring to.

So you mean the non existent type, right? She wouldn't lose her job if what she did wasn't illegal or unethical.
People are losing their jobs for just saying all lives matter dufus.

You people are brown shirts.

And you are an idiot.

The email begins by saying: "I know it is hard to keep our thoughts and opinions to ourselves sometimes, especially when we, as a whole or as an individual, become the target of people in the public who criticize what we do without even knowing the facts.

"These ANTIFA and BLM people, especially the ones who just jumped on the bandwagon 'yesterday' because they became 'woke' (insert eye roll here), do not deserve a second glance or thought from us," it continues. "Our little pinky toenails have more character, morals, and ethics, than these punks have in their entire body."

"Do not stoop to their level. Do not respond to them. If we do, we only validate what they did. Don't make them important, because they are not. They will be the ones washing our cars, cashing us out at the Walmart, or living in their parents' basement playing COD for their entire life."

"COD" refers to the video game "Call of Duty."

Hallahan goes on to say, "If you need to bitch about it and get it off your chest, come to my office and we can vent together." She also claimed that officers "are being doxed merely because people just don't like being told what to do or what not to do by police."

I know, I know, the truth hurts

I can't pull up the link.

The email begins by saying: "I know it is hard to keep our thoughts and opinions to ourselves sometimes, especially when we, as a whole or as an individual, become the target of people in the public who criticize what we do without even knowing the facts.

"These ANTIFA and BLM people, especially the ones who just jumped on the bandwagon 'yesterday' because they became 'woke' (insert eye roll here), do not deserve a second glance or thought from us," it continues. "Our little pinky toenails have more character, morals, and ethics, than these punks have in their entire body."

"Do not stoop to their level. Do not respond to them. If we do, we only validate what they did. Don't make them important, because they are not. They will be the ones washing our cars, cashing us out at the Walmart, or living in their parents' basement playing COD for their entire life."

"COD" refers to the video game "Call of Duty."

Hallahan goes on to say, "If you need to bitch about it and get it off your chest, come to my office and we can vent together." She also claimed that officers "are being doxed merely because people just don't like being told what to do or what not to do by police."

I know, I know, the truth hurts
Nothing wrong with her email...............
I don't see how she should be in trouble at all.
Well in today's PC world she is toast and probably loose her job and will have her house burned down with Don Lemming smiling ear to ear about it.

That is the vile hate and injustice the officer was referring to.

So you mean the non existent type, right? She wouldn't lose her job if what she did wasn't illegal or unethical.
People are losing their jobs for just saying all lives matter dufus.

You people are brown shirts.

And you are an idiot.
Oh dear, someone is having flashbacks of their father.
I don't see how she should be in trouble at all.
Well in today's PC world she is toast and probably loose her job and will have her house burned down with Don Lemming smiling ear to ear about it.

That is the vile hate and injustice the officer was referring to.

So you mean the non existent type, right? She wouldn't lose her job if what she did wasn't illegal or unethical.
Yeah.....and all of those riots are just peaceful-protests.
I don't see how she should be in trouble at all.
Well in today's PC world she is toast and probably loose her job and will have her house burned down with Don Lemming smiling ear to ear about it.

That is the vile hate and injustice the officer was referring to.

So you mean the non existent type, right? She wouldn't lose her job if what she did wasn't illegal or unethical.
People are losing their jobs for just saying all lives matter dufus.

You people are brown shirts.

And you are an idiot.

You lied. He called you on it. And you don't have the moral character to admit it.
I don't see how she should be in trouble at all.
Well in today's PC world she is toast and probably loose her job and will have her house burned down with Don Lemming smiling ear to ear about it.

That is the vile hate and injustice the officer was referring to.

So you mean the non existent type, right? She wouldn't lose her job if what she did wasn't illegal or unethical.
People are losing their jobs for just saying all lives matter dufus.

You people are brown shirts.

And you are an idiot.
How ironic.
You're one of those idiots that bought into putting Jews in the ghettos and wondered why the SS shipped them off to concentration camps. They must have done something wrong to deserve such treatment, right? People who oppress their populations are really just good people after all. At least they sound like decent people thanks to their corrupt media friends carrying water for them.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that email. She's saying, in a very colorful way, do your jobs regardless of the unfair crap that's going on. Don't take out your frustration on the rioters, but rather come see me. Anyone offended by thus no doubt falls under the term "snowflake".

btw... when is anyone going to ask who's setting up and funding the rioters? Does anyone really think these are legit every day concerned citizens using their 1st Amendment rights?
I don't see how she should be in trouble at all.
Well in today's PC world she is toast and probably loose her job and will have her house burned down with Don Lemming smiling ear to ear about it.

That is the vile hate and injustice the officer was referring to.

So you mean the non existent type, right? She wouldn't lose her job if what she did wasn't illegal or unethical.
People are losing their jobs for just saying all lives matter dufus.

You people are brown shirts.

And you are an idiot.

You lied. He called you on it. And you don't have the moral character to admit it.

The Federalist is not credible, and that particular article is less credible than most.
I don't see how she should be in trouble at all.
Well in today's PC world she is toast and probably loose her job and will have her house burned down with Don Lemming smiling ear to ear about it.

That is the vile hate and injustice the officer was referring to.

So you mean the non existent type, right? She wouldn't lose her job if what she did wasn't illegal or unethical.
People are losing their jobs for just saying all lives matter dufus.

You people are brown shirts.

And you are an idiot.

You lied. He called you on it. And you don't have the moral character to admit it.

The Federalist is not credible, and that particular article is less credible than most.

Your denial of the witch hunt type shit you people are doing in our society, makes you the one who has ZERO CREDIBILITY.

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