Loretta Lynch Confirmation Hearing: Not Looking Good


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The consensus seems to be that the Republican dominated Senate Judiciary committee is going to vote to confirm Obama selectee, Loretta Lynch to be the new Attorney General (or at least send it to the full Senate for a vote). I think that is insane.

Pressed by Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, a leading immigration hard-liner, she said citizenship was not a right for people in the country illegally, but rather a privilege that must be earned. However, when Sessions asked whether individuals in the country legally or those who are here unlawfully have more of a right to a job, Lynch replied, "The right and the obligation to work is one that's shared by everyone in this country regardless of how they came here."

"WHAT ????

Sessions quickly issued a news release to highlight that response. Under later questioning by Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, (and probably a lot of coaching), Lynch clarified it, stating there is no right to work for an immigrant who has no lawful status. "Clarified" ? Or was it a pure lie just to get through the confirmation ?

I don't trust politicians at all, and especially when they say one thing, and then come back later and say another (after finding out what they said the first time would be damaging)

NO WAY IN HELL should this woman be confirmed, who is in support of the invasion of this country by cheap labor "troops" of Mexico, China, India, the Phillipines, et al, that is raking our economy over the coals, pillaging this country for hundreds of Billions$$$$ by remittances and human services payouts (the US paying their poverty bills)

The longer it takes to confirm Lynch, the longer Holder will remain in office.

You guys are going to have to pick which one of your boogeymen is worse.
The longer it takes to confirm Lynch, the longer Holder will remain in office.

You guys are going to have to pick which one of your boogeymen is worse.
I'm guessing the only reason they're going easy on her, is because of how anxious they are to get rid of Holder. But it doesn't do much good to jump from the frying pan, into another frying pan.
"Loretta Lynch Confirmation Hearing: Not Looking Good"

You're obviously deep inside the rightwing bubble, and completely out of touch with reality.

“Attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch impressed during her debut before Congress Wednesday, turning in a performance that likely improved her chances of a smooth path to confirmation.

A marathon hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee stood in stark contrast with often-acrimonious showdowns between lawmakers and the man Lynch is hoping to succeed, Attorney General Eric Holder.

Hours of questioning featured jokes, small talk and other light moments between the veteran New York prosecutor and members of both parties.”

Smooth sailing for AG nominee Lynch TheHill
She'll be confirmed with little to no fanfare.

As for the grandstanding... that's another matter.

Let's just fast-track the bullshit and get it over with. There are pressing matters, the first of which is counting down the clock to when Obama leaves office.
She's a shoe in. This is all a show to make people think it matters.
The Hill has Lynch being a very impressive candidate all in all during the hearing.

We shall see.
It doesn't matter who the nominee for AG is they will be similar in their views to what Obama is the only question is to what degree. Presidents generally nominate people to key positions who have similar views to theirs no reason to think it would be different with Obama.

A marathon hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee stood in stark contrast with often-acrimonious showdowns between lawmakers and the man Lynch is hoping to succeed, Attorney General Eric Holder.
This dumb post was answered by the post (# 3) that immediately preceded it.

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