Lori Lightfoot strikes again!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Lori Lightfoot, also known as Beetlejuice as well as the Mayor of Chicago, publicily and openly said, ""F[***] Clarence Thomas,"

Classy. What a good role model she is for the kiddies.

But why did she single out a black man? Why not say that about all the justices and instead just lynch yet another black man?

It is because black democrats like herself are openly engaged in the black genocide of her own race, as our many black democrat voters. She supports abortion on demand that has seen more black abortions in New York City than births, and supports abortion centers that are primarily located in black neighborhoods around the country, to the tune of about 89% of them. In fact, about 36% of abortions are from black mothers, even though they make up less than 10% of the population

Also, blacks like herself fosters the black on black violence in her own city, which is one of the most violent cities in the country. Lightfoot endorsed defunding the police, while she increased police protection on her own street as she sleeps very well at night while member of her own race die in the streets from black violence and crime.

Lori is a sell out, and Uncle Tom, to her own people. This walking and talking pile of human excrement has no shame.
I've got a nice plastic bag that would look SO GOOD over her head!!!!


Lori Lightfoot, also known as Beetlejuice as well as the Mayor of Chicago, publicily and openly said, ""F[***] Clarence Thomas,"

Classy. What a good role model she is for the kiddies.

But why did she single out a black man? Why not say that about all the justices and instead just lynch yet another black man?

It is because black democrats like herself are openly engaged in the black genocide of her own race, as our many black democrat voters. She supports abortion on demand that has seen more black abortions in New York City than births, and supports abortion centers that are primarily located in black neighborhoods around the country, to the tune of about 89% of them. In fact, about 36% of abortions are from black mothers, even though they make up less than 10% of the population

Also, blacks like herself fosters the black on black violence in her own city, which is one of the most violent cities in the country. Lightfoot endorsed defunding the police, while she increased police protection on her own street as she sleeps very well at night while member of her own race die in the streets from black violence and crime.

Lori is a sell out, and Uncle Tom, to her own people. This walking and talking pile of human excrement has no shame.
The Democrats have sunk to an unbelievable low.
The day I let these clownish assholes take my guns is the day hell absolutely freezes over.

They are showing what they are truly about over these latest rulings. They dont believe in the Constitution, America, the rule of law, or anything else positive. Only lawlessness, death, and anarchy.

fuck each and everyone one of them. You want my guns come and get em you slime ball pieces of shit!!!!

Lori Lightfoot, also known as Beetlejuice as well as the Mayor of Chicago, publicily and openly said, ""F[***] Clarence Thomas,"

Classy. What a good role model she is for the kiddies.

But why did she single out a black man? Why not say that about all the justices and instead just lynch yet another black man?

It is because black democrats like herself are openly engaged in the black genocide of her own race, as our many black democrat voters. She supports abortion on demand that has seen more black abortions in New York City than births, and supports abortion centers that are primarily located in black neighborhoods around the country, to the tune of about 89% of them. In fact, about 36% of abortions are from black mothers, even though they make up less than 10% of the population

Also, blacks like herself fosters the black on black violence in her own city, which is one of the most violent cities in the country. Lightfoot endorsed defunding the police, while she increased police protection on her own street as she sleeps very well at night while member of her own race die in the streets from black violence and crime.

Lori is a sell out, and Uncle Tom, to her own people. This walking and talking pile of human excrement has no shame.
Let's do that again:

"The entire left is a bunch of mad ugly people yelling the F-word at the Supreme Court and cheering crowds of idiots thinking it somehow makes a difference. Symbolism over substance to the Nth degree," radio host Derek Hunter tweeted.​
The day I let these clownish assholes take my guns is the day hell absolutely freezes over.

They are showing what they are truly about over these latest rulings. They dont believe in the Constitution, America, the rule of law, or anything else positive. Only lawlessness, death, and anarchy.

fuck each and everyone one of them. You want my guns come and get em you slime ball pieces of shit!!!!

I was watching all the hurdles California is talking about making to get a CCW. They could care less about courts, law or anything else they don't approve of. If they're against it, they're going to do what they damn well please and F the Constitution or the courts.
Chuck Schumer should be arrested for inciting violence.
Merrick Garland has the job of shutting down protests at the homes of SCOTUS because it is the law, but won't

He also won't investigate the violence at pro-life agencies.

He is too busy using the FBI to label parents as domestic terrorists at local school boards

He is as bad, or worse, than Eric Holder who armed drug lords with guns via taxpayer money.
Scholars need to study the Butterfly Effect responsible for that manic fucktard rising above the level of a carwash flunkie to preside over the murder and mayhem of Shitcongo.

We must insure that it cannot occur again..... ever.

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